The video reviews access to healthcare by patients with inflammatory bowel disease [1][2][3][4][5], coeliac disease [7] and achalasia [6]. People from South Asia, Afro-Caribbean and Eastern European backgrounds are less likely to receive appropriate care. Organisations responsible for ensuring equitable care, such as NHS Trusts, Health and Wellbeing Boards, Clinical Commissioning Groups, NHS Improvement, the Care Quality Commission and the Equality and Human Rights Commission have taken no actions to address such disparate care [8]. There is unlikely to be any change until management structures take ownership of these issues. This will only be achieved if there is a change in policy and NHS Trusts are required to provide annual reports, supported by statistics, on access to health care for specific diseases by minority communities. The process should be overseen by an independent commissioner and executive and non-executive officers should be held legally responsible for failures.
- Affifa Farrukh; John Mayberry; Patients with ulcerative colitis from diverse populations: The Leicester experience. Medico-Legal Journal 2015, 84, 31-35, 10.1177/0025817215590769.
- Affifa Farrukh; John F Mayberry; Ethnic variations in the provision of biologic therapy for Crohn's disease: a Freedom of Information study. Medico-Legal Journal 2015, 83, 104-108, 10.1177/0025817214563907.
- A. Farrukh; J.F. Mayberry; Apparent discrimination in the provision of biologic therapy to patients with Crohn's disease according to ethnicity. Public Health 2015, 129, 460-464, 10.1016/j.puhe.2015.01.029.
- Affifa Farrukh; John Mayberry; Apparent Disparities in Hospital Admission and Biologic Use in the Management of Inflammatory Bowel Disease between 2014–2018 in Some Black and Ethnic Minority (BEM) Populations in England. Gastrointestinal Disorders 2020, 2, 144-151, 10.3390/gidisord2020015.
- Affifa Farrukh; John F. Mayberry; Evidence of On-Going Disparate Levels of Care for South Asian Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease in the United Kingdom during the Quinquennium 2015–2019. Gastrointestinal Disorders 2022, 4, 8-14, 10.3390/gidisord4010002.
- Affifa Farrukh; John F. Mayberry; Original observational study on disparate treatments for achalasia experienced by patients of white British and South Asian ethnicity. Annals of Esophagus 2021, 4, 25-25, 10.21037/aoe-20-72.
- Farrukh A, Muhammad H & Mayberry JF; Information Needs of Punjabi Patients with Coeliac Disease. Journal of Gastroenterology Research 2022, 6, 245 - 247, 10.36959/621/631.
- Farrukh A & Mayberry JF; Does the failure to provide equitable access to treatment lead to action by NHS organisations? The case of biologics for South Asians with inflammatory bowel disease. Does the failure to provide equitable access to treatment lead to action by NHS organisations? The case of biologics for South Asians with inflammatory bowel disease. . Denning Law Journal 2019, 31, 77 - 91, .