1. Introduction
SARS CoV-2 sub-spp., unusually stable virus, causes the efficient contagion Covid-19. Within 120 days it has become pan global pandemic. Either aspects are unheard off with never before like patho-physiology and grave prognosis (fatal outcome). A member of any family getting infected if left untreated demises within 15days. If not effectively quarantined it then leads to all member demise however well off & large be that joint family (supporting info). This has wrought dread & havoc. All out combat with every wherewithal is the way out. There are no alternatives. Historically, in all cultures and civilisation based schools of medicine the Punica Grantum Linn., has been considered as panacea for many a human pathologies [1]. India is the largest producer [2]. The Govt of India in all its cumulative wisdom has hence set up ‘The National Research Centre on Pomegranate’, NRCP-ICAR, 2005 [3]; apart HRC-ICAR [4]. Additionally, pan globally there are tomes of individual & institution driven works ranging the five decades before present which all are herein relied upon. From every perspective Indo & European literature have been explored well and covers agro-met; cultivars; atypical; etc., perspective (collateral domain). In this communication we present the indo Ayurvedic punica; and also fleetingly examine Persian literature for topical levity for either have attracted (relatively) less of research focus from caption context. We choose the generic term ‘punica’ for it encompasses almost all the species & sub-species of the cultivars, pan global and also address our caption. Interestingly, the Indian civilisation has been in continuum (sans any break) in its present geo-location for at least 5000yrs before present and the ‘extraordinary’ Ayurvedic punica (our apportioned epitaph) as a textual medicinal member for at least 2500yrs before present. Therefore, we present (as different from ‘discuss’) the genus Punica as known drug source of choice vis-a-vis COVID-19; the fruit and its parts in various combinations towards formulation and fixed doses (supplements/ prophylactics/ therapeutics including psycho-somatic pseudo supports; etc., any school of health care) so that the stake holders may straight choose pick. Isolation; purifications & fractions whatever & however done being covered alike. All stake holders (punica-&-covid) may find this work as of seminal relevance. Meanwhile, covid caused mortality remains rampant in continuum unabated 24 x 7. Our teachers had taught us to ‘fight to finish and do a good job’. Gandhian dictum of hand makeable; home makeable is our hidden agenda.
2. Historiography
Table 1 highlights the prior-art aspects vis-a-vis human maladies, as anti-viricide; anti-malaria; others and as a versatile member in numerous drug discovery matters [5]. Few of members of Table-I have also been cited as references.
Table 1. Indicative Histeriography of Punica in Academic Domain. Caption Context.
3. Discussion – Table 1
Table 1 spans the period of 1975-2020 and the global geo space. Southern hemisphere is conspicuous by absence does not mean that punica does not grow there or anything alike. Evidence based occidental model of study apparently commences with anti-microbe efficacy. Ref No. [6] published by the Indian National Science Academy presents a select list of indo Ayurvedic treatises in vernacular (Odia lingua & script; Sanskrit lingua & Devanagari script) in Palm Leaf form of great antiquity & authority about which consciousness is almost nil. Each refer to the punica. Thus, we may aver that other cultural regions (all nations) may be having other tomes as well. Efforts are scant. However, the rind\carp of the indo ayurvedic member (Fig-1 & 2) has not been used to combat virus until year 2004, Table-I. Also did not use the same as anti-malarial. We present a few formulations and fixed dose orals. Any sub spp., can be used.
In India the pomegranate occupies 2.62 lakh hectares; annual production of 3.03 million (50% of the global production; 2nd being China). Suggests a triangular nexus between census and fruit grown & consumption. Proposes historical & cultural factors apart public money focus during India plan periods. ICAR-NRCP, India is said to have the largest stockpile of Punica related wherewithal for ready deployment. The India National Germplasm Repository of ICAR-NRCP has a collection of 376 germplasm; 222 exotic germplasm collected from other countries; 140 indigenous including 87 wild types, 55 cultivated/ local cultivars and addition 12 promising hybrid lines (Personal communication from ICAR) [7]. Moot point is that the member as in Fig-1 & 2 suggests to be neither a wild nor an albino [T-I, Sl No.30]. Moreover it is anti-toxin (supporting info; see Ref No.19). Statistical method indicates that punica begs inquest and indo ayurvedic variety the more.
