Topic Review
Digital Authoritarianism
Digital authoritarianism describes a specific mode of governing in which autocratic rule is exercised and enhanced largely through the aid of digital technologies.
  • 1.5K
  • 22 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Digital Distractions in College Classrooms and Its Impact
University campuses have progressively been equipped with technology. In fact, the presence of technology on university campuses is expected to be increasingly noticeable, as many universities are undergoing digitization processes. Students use many different types of technological devices and software applications during academic activities. Any stimulus or information that diverts an individual’s attention from the main task at hand is considered a distractor. Distractors affect the human ability to concentrate and have an external (noise, movement, etc.) or internal (thoughts, feelings, etc.) origin.
  • 587
  • 29 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Digital Economy and Carbon Emission Reduction
Climate change poses a formidable global challenge, impacting the long-term sustainability of human society. The prosperous development of the digital economy can trigger a comprehensive green transformation from factors of production to productivity and production relationships.
  • 365
  • 15 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Digital Economy, Environmental Regulation, Sustainable Development in China
The digital economy and environmental regulation are important drivers of sustainable development, and exploring the coupling of the three is important for promoting the coordinated development of regional economy, society and environment. The development of the digital economy has given rise to a new model of economic growth, but it has also led to the accelerated penetration of digital technology into different areas of China’s economic and social development, which has contributed to socio-economic development and environmental protection through the efficient allocation and integration of resources.
  • 353
  • 03 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Digital Entrepreneurship and Creative Industries in Tourism
Digital entrepreneurship and creative industries in tourism have been emerging strongly, possibly as a result of the global pandemic of the last two years. Their growth in the last decade has been due to the penetration of technology into the daily life of the tourist and the desire for tours that combine intangible value and a differentiated experience. 
  • 1.2K
  • 20 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Digital Game-Based Support for Learning The Phlebotomy Procedure
Practice-based training in education is important, expensive, and resource-demanding. Digital games can provide complementary training opportunities for practicing procedural skills and increase the value of the limited laboratory training time in biomedical laboratory science (BLS) education. The Digital Game-Based Learning (DGBL) application has been taken as an engaging and effective learning method for learning how to perform the phlebotomy procedure, and even—for some students—to reduce phlebotomy-related anxiety. The game motivated students to train more, and teachers were positive towards using it in education.
  • 758
  • 23 May 2022
Topic Review
Digital Government
Digital Government (DG) may be treated as an umbrella concept, and engaged rhetoric may respond to different government priorities. DG does not have one settled definition; extracting the “perfect” one emerges as a scientific activity on its own, and circulating definitions vary in terms of scope—from information supply to e-democracy; subject—from citizens to all public stakeholders; and technology family—from personal computers to the Internet. To make things even more complicated, DG is also called by various synonyms or near synonyms, such as “electronic government,” “electronic governance,” “transformational government,” and others. In our paper, we stick with the “digital government” label and study its relations with governance. A clarification for readers not familiar with this nomenclature: DG does not refer to a “digital” variant of “normal” government; it is rather about the use of digital technologies by government. What is more, a distinction between “government” and “governance” should be made: governance is a multi-stakeholder process and government at any level can be a stakeholder in this process.
  • 848
  • 29 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Digital Inclusivity
In the fast-paced digital economy, stakeholders across regions, industries and organisational typologies are recognising the growing significance of adopting customer-centric digital strategies. Inexorably, this necessitates the comprehension of consumer behaviours across a diverse customer spectrum, including individuals with disabilities (PwD).
  • 250
  • 05 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Digital Innovative Governance of the Indonesian Creative Economy
The creative economy encompasses a diverse range of sectors, including digital content production, software development, gaming, design, and various forms of artistry. The digital transformation of the creative economy has presented Indonesia with a unique set of challenges and opportunities, demanding innovative governance strategies to navigate this dynamic landscape. 
  • 143
  • 15 Dec 2023
Topic Review Peer Reviewed
Digital Literacy and Electronic Business
Digital literacy is a term that traditionally describes the extent to which a person is able to use interactive digital devices for living and working, such as computers and smartphones, as well as services delivered through these devices. The advent of the digital society at large and electronic business, specifically in the past decades, has broadened the use of digital devices beyond the isolated uses of working and simple communication; this advent has created digital ecosystems in which workers and consumers are embedded to various degrees, such as social media platforms or integrated shopping and media platforms. This embedding implies that a traditional, narrow notion of digital literacy needs to be extended and made more precise. For this purpose, we use the related notions of digital dexterity, digital proficiency and digital awareness. The term digital dexterity describes the extent to which an individual can handle or operate digital devices or services from a physical perspective. The term digital proficiency describes the extent to which an individual can use digital means to effectively and efficiently facilitate their living and working. The term digital awareness describes the extent to which individuals can understand what their position in digital ecosystems is, including the opportunities and threats of participating in these ecosystems. Digital literacy in the modern, broad interpretation is then the combination of digital dexterity, digital proficiency and digital awareness.
  • 1.8K
  • 13 Apr 2022
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