Topic Review
Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage
The conservation and restoration of cultural heritage focuses on protection and care of tangible cultural heritage, including artworks, architecture, archaeology, and museum collections. Conservation activities include preventive conservation, examination, documentation, research, treatment, and education. This field is closely allied with conservation science, curators and registrars.
  • 1.1K
  • 25 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Conservation-Compatible Retrofit Solutions
Historic, listed, or unlisted, buildings account for 30% of the European building stock. Since they are complex systems of cultural, architectural, and identity value, they need particular attention to ensure that they are preserved, used, and managed over time in a sustainable way. This implies a demand for retrofit solutions able to improve indoor thermal conditions while reducing the use of energy sources and preserving the heritage significance. Often, however, the choice and implementation of retrofit solutions in historic buildings is limited by socio-technical barriers (regulations, lack of knowledge on the hygrothermal behaviour of built heritage, economic viability, etc.). 
  • 780
  • 24 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Conservation-Restoration of Cultural Heritage
The conservation-restoration of cultural heritage focuses on protection and care of tangible cultural heritage, including artworks, architecture, archaeology, and museum collections. Conservation activities include preventive conservation, examination, documentation, research, treatment, and education. This field is closely allied with conservation science, curators and registrars.
  • 5.0K
  • 30 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Conservative Democracy
Conservative democracy (Turkish: muhafazakâr demokrasi) is a label coined by the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) of Turkey to describe Islamic democracy. Forming as a modernist breakaway party from former Islamist movements, the AKP's conservative democratic ideology has been described as a departure from or moderation of Islamic democracy and the endorsement of more secular and democratic values. The electoral success and the neo-Ottoman foreign policy of the AKP that aims to broaden Turkey's regional influence has led to the party's conservative democratic ideals to be mirrored in other countries, such as by the Justice and Development Party in Morocco and the Ennahda Movement in Tunisia. In its broadest sense, the term conservative democracy highlights the compatibility of Islam with democracy, a Western-oriented foreign policy, neoliberal economics and secularism within government. Since the view has been reflected in several economic, foreign, domestic and social policy initiatives, the term conservative democracy has been referred to as a floating signifier that encompasses a broad coalition of ideas. In contrast, and because of its broad definition, the term has also been accused of being a red herring designed to conceal a hidden Islamist agenda but maintain public support. The main ideals of conservative democracy are best identified when they are compared to the Islamist ideology advocated by the AKP's preceding parties. A substantial contrast between the two exist, for example, on their position regarding the European Union, Israel, the United States , economic policy, and to a lesser extent social policy.
  • 761
  • 31 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Consistently Inconsistent Perceptual Illusions in Nonhuman Primates
Visual illusions fascinate humans, in large part because we realize how such experiences disconnect how we perceive the world from reality. The discovery that other animals also experience some of these illusions has provided a compelling comparative story about the role that perception plays in sometimes misrepresenting the nature of the real world. What has also become apparent from comparative studies is that not all animals experience illusions the same way, and sometimes the same individual may not experience some illusions while experiencing others.
  • 364
  • 14 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Constituent State
A constituent state is a state entity that constitutes a part of a sovereign state. A constituent state holds regional jurisdiction over a defined administrative territory, within a sovereign state. Government of a constituent state is a form of regional government. Throughout history, and also in modern political practice, most constituent states are part of complex states, like federations or confederations. Constituent states can have republican or monarchical forms of government. Those of republican form are usually called states or autonomous states, republics or autonomous republics, or cantons. Those that have a monarchical form of government are often defined by traditional hierarchical rank of their ruler (usually a principality, or an emirate).
  • 3.0K
  • 31 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Constitutive Role of Communication in Organizations
The focal point of the communicative constitution of organizations is that “organization is an effect of communication not its predecessor”. This approach, also referred to as the CCO perspective, posits that "elements of communication, rather than being fixed in advance, are reflexively constituted within the act of communication itself".
  • 1.3K
  • 08 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Constructing an Online Sustainable Educational Model
The outbreak of COVID-19 forced billions of learners to stay at home in order to receive online education.  Challenges should also be addressed to sustain online education during the pandemic. Designers, scientists, and teachers should make every effort to increase learning engagement, enhance learning supervision, formulate adequate emergency programs, minimize educational inequalities, solve technical issues, and formulate systematic learning management and organization. The sustainable online educational model may be updated and perfected by including more practical features in the future. 
  • 575
  • 16 May 2022
Topic Review
Construction and Demolition Waste Recycling Supply Chain
An increasing amount of construction and demolition waste (CDW) is generated in the demolition, retrofitting, and new construction of buildings and municipal infrastructure projects. Engineering construction units, as CDW producers, often follow the principle of prioritizing interests, and will accumulate garbage and send it to landfills.
  • 577
  • 28 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Construction Differentiation Pattern of African Railway Network
Since the new century, countries in Africa have started a new round of rail network planning and construction which brings the completed different features together with the spatial organization of the railway network during the colonial period. Along with the strategic layout of “going out” with China’s railways, the organizational structure of the African railway network will make a tremendous change for the construction market, network organization, and gauge structure of the African railways.
  • 946
  • 24 Dec 2021
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