4. Persian Sources
Health care has always been technical. Ancient & medieval India had a long period of techno-cultural exchanges with Persia [8][9]. Table-II provides the Persian sources & details thereof along with indications. It bares select Historical treatise and is non exhaustive.
Table 2.
NOTE : Arabic script & lines to be read from right to left; Table 2.
5. Discussion — Table 2
We can see that fruit pomegranate has been the cynosure of the scribes from historical Persian -to- present Iran in vernacular. As compared to the works in Table I & III the works herein commences from 1987 (Sl.2).
Table 3. Presents in brief modern evidence based Iranian research works.
Declaration : For Social Welfare ~ Project of Indo - Iranian medicinal plants Database with Shabestar Branch, Islamic Azad University & Social Service & Nursing AND Fight-Cancer at Home, Sri Radha Krishna Raas Mandir Bhubaneswar cum Indian Red Cross Koraput Branch; (both Odisa-India)". Meta data as in Table II & III is acknowledged, with kind regards.
6. Discussion — Table 3
As compared to the works in Table I & II the works herein commences from 1971 while in the Occident from 1988; Govt of India from 1990 and by Bhattacharya (co-author) from 1997 for anti-malaria and for anti-virus in 2004 (augmenting info). Medical collages & Med Sc University are seen to be involved (apart individuals and institutions as in Table I & II). Therefore, we are of the considered view that pomegranate has surely been weighed as a therapeutic member in Persia & also in present day Iran; that there is indeed scope for pan global inter-governmental work for global historiography of this fruit member.
TABLE 4. Approved Ayurvedic Texts
NOTE : Ref No 6 gives a select list of Palm Leaf Manuscripts as are preserved in the Odisa State Museum, Bhubaneswar. Digital copies available. Indian Journal of History of Science, Indian National Science Academy, Vol. 49.3, pp. 294-97.
7. Discussion – Table 5
Table 5 members all have umbilicals to periods like 2000 – to – 5000yrs before present. The translation based recessions and resensions of that & those hoary Classical Ayurvedic treatiese are noted from 1952 (India 1st 5yr plan). In these classical medicinal texts the punica is mentioned aside all other medicinal herbs (it is not the sole focus). Moreover, the fruit used in the Persian and Occident studies be the juice variety. Whereas, in the Ayurveda classical Texts (Table-iv) the member as in Fig-1 & 2 be the sole active pharmaceutical ingredient (API). Pan globally it is exclusive & novel. Hence we indulgently term this API as Punica Ayurvedica. India obtained independence in 1948. Mahatma Gandhi assiduously used only Ayurvedic medicaments (Indian national school of medicine).
Table 6
8. Discussion — Table 6
Table 6 is a micro representation of the idea that pomegranate had been the cynosure of various theo-philosophical societies, groups, guilds and related bodies in various parts of the world in various times in relation to good health. Logically these be the then therapeutics. Our hidden agenda is to subtly emphasise the historical fact that pomegranate was always considered also super safe. Tried a connect with human heritage. We only emphasis that vis-a-vis viremia our points among others are (i) seeds are contra (ii) rest of the fruit anti-virus- no wastes (iii) evidence based studies indicate as anti-SARS sub spp wishfully included (iv) punica is the focus in all our cited manuscripts (v) Punica Ayurvedica is unknown outside india.
