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1 This entry provides a definition and synonyms of pro-environmental behavior and how pro-environmental behavior relates to climate change adaptive behavior + 278 word(s) 278 2020-10-08 04:25:20 |
2 Format correct -75 word(s) 203 2020-10-14 04:51:28 | |
3 Format correct Meta information modification 203 2020-10-14 10:53:03 | |
4 Format correct Meta information modification 203 2020-10-26 09:36:20 |

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Lee, E.; Khan, A. Pro-Environmental Behavior. Encyclopedia. Available online: (accessed on 17 February 2025).
Lee E, Khan A. Pro-Environmental Behavior. Encyclopedia. Available at: Accessed February 17, 2025.
Lee, Eun-Young, Asaduzzaman Khan. "Pro-Environmental Behavior" Encyclopedia, (accessed February 17, 2025).
Lee, E., & Khan, A. (2020, October 13). Pro-Environmental Behavior. In Encyclopedia.
Lee, Eun-Young and Asaduzzaman Khan. "Pro-Environmental Behavior." Encyclopedia. Web. 13 October, 2020.
Pro-Environmental Behavior

Pro-environmental behavior, also known as green-, sustainable-, or environmentally-friendly (eco-friendly) behavior, is defined as behaviors in which individuals take protective actions toward the environment [8]. 

climate change adaptive behavior eco-friendly behavior eco-centric behavior

Pro-environmental behavior (PEB), also known as green-, sustainable-, or environmentally-friendly (eco-friendly) behavior, is defined as behaviors in which individuals take protective actions toward the environment [1]. PEBs include responsibly engaging with outdoors or recycling household waste and recycling but also can be adaptive responses to the impact of climate change such as purchasing sustainable products (e.g., local food, green cleaning products), conserving water or energy, or changing travel modes (e.g., from driving to walking or cycling) to buying an electric vehicle or building an off-grid home [1][2][3][4]. With anthropogenic climate change becoming a more pressing issue, recent climate assessment reports such as the IPCC [5] and scholarly work have begun to use the term “climate change adaptive behavior” (also known as "climate change adaptation behavior") [3][4][6], which is defined as any behavior individuals can engage in to buffer the hazardous impacts of climate change [3] that leads to dual benefits of climate change mitigation and sustainability [5]. Previous literature suggested that PEBs, as part of climate change adaptive behavior, may positively contribute to environmental sustainability [7].


  1. Krajhanzl, J. Environmental and proenvironmental behavior. Sch. Heal. Heal. Educ. Int. Exp. 2010, 21, 251–274.
  2. Jackson, T. Motivating Sustainable Consumption: A Review of Evidence on Consumer Behaviour and Behavioural Change. Available online: (accessed on 1 September 2020).
  3. Van Valkengoed, A.M.; Steg, L. Meta-analyses of factors motivating climate change adaptation behaviour. Nat. Clim. Chang. 2019, 9, 158–163.
  4. Carman, J.P.; Zint, M.T. Defining and classifying personal and household climate change adaptation behaviors. Glob. Environ. Chang. 2020, 61, 102062.
  5. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. IPCC Fifth Assessment Report. 2017. Available online: (accessed on 1 September 2020).
  6. Grothmann, T.; Patt, A. Adaptive capacity and human cognition: The process of individual adaptation to climate change. Glob. Environ. Chang. 2005, 15, 199–213.
  7. Steg, L.; Vlek, C. Encouraging pro-environmental behaviour: An integrative review and research agenda. J. Environ. Psychol. 2009, 29, 309–317.
  8. Krajhanzl, J. Environmental and proenvironmental behavior. Sch. Heal. Heal. Educ. Int. Exp. 2010, 21, 251–274.
  9. Jackson, T. Motivating Sustainable Consumption: A Review of Evidence on Consumer Behaviour and Behavioural Change. Available online: (accessed on 1 September 2020).
  10. Van Valkengoed, A.M.; Steg, L. Meta-analyses of factors motivating climate change adaptation behaviour. Nat. Clim. Chang. 2019, 9, 158–163.
  11. Carman, J.P.; Zint, M.T. Defining and classifying personal and household climate change adaptation behaviors. Glob. Environ. Chang. 2020, 61, 102062.
  12. Grothmann, T.; Patt, A. Adaptive capacity and human cognition: The process of individual adaptation to climate change. Glob. Environ. Chang. 2005, 15, 199–213.
  13. Steg, L.; Vlek, C. Encouraging pro-environmental behaviour: An integrative review and research agenda. J. Environ. Psychol. 2009, 29, 309–317.
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