Topic Review
Promoting Traditional Craftsmanship Through Digital Technology
Τhe success of assisting Cultural Heritage (CH) valorization through digital technologies (availability, accessibility, and engaging and interactive presentations) is due to the captivating content of stories, memories, and meaning that CH offers. Traditional Crafts (TCs) have a paramount cultural value and offer a thematic thesaurus of stories and narratives related to the origins of modern societies, history, and culture, the origins of industrial development and design, economic factors and societal outcomes, as well as, personal and family memories, all of which general audiences can relate to.
  • 1.8K
  • 30 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Promoting AI Literacy for Children
The advancement of generative AI technologies underscores the need for AI literacy, particularly in elementary Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics (STEAM) education.
  • 219
  • 06 Dec 2023
Topic Review
ProMatch: Semi-Supervised Learning with Prototype Consistency
Semi-supervised learning (SSL) methods have made significant advancements by combining consistency-regularization and pseudo-labeling in a joint learning paradigm. The core concept of these methods is to identify consistency targets (pseudo-labels) by selecting predicted distributions with high confidence from weakly augmented unlabeled samples. 
  • 308
  • 04 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy Diagnosis
Diabetic retinopathy is one of the abnormalities of the retina in which a diabetic patient suffers from severe vision loss due to an affected retina. Proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR) is the final and most critical stage of diabetic retinopathy. Abnormal and fragile blood vessels start to grow on the surface of the retina at this stage. It causes retinal detachment, which may lead to complete blindness in severe cases. 
  • 274
  • 21 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Project Naptha
Project Naptha is a browser extension software for Google Chrome that allows users to highlight, copy, edit and translate text from within images. It was created by developer Kevin Kwok, and released in April 2014 as a Chrome add-on. This software was first made available only on Google Chrome, downloadable from the Chrome Web Store. It was then made available on Mozilla Firefox, downloadable from the Mozilla Firefox add-ons repository but was soon removed. The reason behind the removal remains unknown. The web browser extension uses advanced imaging technology. Similar technologies have also been employed to produce hardcopy art, and the identification of these works. By adopting several Optical Character Recognition (OCR) algorithms, including libraries developed by Microsoft Research and Google, text is automatically identified in images. The OCR enables the build-up of a model of text regions, words and letters from all images. The OCR technology that Project Naptha adopts is a slightly differentiated technology in comparison to the technology used by software such as Google Drive and Microsoft OneNote to facilitate and analyse text within images. Project Naptha also makes use of a method called Stroke Width Transform (SWT), developed by Microsoft Research in 2008 as a form of text detection.
  • 1.6K
  • 12 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Progressive Web Apps
Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are web applications that load like regular web pages or websites but can offer the user functionality such as working offline, push notifications, and device hardware access traditionally available only to native mobile applications. PWAs are an emerging technology that combine the open standards of the web offered by modern browsers to provide benefits of a rich mobile experience.
  • 547
  • 15 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Progressive Web Applications
Progressive web applications (PWAs) are a type of mobile app delivered through the web, built using common web technologies including HTML, CSS and JavaScript. They are intended to work on any platform that uses a standards-compliant browser. Functionality includes working offline, push notifications, and device hardware access, enabling creating user experiences similar to native applications on mobile devices. Since they are a type of webpage or website known as a web application, there is no requirement for developers or users to install the web apps via digital distribution systems like Apple App Store or Google Play. While web applications have been available for mobile devices for as long as mobile devices have existed, they had generally lagged behind native apps in terms of speed, features, and user adoption, especially on mobile devices. Direct access to hardware and the ability to work offline, previously only available to native apps, allows PWAs to perform much faster and to provide more features in line with native apps. PWAs do not require separate bundling or distribution. Publication of a progressive web app is as it would be for any other web page. PWAs work in any browser, but "app-like" features such as being independent of connectivity, install to home screen and push messaging depend on browser support. As of April 2018, those features are supported to varying degrees by the Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Apple Safari browsers, but more browsers may support the features needed in the future.