8.1. Ayurvedic Punica’s ( Rind )
Fig-1 Fig-2
Figure 3 Figure 4
Fig-1 : Classical indo Ayurvedic API – The Dalimba (P Granatum). Fig – 2 : its thick rind. Either to scale. Best specimen. Highest yield of drug moiety from rind
The classical indo Ayurvedic member (Fig-1 & 2) has no juice, no other confounding and or confabulating and or any other extra moiety excepting Potassium as an anomer. Its rind is thick; mini seeds; little aril; such rind\carp is used only; on drying in air\sun becomes bone dry, stone hard; brown-amber colour; fine mesh powder of excellent bulk density. Its seeds have opposite effect & hence are discarded. And whereas, the commercial punica is well known to have other compounds; a leathery rind\carp that is also thin and degenerates to black when air\sun dried. In the traditional texts the classical indo Ayurvedic punica ( Punica Ayurvedika ? ) is noted to be used in ‘n’ number of formulations; clinico-patho indications; ways and means save & except fever; angina pectoris; and or swasa-kassa (COPD). Covid-19 becaused COPD & angina pectoris onset heralds grave prognosis i.e., ‘end of life stage’ [10][11][12][13]. To arrest such sad & disastrous clinical situation every wherewithal however small or simple should be explored. There are no alternatives. ICAR has the largest stockpile of punica cum related wherewithal for ready deployment (supporting info). Indian private nationals & entities jointly & severally with Govt of India have invested huge sums of personal & public money for punica orchards; commerce; fruit & rind extraction; processing; packaging; etc., (SAARC nations included). Yet the rind’s powder as a whole nor its extract has ever been utilised during pressing socio-national cum economic existential crisis viz. Covid-19. Hence we break ice & present formulations in Tablet & Capsule. Being fully diabetes compliant. Seeds discarded full; aril selectively. Toxicity on Dermal Fibroblasts [14][15]; on MRC-5 cells [16]; Selectivity Index [17]; Brain Malaria [18]; Anti-inflammation [19]; adjuvant role with Choloroquin [20][21], etc., studies have indicated ‘complete non toxic and high safety’. Moreover; anti-virus efficacy has been reported in 2004 [22] through to 2020 [23]. No other tropico-deciduous year long fruiting member has so thoroughly been evidence based studied by acknowledged teams of experts from nations across over the last 30year period. “Punica combats covid”.
9. Commercial Juice Grade Punica
Save & except the classical Ayurvedic punica the world has a very large variety of the cultivar [24] and genetic diversity [25]. The juice yield varies in ml\per Kg of pulp, so do the taste and the drug moiety & other biochem content. Irrespective the juice remains tasty; physiologically useful; anabolic. We use (i) the classical Ay punica for tablet & capsule (ii) the commercial (leathery-large) juice grade punica for formulations in suspension forms. Suspensions being fully compliant even for acutely morbid; convalescence patients; mother & child; geriatric; catabolic; anabolic; sportsmen; anti-fatigue; general; and as pseudo psycho-somatic tonic. Suspensions being not suitable in status diabetes. Only seed is discarded. Aril & rind & internal musageous materials & tissues (all) are pulped-squeeze extracted for they contain identical drug moieties.
9.1. Stabilisation
Punic juice is by nature stable at RT. Suspensions need to be stabilised for attaining shelf life and for transit handling vortexes. For this we incorporate standard safe well accepted Ayurvedic & Allopathic & herbal & soft drink making methods.
For the Commercial-fruit juice industry specific use there are a number of methods developed during the period 30yrs pre to present apart Sreeram’s [26] and Reddy’s methods [27]. All are relied upon.
For extraction from rind, we adhere to Del Agili’s [28] Jean Barnard [29] and team’s methods, wherein Bhattacharya (co-author) is a member for these were done exclusively for pathology-therapeutics. Let the family welfare & health care providing stake holders subsume all these wholesomely.
11.1. Capsule making
Can be hand made – home made. About to ripe stage fruit (choloroplast); cut, discard aril & seeds. Seeds have opposite moiety. Aril is musgenous, less yield, hygroscopic, pro-mycotic; tends to clump-assist degeneration- not suitable for capsulation (for tablet ok for it imparts binding property, specially finger rolled pills as in Ayurveda along with anti mycotic & sporofic asafoetida 1%). The rind\carp on air or sun expouser (3-5days) become bone dry & stone hard; splits on thrashing turning to fine mesh powder of yellow-brown colour. The deeper the tone higher be the moiety yield. Fill in 00 capsule @ 400-500mg. Ready to use.
11.2. Tablet making
Finger rolled : Carp & aril powder + high pKa value compatible binder; 250mg per pill bears shipment vagaries well. Low compression force is best. Binder = 5 to 10% Diospyros Melanoxylon acts as glue cum synergic\adjuvant moiety = ideal best. Short shelf.
Machine Pressed : High kNf (1kg movement @1mt per sec per sec) results in coupling of acid + tannin moieties = new compound formation and or degeneration; liquefaction (early decay onset); etc. High kNf not advisable. Binder & or coat as in above finger rolled or any from conventional pharmacy.
