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Proposal of a Knowledge Management Model for Complex Systems
  • View Times: 18
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  • Release Date: 2024-10-22
  • health policy
  • health authorities
  • health sector stewardship and governance
  • health care coordination and monitoring
  • knowledge management
  • complexity
  • public health systems
  • sanitary supervision
  • management audit
Video Introduction

This video is adapted from 10.3390/jmahp12030019

Background: Considering regulatory, supervision, and control health policy, an innovative knowledge management model is proposed for the Colombian health system, which is recognized as a complex system. Methods: A model is constructed through a comparative analysis of various theoretical and conceptual frameworks, and an original methodology is proposed based on an analysis of the macroprocesses of the Supervision and Control System (SSC) of the Colombian General Social Security System in Health (SGSSS). After formulating hypotheses and conceptual references, information errors are determined within the different macroprocesses of the SGSSS, including those of governance and the SSC. Results: The risks of generating duplicate, wrong, hidden, or non-existent information arise when the associated regulations need more specificity to be applied in all cases, thus leading to the risk of different interpretations by some actors. In this way, it is possible to hinder the generation of unified information, as there is no clarity as to who is responsible for the generation or creation of certain data. Conclusions: The proposed model is characterized by its flexibility and adaptability, integrating several processes that can be executed simultaneously or cyclically (depending on the system’s needs) and allowing for the generation and feedback of knowledge at different stages, with some processes simultaneously executed to complement each other.

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