  • 306
  • 20 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Programming/2 BeanShell
You can write your scrips using the BeanShell. Edit a file, save it with the extension ".bsh" The program will be executed by pressing (press [F8]). Text output will go to "BeanShell" (a window below the main editor). See  BeanShell article to read more about this scripting language. This manual is provided here for your convenience. The manual below is based on these external resources. This document is about BeanShell. BeanShell is a small, free, embeddable Java source interpreter with object scripting language features, written in Java. BeanShell executes standard Java statements and expressions but also extends Java into the scripting domain with common scripting language conventions and syntax. BeanShell is a natural scripting language for Java. Traditionally, the primary difference between a scripting language and a compiled language has been in its type system: the way in which you define and use data elements. You might be thinking that there is a more obvious difference here - that of "interpreted" code vs. compiled code. But the compiler in and of itself does not fundamentally change the way you work with a language. Nor does interpreting a language necessarily make it more useful for what we think of as "scripting". It is the type system of a language that makes it possible for a compiler to analyze the structure of an application for correctness. Without types, compilation is reduced to just a grammar check and an optimization for speed. From the developer's perspective, it is also the type system that characterizes the way in which we interact with the code. Types are good. Without strongly type languages it would be very hard to write large scale systems and make any assertions about their correctness before they are run. But working with types imposes a burden on the developer. Types are labels and labeling things can be tedious. It can be especially tedious during certain kinds of development or special applications where it is flexibility and not program structure that is paramount. There are times where simplicity and ease of use is a more important criterion. This is not just rationalization to cover some underlying laziness. Productivity affects what people do and more importantly do *not* do in the real world, much more than you might think. There is a lot of important software that exists in the world today only because the cost/benefit ratio in some developer's mind reached a certain threshold. Unit testing - one of the foundations of writing good code - is a prime example. Unit tests for well written code are, in general, vitally important as a collective but almost insignificant individually. It's a "tragedy of the commons" that leads individual developers to repeatedly weigh the importance of writing another unit test with working on "real code". Give developers have a tool that makes it easy to perform a test with a line or two of code they will probably use it. If, moreover, it is also a tool that they enjoy using during their development process - that saves the time, they will be even more inclined to use it. Customizability through scripting also opens the door to applications that are more powerful than the sum of their parts. When users can extend, enhance, and add to their applications they use them in new and unexpected ways. Scripting is powerful. Traditionally scripting languages have traded in the power of types for simplicity. Most scripting languages distill the type system to just one or a handful of types such as strings, numbers, or simple lists. This is sufficient for many kinds of scripting. Many scripting languages operate in a loose, unstructured land - a place dominated by text and course-grained tools. As such these scripting languages have evolved sophisticated mechanisms for working with these simple types (regular expressions, pipes, etc.). As a result there has developed a casm between the scripting languages and the application languages created by the collapse of the type system in-between. The scripting languages have remained a separate species, isolated and speaking a different dialect from their brothers the application languages. BeanShell is a new kind of scripting language. BeanShell begins with the standard Java language and bridges it into the scripting domain in a natural way, but allowing the developer to relaxing types where appropriate. It is possible to write BeanShell scripts that look exactly like Java method code. But it's also possible to write scripts that look more like a traditional scripting language, while still maintaining the framework of the Java syntax. BeanShell emulates typed variables and parameters when they are used. This allows you to "seed" your code with strong types where appropriate. You can "shore up" repeatedly used methods as you work on them, migrating them closer to Java. Eventually you may find that you want to compile these methods and maintain them in standard Java. With BeanShell this is easy. BeanShell does not impose a syntactic boundary between your scripts and Java. But the bridge to Java extends much deeper than simple code similarity. BeanShell is one of a new breed of scripting languages made possible by Java's advanced reflection capabilities. Since BeanShell can run in the same Java virtual machine as your application, you can freely work with real, live, Java objects - passing them into and out of your scripts. Combined with BeanShell's ability to implement Java interfaces, you can achieve seamless and simple integration of scripting into your Java applications. BeanShell does not impose a type boundary between your scripts and Java.
  • 423
  • 29 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Program Animation
Program animation or Stepping refers to the now very common debugging method of executing code one "line" at a time. The programmer may examine the state of the program, machine, and related data before and after execution of a particular line of code. This allows evaluation of the effects of that statement or instruction in isolation and thereby gain insight into the behavior (or misbehavior) of the executing program. Nearly all modern IDEs and debuggers support this mode of execution. Some testing tools allow programs to be executed step-by-step optionally at either source code level or machine code level depending upon the availability of data collected at compile time.
  • 369
  • 30 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Profit optimization using RFID under an Unreliable SCM
Competition in business is higher in the electronics sector compared to other sectors. In such a situation, the role of a manufacturer is to manage the inventory properly with optimized profit. However, the problem of unreliability within buyers still exists in real world scenarios. The manufacturer adopts the radio frequency identification (RFID) technology to manage the inventory, which can control the unreliability, the inventory pooling effect, and the investment on human labor. For detecting RFID tags, a reasonable number of readers are needed. This study investigates the optimum distance between any two readers when using the optimum number of readers. As a vendor managed inventory (VMI) policy is utilized by the manufacturer, a revenue sharing contract is adopted to prevent the loss of buyers. The aim of this study is to maximize the profits of a two-echelon supply chain management under an advanced technology system. As the life of electronic gadgets is random, it may not follow any specific type of distribution function. The distribution-free approach helps to solve this issue when the mean and the standard deviation are known. The Kuhn-Tucker methodology and classical optimization are used to find the global optimum solution. The numerical analysis demonstrates that the manufacturer can earn more profit in coordination case after utilizing revenue sharing and the optimum distance between readers optimizing cost related to the RFID system. Sensitivity analysis is performed to check the sensibility of the parameters.
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  • 02 Jun 2023
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