Nano Tech : Purified fractionated (sans seed). Whole punic has numerous constituents which all an be embedded in a novel tablet using Nano technology [30]. Retard delivery – gut stage specific. Most Broad spectrum. Superb results.
Dose : For CoV-2 spp. Anecdotally arrived at. Anabolic normal adolescent to normal Adult 30 to 60Kg. Else, consult family physician.
Prophylaxis suggestive : 1 cap or Tablet once daily (OD) every 3rd day; + citrated drinks. <10yrs ½ amount. Or as advised by Family physician. As clinically indicated (ACI).
Acute Viremia : 2 cap or Tablet at a time BD (bis die sumendum) or TID (ter die sumendum) for initial 48-72hrs (as clinically indicated) with water ad-libitum along with conventional medicaments. ACI.
Mild Viremia : 1 or 2 cap or Tablet at a time BD with water adlibitum along with conventional medicaments for 5-15 days with water adlibitum along with conventional medicaments + citrated drinks. ACI.
11.3. Suspension
Diabetic : Carp\rind powder soaked 4-6hrs., in I V grade Normal saline or in de-ionised, demineralised, tripled distilled water or injection water; bag centrifuged; harvested and bottled. Diabetic complaint 100%. Excellent shelf life 2yrs almost. Crushing of seeds to be avoided. Addition of 10% Diospyros Melanoxylon v/v filtered whole extract imparts wider spectrum. Co-benefits : excellent for appetite; hepatocytes; gut persistalsis; hematinic and adipose brown or white; menarch women lower abdomen architecture & reproductive organs performance. Preservatives not called for (least effective). Lower concentration = longer shelf.
Lyophylised : Lyophylised powder of a concentrate of the above can be prepared via tray system on large scale for reconstitution and use on desired volume basis. Light, fluffy and ready mixable; colloidal and all oils and enzymes preserved which all can be brought back to freshness on reconstitution. Complete reduction of gas bubbles. 100% efficacy retention enabling cross continent transhipment; armed forces destinations. Liquor admixable. Peerless.
Non Diabetic : Whole fruit along with Carp\rind & aril all fresh & wet (sans seed); dip & dunk washed; rinsed well (& or dry air blast dried at 00C); slow cold pressed (any cultivar/sub spp.) + as optional whole Mohula (madhuca indica) concentrate 5% w/v or mohula wine 5% v/v or any type of country wine same vol; + Clove extract 1-5% optional (excellent up-regulator for de-virusing of the fossa & epiglottis); sterile fructose 5% (or sterile gaggery or Ayurvedic sterile Nabata 5% w/v (see sterilisation); All admixed; slow homogenised 30minutes. All process @ 2-40C; <Rh 80% (ambient room). Addition of 10% Diospyros Melanoxylon v/v filtered whole extract imparts wider spectrum cum lingering taste = release of digestive saliva & pancreatic amylase. Ph - <4.4. No seed crushing.
Geriatric (winter) : Geriatric stage is a near continuous auto systemic inflammation stage. In winter temperature adjustment is more impaired due to week vessels which become leaky more and atopic hemodynamics. This is age related and height related vasculitis & co-morbidity. Apart this there are other co-morbidities viz., IBS; sleepless; restless; listless; constipation; indigestion; epigastritis; spastic motion; atopic heart beats; psycho depression (mostly pseudo); idiopathic dermal itching, erythema, adipsia\hypodipsia, dysphagia; UTI &/or incontinence; etc.
FORMULATION : whole juice 70% + Madhuca indica 15% + Raisin extract 10% + ethanol 5%.
Geriatric (summer) :
FORMULATION : whole juice 70% + Madhuca indica 10% + Dates extract 10% + Orange or lemon 10%. + ORS (daily limit 5mg).
Constipation :
Normally in the semi arid and arid geographic regions constipation is writ large.
FORMULATION : above on dates & over ripe peach porridge for non diabetes. lia\ukhuda\khai porridge for diabetes.
Bowl non forming Individuals : geriatric stage is also associated with atypical – asyclic bowl formation failure. This forces non charity fasting with psycho-somatic consequences.
FORMULATION : (a) Any of the formulations + (b) green banana porridge + (c) gram flour dumplings (Besan) + &\or tapioca. B, C, D being cooked. Option : boiled potatoes &/or eggs.
