Topic Review
Transport Energy Usage in Cities
Energy usage in cities is intertwined with its spatial configuration — the denser and more compact the city, the more concentrated and efficient the energy usage is to be expected. This entry compares spatial configuration with energy usage for person transport by cars, where energy usage is defined as a product of the variables traffic speed and traffic volume.
  • 865
  • 27 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Population Projections
Population projections serve various actors at sub-national, national, and international levels as a quantitative basis for political and economic decision-making. Often, the users are no experts in statistics or forecasting and therefore lack the methodological and demographic background to completely understand the methods and limitations behind the projections they use for their analyses. Our contribution primarily targets that readership.
  • 772
  • 27 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Math Education
Problem solving has been a prominent field of research in mathematics education for several decades; however, it is still a current trend, due to the relevance of this theme in the teaching and learning of mathematics, across all grade levels and around the world. The importance of problem solving has taken on new contours, either by being considered as a central element of mathematical literacy and competence, or by the recommendations of its cross-curricular integration. Further, problem solving is constantly being mentioned as a highly valued 21st century skill, along with others like creativity, critical thinking, communication or collaboration. Parallel to problem solving comes problem posing. It is a more recent field of research, still in deep development, that has strong connections with creativity and critical thinking. Despite advances in research on mathematical problem solving, new questions and contexts arise that justify further investigation, such as challenges for (future) teachers and students; problem posing; creativity; articulation with other abilities; connections with other disciplinary areas; formal vs. nonformal education; relation with technology; and articulation with the affective domain.
  • 836
  • 26 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Municipal Solid Waste Management
Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) management has been a major problem of modern cities for many years. Thus, the development of optimal waste management strategies has been a priority for the European Commission, especially in the transition toward a circular economy. Efficient waste streams sorting is of vital importance for the effective implementation of an integrated waste management system toward the sustainable management of MSW.
  • 1.6K
  • 26 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Visualize sustainability
       The debate on definitions of sustainability and sustainable development continues is alive and well after fifty years.  What the debate reveals is that there are multiple perspectives, ideologies and projections involved, and that these concepts of hybrid ones.  This hybridity is also reflected in the long tradition of representing these concepts, as triangles, circles, systems diagrams and living organisms, among others.  In the same way that the definitions of sustainability and sustainable development have been organized by typology, these representations can also be grouped according to similar features, characteristics and etiologies.  A typology of visual representations of these concepts is important for two reasons.  The first is that it supports reflexive processes in education and communication.  The second is that it reveals the complexity and hybridity of these contested concepts.
  • 857
  • 26 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Pro-Environmental Behavior
Pro-environmental behavior, also known as green-, sustainable-, or environmentally-friendly (eco-friendly) behavior, is defined as behaviors in which individuals take protective actions toward the environment [8]. 
  • 23.9K
  • 26 Oct 2020
Topic Review
From an ecological perspective, relationships range from to mutualism (i.e., beneficial/beneficial) to parasitism (i.e., beneficial/harmful). Mutualism in international production can be defined as international production that enables socially sustainable mutual prosperity growth between all countries involved in the international production.
  • 1.1K
  • 26 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Cruise Tourism
Cruise tourism is one of the leading industries suffering from covid-19 recently. Cruise tourism uses cruise ships with elegant services and various entertainment facilities as a means of transportation for scenic coastal tourist destinations. In particular, in accordance with the recent trend of increasing the size of ships, cruise lines have expanded the size and facilities of ships, and have continued to increase the maximum number of boarding ships. The cruise travel process and intensive entertainment system turned out to be a tourism structure vulnerable to the covid-19 pandemic. Will cruise tourism be extinguished? Should we prepare for the post-Pandermic cruise tourism era?
  • 10.4K
  • 26 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Walking and Cycling
Walking and cycling are not only frequently-utilized modes of transport but also a popular component of people’s daily physical activity. As two alternatives to motorized travel modes such as private driving, walking and cycling can effectively reduce transport costs and, at the same time, mitigate traffic congestion induced by the explosion of motorized transport [1]. 
  • 839
  • 26 Oct 2020
Topic Review
GIS-Based Emotional Computing
In recent years, with the growing accessibility of abundant contextual emotion information, which is benefited by the numerous georeferenced user-generated content and the maturity of artificial intelligence (AI)-based emotional computing technics, the emotion layer of human–environment relationship is proposed for enriching traditional methods of various related disciplines such as urban planning. This paper proposes the geographic information system (GIS)-based emotional computing concept, which is a novel framework for applying GIS methods to collective human emotion. The methodology presented in this paper consists of three key steps: (1) collecting georeferenced data containing emotion and environment information such as social media and official sites, (2) detecting emotions using AI-based emotional computing technics such as natural language processing (NLP) and computer vision (CV), and (3) visualizing and analyzing the spatiotemporal patterns with GIS tools. This methodology is a great synergy of multidisciplinary cutting-edge techniques, such as GIScience, sociology, and computer science. Moreover, it can effectively and deeply explore the connection between people and their surroundings with the help of GIS methods. Generally, the framework provides a standard workflow to calculate and analyze the new information layer for researchers, in which a measured human-centric perspective onto the environment is possible.
  • 741
  • 26 Oct 2020
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