Soft Coiled Pneumatic Actuator, Demonstration Video
  • View Times: 33
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  • Release Date: 2024-01-04
  • soft robotics
  • pneumatic actuators
  • resistance sensing
Video Introduction

This video is adapted from 10.3390/act12120455

SPIRA Coil actuators are formed from thin sheets of PET plastic laminated into a coil shape that unfurls like a “party horn” when inflated, while many soft actuators require large pressures to create only modest strains, SPIRA Coils can easily be designed and fabricated to extend over dramatic distances with relatively low working pressures. Internal metalized PET strips separate in the extended portion of the actuator, creating an electrical circuit with a resistance that corresponds to the actuator length. [1][2]

  1. Jacob R. Greenwood; Wyatt Felt; Soft Coiled Pneumatic Actuator with Integrated Length-Sensing Function for Feedback Control. Actuators 2023, 12, 455, .
  2. Jacob R. Greenwood; Wyatt Felt. SPIRA Coils: Soft Self-Sensing Pneumatic Integrated Retractable Actuator Coils; ASME IDETC: New York, NY, United States, 2023; pp. -.
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