Psycho Somatic Conditions (placebo) : During work life period numerous medicaments are adhered too to enable fast forward alert & agile attitude. On retirement an abrupt situation of ‘no need’ arises leading to mood swings. This apart there are ‘n’ number of clinic pathological, mental, professional, age related situations and conditions whence the human mind suffers median & long period auto psycho – somatic syndromes; apart mood swings. A pleasant placebo be the medicament of choice. Any of our formulations can be advised by the family physician as a ‘placibo’; all sex; all age groups.
Co-benefits : excellent for appetite; hepatocytes; gut persistalsis; hematinic and adipose brown or white. NOTE : seeds contain growth & catalytic factors which up-regulate systemic inter molecule-actions specially during still storage (with the suspended enzymes & essential or non oils resulting in compounding, precipitations & decay).
Spray Dried : A spray dried powder of a concentrate of the above can be prepared via large slow rotating drum dryers (milk powder type) of 400C at 27% Rh; 700-800hPa room pressure; 300C ambient room RT on large scale for reconstitution and use on desired volume basis. Light, crystalline, free flowing, ready mixable. 90% efficacy retention enabling large vol variable tin, poly packaging; large scale consumption, and cross continent transhipment.
Pectic enzymes : Is generally advised & adhered to for attaining translucency (cloud effect reduction) [31] pre final seal. Our view is that this is not future perfect. Pectic enzymes are catabolic; catalytic; high affinity for basal lamina; oncogenesis; reactive; deleterious for gall bladder and fallopian; not supported by gray haired drug designers or family physicians.
Colorants : Romantic purple-pink being the colour of the juice no additives envisaged.
Preservatives : Ellagic acid & Ellagitanins (gallagic group & anthocynins) severally or jointly have excellent to peerless keeping qualities upto Ph 4. Solid or suspensions.
Cyitric acids is contra indicated (shall because cement formation on vessel/container wall & granules). Note : auto formed granules are rock solid also beget altered chemistry.
Dose : For CoV-2 spp. Anecdotally arrived at. Anabolic normal adolescent to normal Adult 30to 60Kg. Else, consult family physician.
A mouthful, swirl, gurgle & gulp ½ twice as per individual preference. BD @ 12 hr interval. ½ for child <10yrs. BD = Or sip – swirl-gurgle & gulp TDS.
Container : Best is silliconised sterile glass bottles with seal caps and the juice being sealed with nitrogen (inert gas). PET bottles de-gas over long (antimony formation & trace toxins) specially with catalytic materials like enzymes; acids. However, for periods such as 6 months and specially for cool shipments and in-fridge keeping consumable juices PET containers are OK (economic).
AVICo : Upper respiratory tracts mostly get effected by virus. 90% of the virions get physically trapped in the epiglottis – the 1st physical natural barrier). CoV-2 has a long life, is tenacious, remains in the fossa and hence >10% pass into the lungs by & by. Therefore, an Anti-Virus Chocolate (AVICo); and AVA i.e., a paste (ahalia) can be prepared as follows. Aril paste 50% + condensed milk + Madhuca indica paste + processed tobacco leaf + coffee, etc., + sugar as required. Measure v/v or w/w. It will be of special use for the infant, child, the geriatric group and or by the fast forward executive. Multi moiety prophylaxis. Natural physio compatible. Non confounding nor confabulating with life style medicaments.
Sterilisation : Whole fruit crushing and or use of raw part sun dried parts & parcels also transports pathogens; effluxes pathologic moieties; pores & cysts of bio-active zoonotic and phyto parasitic members. All these contribute to product degeneration and or to up-regulating pathologies post ingestion = Clinical headache. Some with delayed mechanism ( in vivo incubation and or due dormant\active-incubation-gestation periods). Hence we recommend Gamma irradiation @ 20kilo gray for 1-2 hrs. This shall sterilise to pharma grade. The Govt. Of India has set up and has given licence to many a private entities to assist the herbal industry & research with such objectives. Heat &\or autoclave sterilisation also may be considered @2000C for 1 hr.
