Topic Review
The Sustainable Improvement of Educational Empirical Research Quality
With the transformation of the knowledge production model, the research system of educational research is becoming more extensive, and academic collaboration has become an important productive method of promoting the sustainable development of educational empirical research. Identity collaboration, institutional collaboration, international collaboration, and discipline collaboration were all found to have a strongly significant influence on the sustainable improvement of educational empirical research output quality. 
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  • 25 Mar 2022
Topic Review
The Sustainability Potential of Upcycling
The upcycling trend has received renewed attention in the past few years due to growing concerns for the environment related to increased resource consumption and waste volumes. Indeed, cities across the world are supporting resource upcycling initiatives by establishing do-it-yourself (DIY) repair cafes and makerspaces as a means to transform societies towards sustainable development. However, the sustainability potential of such upcycling initiatives is unknown due to the lack of theoretical frameworks.
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  • 30 May 2022
Topic Review
The Survivors of Sexual Violence in Kenya Network
Police interviews gather detailed information from witnesses about the perpetrator that is crucial for solving crimes. Research has established that interviewing witnesses immediately after the crime maintains memory accuracy over time. However, in some contexts, such as in conflict settings and low-income countries, witness interviews occur after long delays, which decreases survivors’ access to vital services and justice. We investigated whether an immediate interview via a mobile phone application (SV_CaseStudy Mobile Application, hereafter MobApp) developed by the Survivors of Sexual Violence in Kenya Network preserves people’s memory accuracy over time. 
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  • 26 Jan 2022
Topic Review
The Sub-Saharan African Food Security Situation
All around the world, inequalities persist in the complex web of social, economic, and ecological factors that mediate food security outcomes at different human and institutional scales. There have been rapid and continuous improvements in agricultural productivity and better food security in many regions of the world due to an expansion in crop area, irrigation, and supportive policy and institutional initiatives. However, in Sub-Saharan Africa, the situation is inverted. Statistics show that food insecurity has risen since 2015 in Sub-Saharan African countries, and the situation has worsened owing to the Ukraine conflict and the ongoing implications of the COVID-19 threat.
  • 1.3K
  • 30 Nov 2022
Topic Review
The SSHPA Project
Social Sciences & Humanities Peer Awards (SSHPA) is an ecosystem of a scientific database and a science communication website. The project was funded by Vietnam National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED) under the National Research Grant No. 502.01-2018.19. The SSHPA database was validated by Nature's Scientific Data.
  • 1.5K
  • 30 Jul 2021
Topic Review
The Sohanjana Antibullying Intervention
Sohanjana Antibullying Intervention was created to address bullying in Pakistan’s educational institutions through teachers’ professional development and peer training for students to implement antibullying policies in a contextualized manner.
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  • 14 Aug 2023
Topic Review
The Social Perception of Autonomous Delivery Vehicles
The use of different technologies significantly changes the social perception of different social groups, and moreover, devices themselves are perceived in stereotypical terms. Autonomous delivery vehicles (ADV) are electric and self-driving ground vehicles, which drive on streets or sidewalks with a limited speed of 5–10 km/h and are able to manage all driving tasks by themselves without human intervention in a mixed traffic environment
  • 167
  • 09 Jan 2024
Topic Review
The Significance of the Separate-Regulatory Paradigm
This separate-regulatory paradigm is strongly backed up by its significance in maintaining a clear line between tort law and environmental law, providing remedies tailored to the natural environment, and bypassing the logical difficulties in incorporating environmental damage into the tort system. The failure of tort law to fashion an effective remedy to the damaged environment in complex environmental issues such as climate change further illustrates such significance.
  • 378
  • 12 Apr 2022
Topic Review
The Short-Term Retention of Depth
Research on the visual working memory for information portrayed by items arranged in depth (i.e., distance to the observer) within peri-personal space, are here described. Most items lose their metric depths within half a second, even though their identities and spatial positions are retained. The paradoxical loss of depth information may arise because visual working memory retains the depth of a single object for the purpose of actions such as pointing or grasping which usually apply to only one thing at a time.
  • 350
  • 10 Feb 2022
Topic Review
The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work
The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, by John Gottman is a book that sets forth what it describes as seven principles that can guide toward a harmonious and long-lasting relationship. The book attempts to debunk a number of what it describes as myths about marriages and why they fail. The seven principles Gottman sets out are for the partners to enhance their love maps; nurture fondness and admiration; turn toward each other instead of away; let their partner influence them; solve their solvable problems; overcome gridlock; and create shared meaning. The book was included in the Comprehensive Soldier fitness program. A follow-up to this book was the 2013 What Makes Love Last?
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  • 21 Nov 2022
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