Punica Granatum Vrs COVID – 19 The Opportunities: Comparison
Please note this is a comparison between Version 2 by Rita Xu and Version 1 by DEEPAK BHATTACHARYA.

Punica granatum is historically known worldwide as a versatile medicinal fruit. 2 major varieties are presented (i) indo Ayurvedic type (Punica Ayurvedica ? ) that is small, harsh and yields no juice and (ii) the juice variety which is commercialised. Indo-Iranian joint effort presents a tome of textual data pertaining to the medicinal aspects of Punica. Ayurvedic texts and Occidental research modelled papers in tabulated form chronologically succinctly bringing out the evidence based historiography & medico-cultural heritage. On such platform a range of formulations; fruit-to-finished product are presented for the 1st time machine makeable and very specifically also by hand, at home. Poly pathology spectrum; versatile therapeutic range; medico-legal; lyophilisation; sterilisation; etc. aspects are also indicated. Includes Tablets; Suspensions for General to Geriatric case types. Ground breaking. Frank.

  • Punica Granatum Formulation For Covid.
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