Special Note : Sepsis, malariasis & cancer present near similar (clinically confounding & perplexing) very high order of systemic spiralling inflammation (also SARS, MERS & Covid). Pomegranate juice has very effective anti-oxidant and above all anti-inflammatory efficacy even in severe malariasis [32]; immensely compatible with paracetamol; on the ailing and or the geriatric or convalescent physiology (clinical observation & Blood count methods/pathological tests). Therefore, administering such oral food along with Paracetamol (250-450mg per day as clinically indicated i.e., sub clinical dose) will lead to precipitous wane of myalgia (become afebrile). Inflammation & return to normal of the WBCs can be viewed via field microscope as in Ref 32. Very useful shall it be also in seasonal viremias.
12. Hematological Aspect
Squeezing whole pomegranate fruit yields copious ellagitannins (highest among fruit juices). Such tannins are largest polyphenol compounds. Includes ellagitanins & gallagic group which all are APIs having agro-met & or sub spp., based variability. The gross yield of such APIs being greater from the crushed/squeezed rind and mesocarp (harsh taste) of the fruit than from the fresh aril (sweet taste). This scarlet-violet tasty juice has been used for centuries since ancient culture periods for ‘medicinal purposes’ [33] We presume haematological issues as also included in such over-arching historical & cultural averment/s.
We are of the opinion that ellagic i.e., gallagic group has more specificity for RNA virions while ellagitanins for all stages of the anthropomorph malariasis. In the gastric chamber either forms the other & vice-versa. Jointly or severally either also conjugate to form metal-ion complexes and trigger intrinsic coagulation [34]. Coagulation is easy manageable [35]; is not an issue. This is because the gallagics are 300-325 Dalton, and the anthocynins (1000-1200 Dalton) are stable, slow – to – non reactive, good paramagnetic property, process scavengers, have salutary effect affinity for smooth & involuntary laminas, etc. The virion & the acid-tanins are all enantiomers (compound-compound affinity interaction). The metallo-protienase are biogenic & reversible (Hb+gallagic+{pro}thrombin). This is precisely why we have advocated formulations for geriatric stages and in vasculities. 12hrs post bellyful ingestion of such juice blood donation shall be of fruition for the warm whole blood handling, transit, shelving & pheresis processes apart for the receiver as well yeomanly.
Cancer & Punica : We intend to underline that Punica rind powder @ 450mg in 00 caps are in extensive use (as non medicine) in all forms and stages of malignancy at MRC-Vedic Anti Cancer as part of ‘social contract’ and also in a rural Red Cross mini clinic since 1998 [36] and for cancer nursing & in end of life stage support [37].
13. Multi-Drug Therapy Compatibility
Koraput is malaria drug resistant & mutant variety core endemic hub of India. CQ is considered as ‘dud’ therein. In ref No. 21 it has been indicated as to how Bhattacharya & Pradhan along with the officials of the Collector cum Dist Magistrate; nurses (mostly Christian missionary) had re-ennobled (such dud) CQ by co-administering with Punica Ayurvedica powder\in hand made cap form ‘OMARIA-AVIR’. Bio-chemically in gastric & all gut phases CQ + Anthocynin = hydroxyquinone a new compound is formed that can hydrolyse back to constituent moieties and again re-form; long duration blood borne & bio-availability (least systemic loss; no contra; no delayed side effect). All this being abundantly articulated in public since 2000 (BBC news, Table I, Sl. No. 9). There is compound - compound interaction resulting in new (non-dimmer) physio compatible compound formation viz., HCQ; efficient uptake; longer blood life than CQ; down regulation of all side effects of CQ (even loading bolus dose) due the scavenging cum anti-inflammation efficacy. CoV-2 alike malarial hemoparasite is a non haem-lympho genic charge particle that has affinity for the WBCs and the cytokines. Hence, we are optimistic that concurrent use of pomegranate juice and its products (alongside all types of therapies) shall be very useful; more so in patients who all be immunized (future date).
