Topic Review
LuaJIT is a tracing just in time compiler for the Lua programming language.
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  • 21 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Trillian is a proprietary multiprotocol instant messaging application created by Cerulean Studios. It is currently available for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Android, iOS, BlackBerry OS, and the Web. It can connect to multiple IM services, such as AIM, Bonjour, Facebook Messenger, Google Talk (Hangouts), IRC, XMPP (Jabber), VZ, and Yahoo! Messenger networks; as well as social networking sites, such as Facebook, Foursquare, LinkedIn, and Twitter; and email services, such as POP3 and IMAP. Trillian no longer supports Windows Live Messenger or Skype as these services have combined and Microsoft chose to discontinue Skypekit. They also no longer support connecting to MySpace, and no longer support a distinct connection for Gmail, Hotmail or Yahoo! Mail although these can still be connected to via POP3 or IMAP. Currently, Trillian supports Facebook, Google, Jabber (XMPP), and Olark. Initially released July 1, 2000, as a freeware IRC client, the first commercial version (Trillian Pro 1.0) was published on September 10, 2002. The program was named after Trillian, a fictional character in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams. A previous version of the official web site even had a tribute to Douglas Adams on its front page. On August 14, 2009, Trillian "Astra" (4.0) for Windows was released, along with its own Astra network. Trillian 5 for Windows was released in May 2011, and Trillian 6.0 was initially released in February 2017.
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  • 21 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Local Zeta-Function
In number theory, the local zeta function Z(V, s) (sometimes called the congruent zeta function) is defined as where Nm is the number of points of V defined over the mth cyclotomic field extension Fqm of Fq, and V is a non-singular n-dimensional projective algebraic variety over the field Fq with q elements. By the variable transformation u = q−s, then it is defined by as the formal power series of the variable [math]\displaystyle{ u }[/math]. Equivalently, the local zeta function sometimes is defined as follows: In other word, the local zeta function Z(V, u) with coefficients in the finite field Fq is defined as a function whose logarithmic derivative generates the numbers Nm of the solutions of equation, defining V, in the m degree extension Fqm.
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  • 21 Oct 2022
Topic Review
COVID-19 Vaccines Related User’s Response Categorization
Respiratory viruses known as coronaviruses infect people and cause death. The multiple crown-like spikes on the virus’s surface give them the name “corona”. The pandemic has resulted in a global health crisis and it is expected that every year people will have to fight against different COVID-19 variants. In this critical situation, the existence of COVID-19 vaccinations provides hope for mankind. Despite severe vaccination campaigns and recommendations from health experts and the government, people have perceptions regarding vaccination risks and share their views and experiences on social media platforms. Social attitudes to these types of vaccinations are influenced by their positive and negative effects. The analysis of such opinions can help to determine social trends and formulate policies to increase vaccination acceptance. 
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  • 21 Oct 2022
Topic Review
In computing, Puppet is a software configuration management tool which includes its own declarative language to describe system configuration. It is a model-driven solution that requires limited programming knowledge to use. Puppet is produced by Puppet, Inc, founded by Luke Kanies in 2005. Its primary product, Puppet Enterprise, is a proprietary and closed-source version of its open-source Puppet software. They use Puppet's declarative language to manage stages of the IT infrastructure lifecycle, including the provisioning, patching, configuration, and management of operating system and application components in data centers and cloud infrastructures. Puppet uses an open-core model; its free-software version was released under version 2 of the GNU General Public License (GPL) until version 2.7.0, and later releases use the Apache License, while Puppet Enterprise uses a proprietary license. Puppet and Puppet Enterprise operate on multiple Unix-like systems (including Linux, Solaris, BSD, Mac OS X, AIX, HP-UX) and has Microsoft Windows support. Puppet itself is written in Ruby, while Facter is written in C++, and Puppet Server and Puppet DB are written in Clojure.
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  • 20 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Notation for Theoretic Scheduling Problems
A convenient notation for theoretic scheduling problems was introduced by Ronald Graham, Eugene Lawler, Jan Karel Lenstra and Alexander Rinnooy Kan in. It consists of three fields: α, β and γ. Each field may be a comma separated list of words. The α field describes the machine environment, β the job characteristics and constraints, and γ the objective function. Since its introduction in the late 1970s the notation has been constantly extended, sometimes inconsistently. As a result, today there are some problems that appear with distinct notations in several papers.
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  • 20 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Unique Prime
In recreational number theory, a unique prime or unique period prime is a certain kind of prime number. A prime p ≠ 2, 5 is called unique if there is no other prime q such that the period length of the decimal expansion of its reciprocal, 1 / p, is equal to the period length of the reciprocal of q, 1 / q. For example, 3 is the only prime with period 1, 11 is the only prime with period 2, 37 is the only prime with period 3, 101 is the only prime with period 4, so they are unique primes. In contrast, 41 and 271 both have period 5; 7 and 13 both have period 6; 239 and 4649 both have period 7; 73 and 137 both have period 8; 21649 and 513239 both have period 11; 53, 79 and 265371653 all have period 13; 31 and 2906161 both have period 15; 17 and 5882353 both have period 16; 2071723 and 5363222357 both have period 17; 19 and 52579 both have period 18; 3541 and 27961 both have period 20. Therefore, none of these is a unique prime. Unique primes were first described by Samuel Yates in 1980. The above definition is related to the decimal representation of integers. Unique primes may be defined and have been studied in any numeral base.
  • 812
  • 20 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Progressive Web Applications
Progressive web applications (PWAs) are a type of mobile app delivered through the web, built using common web technologies including HTML, CSS and JavaScript. They are intended to work on any platform that uses a standards-compliant browser. Functionality includes working offline, push notifications, and device hardware access, enabling creating user experiences similar to native applications on mobile devices. Since they are a type of webpage or website known as a web application, there is no requirement for developers or users to install the web apps via digital distribution systems like Apple App Store or Google Play. While web applications have been available for mobile devices for as long as mobile devices have existed, they had generally lagged behind native apps in terms of speed, features, and user adoption, especially on mobile devices. Direct access to hardware and the ability to work offline, previously only available to native apps, allows PWAs to perform much faster and to provide more features in line with native apps. PWAs do not require separate bundling or distribution. Publication of a progressive web app is as it would be for any other web page. PWAs work in any browser, but "app-like" features such as being independent of connectivity, install to home screen and push messaging depend on browser support. As of April 2018, those features are supported to varying degrees by the Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Apple Safari browsers, but more browsers may support the features needed in the future.
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  • 20 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Wildcard DNS Record
A wildcard DNS record is a record in a DNS zone that will match requests for non-existent domain names. A wildcard DNS record is specified by using a * as the leftmost label (part) of a domain name, e.g. * The exact rules for when a wild card will match are specified in RFC 1034, but the rules are neither intuitive nor clearly specified. This has resulted in incompatible implementations and unexpected results when they are used.
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  • 20 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Behavioral Risk Management
Behavioral Risk Management, which extends from the broader field of Risk Management, is the process of managing workplace risk factors pertinent to Organizational Behavior and industrial and organizational psychology. "Behavioral risk management applies to risks connected with the workplace behaviors of employees and organizations that have a negative impact on the productivity of an organization; behavioral healthcare episodes and the cost of treating these episodes; and lifestyle behaviors that lead to preventable healthcare conditions and the cost of treating these conditions." Its focus lies on how behavior affects workplaces and organizations along with how to appropriately mitigate negative effects from inappropriate behavior.
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  • 20 Oct 2022
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