Topic Review
USRC Washington (1833)
The United States Revenue Cutter Washington was one of the 13 cutters of the Morris-Taney class. These cutters were the backbone of the United States Revenue Cutter Service for more than a decade. Samuel Humphreys designed these cutters for roles as diverse as fighting pirates, privateers, combating smugglers and operating with naval forces. He designed the vessels on a naval schooner concept. They had Baltimore Clipper lines. The vessels built by Webb and Allen, designed by Isaac Webb, resembled Humphreys' but had one less port.
  • 318
  • 09 Oct 2022
Topic Review
USRC Washington (1832)
The United States Revenue Cutter Washington was one of the 13 cutters of the Morris-Taney class. These cutters were the backbone of the United States Revenue Cutter Service for more than a decade. Samuel Humphreys designed these cutters for roles as diverse as fighting pirates, privateers, combating smugglers and operating with naval forces. He designed the vessels on a naval schooner concept. They had Baltimore Clipper lines. The vessels built by Webb and Allen, designed by Isaac Webb, resembled Humphreys' but had one less port.
  • 288
  • 20 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Using Waste Plastics as Asphalt Modifier
The use of waste products in the production of asphalt binders and asphalt mixtures has become widespread due to economic and environmental benefits. In particular, the use of recycled waste plastic in asphalt binders and mixtures is gaining more attention. Overall, the incorporation of plastic waste into asphalt mixtures can significantly improve high-temperature performance and has potential economic and environmental benefits. The performance of modified asphalt is highly dependent on multiple factors, such as waste sources, waste plastic dosages, blending conditions, and the pretreatment methods for waste plastic.
  • 1.6K
  • 28 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Using Virtual Choreographies to Identify Office Users’ Behaviors
Reducing office buildings’ energy consumption can contribute significantly towards carbon reduction commitments since it represents 40% of total energy consumption. Major components of this are lighting, electrical equipment, heating, and central cooling systems. Solid evidence demonstrates that individual occupants’ behaviors impact these energy consumption components.
  • 314
  • 24 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Using Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation over Front-Polar Area
Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a noninvasive brain stimulation (NIBS) technique that applies a weak current to the scalp to modulate neuronal excitability by stimulating the cerebral cortex. The technique can produce either somatic depolarization (anodal stimulation) or somatic hyperpolarization (cathodal stimulation), based on the polarity of the current used by noninvasively stimulating the cerebral cortex with a weak current from the scalp, making it a NIBS technique that can modulate neuronal excitability. Thus, tDCS has emerged as a hopeful clinical neuro-rehabilitation treatment strategy. This method has a broad range of potential uses in rehabilitation medicine for neurodegenerative diseases, including Parkinson’s disease (PD). 
  • 196
  • 24 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Using Storytelling as a Means Of Teaching
Storytelling was an important part of my culture and an intrinsic part of people’s way of life. As I grew up and went to school, storytelling was one the ways of learning and conveying important information about the culture, world views, morals, expectations, norms and values. 
  • 146
  • 03 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Using STEM to Educate Engineers about Sustainability
Sustainable design means to base design on any systems and methods that can fulfill any of the sustainability goals: reducing waste, recycling plastics, upcycle materials, etc., and having less of an impact on the environment. Therefore, a challenge arises: how to design products based on sustainable design. This research presents a case study, about how students in a university’s design department, used sustainability practices in their projects, to adopt sustainability as a major aspect during the design process of a product. The researchers used STEM methodologies to educate and guide the students to adopt recycling and upcycling practices to design and develop an educational mobile robot for Educational Robotics and Mechatronics applications. Students were encouraged to develop their problem-solving approaches when developing their designed robots, for a mechatronics project given to them. In this way, the researchers fostered the active and motivated participation of students; an increased interest was found related to several factors, including challenge, competition, group participation, and more. 
  • 446
  • 20 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Using Remote Sensing to Detect Suspended Sediment
Glacier-fed hydrological systems in high latitude regions experience high seasonal variation in meltwater runoff. The peak in runoff usually coincides with the highest air temperatures which drive meltwater production. This process is often accompanied by the release of sediments from within the glacier system that are transported and suspended in high concentrations as they reach the proglacial realm. Sediment-laden meltwater is later transported to the marine environment and is expressed on the surface of fjords and coastal waters as sediment plumes. Direct monitoring of these processes requires complex and time-intensive fieldwork, meaning studies of these processes are rare. 
  • 646
  • 13 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Using Remote Sensing in Soil Salinization Mapping
Meeting current needs without compromising future generations’ ability to meet theirs is the only path toward achieving environmental sustainability. As the most valuable natural resource, soil faces global, regional, and local challenges, from quality degradation to mass losses brought on by salinization. These issues affect agricultural productivity and ecological balance, undermining sustainability and food security. Therefore, timely monitoring and accurate mapping of salinization processes are crucial, especially in semi-arid and arid regions where climate variability impacts have already reached alarming levels. Salt-affected soil mapping has enormous potential thanks to recent progress in remote sensing.
  • 631
  • 29 May 2023
Topic Review
Using Pyrolysis to Create Biochar
Pyrolysis is a combustion process of woody biomass conducted under low or no oxygen conditions. It converts any kind of biomass into biochar, bio-oil, or biogas. Hence plants’ woody material can also be converted into bioenergy products. Valorization of woody biomass in the form of energy-rich compound biochar is a more sustainable technique as compared to conventional burning which leads to toxicity to the environment. Innovations and the need to limit open burning have resulted in numerous mobile and fixed plant pyrolysis methods that burn a variety of woody residues. 
  • 383
  • 25 Jan 2024
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