14. Medico Legal Aspects
Allopathic drug discovery has historically been inspired by mother nature [38]. Hand making – home making of food based items are statutorily non-drugs. They be home remedies. Scientific evidence backed home remedies are just a logical step forward of the ancient ‘very long period observation based studies’. In India’s vast country side family inheritance based Ayurveda practitioners provide the bulk of the macro-level health care in micro scales. They come under the classification of ‘tiny’ & ‘micro-industry’ & ‘cottage industry’ (all are hand to mouth- bare sustenance level self employment efforts). Rural folks also repose greater faith on such school of medicine. Furthermore, internal (so called) medicine comprised of fruit parts and parcels are safe. Additionally, peer reviewed research documents evidenseth that Punica Granatum (dalim/bedana) based medicaments are non-toxic. Conventional medicines can also be made. Moreover, the Clause 32 (1), p.19. of The (indo) National Medical Commission Bill, 2019 (Bill No. 185-C of 2019; Passed by LOK SABHA, 29.07.2019); enjoins upon the Union and her constituent provinces to incorporate and empower “Community Health Providers” as the initial health service and health care [39]. Inter-alia this means that M Scs; Ph.Ds; Drug Discovery and NGO people who all have more than 1 decade of related community health care-social work are now (deemed licentiate as) “Community Health Providers”. A anti-virus licensed product by name AZAD (same as AVIR) is noted to have been issued by Gujarat Govt vide No. GA\1546; M/s Durga Ay Pharmacy; & GA\1531; M/s Lincoln Pharma). Thus there is precedence. Therefore, our considered view is that the formulations if done manually by hand at home they then do not attract any licensing requirements. Else, A re-reading of the law may be necessary.
15. Discussion Cum Conclusion
We note 2 types of punica granatum (i) non juice variety & no sugar\fructose (ii) juice variety – has sugar & fructose. The member as in Fig-1 & 2 are non juice variety, exclusively used in Ayurveda for therapeutics (geographical S E Asia). The indo Brahmins (scholars\erudite) & the well-to-do among the non-Brahmin families plant this variety of the cultivar at entrance beside, apart using its flower for certain rituals (region specific). It is not an albino member nor is it wild. It is part of medicinal heritage. We suggest the name Punica Ayurvedica. From 2004 to 2020 member Fig-1 & 2 has been in slow flow continuous use in Bhubaneswar and specially in the Indian Red Cross Society’s charitable dispensary cum clinic at Koraput, Odisa under banner AVIR : anti-virus india research & licensed label AZAD [40][41] & OMARIA (Orissa Malaria Research Indigenous Research Attempt) and as EAK, respectively. This proves its efficacy as anti-virus and as anti-malarial [42][43]. Pan global dominancy in raw material (fruit-Punica); 1.3 Billion census that is mostly joint or large family based & culturally & ethenically intently social (distancing is looked upon with disdain in India); low electronic coverage (lock down seriously debilitates economy); a huge pharmaceutical nationwide base (underutilised); nil pure\mono punica formulations with a crying patho-clinical need; unlimited market & enabled youth employment potential. Our objective herein is to discuss all such supporting aspects AND enumerate hand makeable, home makeable ‘formulations’. Hinting at length the related historiography of the candidate source/s; in brief bio-mechanics; drug kinematics; pharmacognasy; formulation making; principles and practices; drug-dose idea; etc., opportunities for topical levity. Table I-V are not exhaustive.
In Iran (historical Persia; present day geographical middle east) scientific studies of the juice variety pomegranate was research published in 1971 followed by Europe 1988; USA 1989; India 1990 (limited by our search). SARS-CoV 2 is an RNA particle. RNA particles of pre CoV-2’s susceptibility against both the types of granatum well stands out in some light affirmatively as transpirations herein. Either can be used to make exclusive formulations and supplements; etc. Moreover, punica is pregnancy safe; hematinic; has Potassium as an anomer [see R-16]. Potassium moiety is very helpful in therapeutics, specially in Brain malaria; muscular atrophy; general acute morbidity and in convalescence. However, inspite of decades of such foundational work there are no formulations et.al., that an average house hold head may buy off shop. In the out, there is a crying need. Hence we have given formulations and making techniques both by hand at home and with machines at factories. All covid carriers cured; dormant and or asymptomatic and their immediate close contacts shall benefit from such cottage industry and or industrialised products. The Father of the Indian Nation Mahatma Gandhi supported “production by the masses & for the masses” [44]. He never used anything other than Ayurvedic medicaments [45]. India has a huge stockpile of punica to arm the world with. Our formulations are a frank nascent effort towards “Granatum Combatums Covid” i.e., “Fight Covid At Home”.