Dyes Are the Rainbow of Our Health
  • View Times: 23
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  • Release Date: 2023-12-23
  • anthocyanins
  • genipin
  • carotenoids
  • phycocyanin
  • chlorophyll
Video Introduction

This video is adapted from 10.3390/chemistry5040149

Natural dyes, obtained without the use of chemical treatment, are derived from naturally occurring sources, such as plants, animals, insects, and minerals. The usage of natural substances and their medicinal properties dates back to the origins of human civilization. The purpose of this video is to highlight the medicinal importance of selected natural colors, which sheds light on the critical role played by these dyes in the pharmaceutical industry. The objective is to showcase the health benefits of each color that can be obtained from nature for medicinal purposes based on their chemical structure. The video presents the reasons for utilizing natural resources in addressing various health issues, with a focus on three specific problems: microbial infections, cancer, and oxidative stress. The video highlights the potential of natural resource structures, particularly anthocyanins, genipin, carotenoids, phycocyanin, and chlorophylls, in combating these ailments, emphasizing the need to explore their resources further for medicinal purposes. While most reviews provide a survey about colorful crude plant extracts in relation to one or a few categories of human health, the video focuses on the specific chromophore extracted not only from plants but also from any natural resource to provide a specific chromophore effect in a whole resource. The video highlights the significant role performed by organic pigments in the medicinal domain, with organic colorants acting as an essential element of the pharmaceutical sector’s weaponry. Hence, it is of paramount significance to actively promote and stress the adoptions of naturally existing chromophores in diverse everyday commodities, while simultaneously acknowledging and valuing their substantial importance and worth in the vast realm of the pharmaceutical industry.

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