Topic Review
Graphicacy is defined as the ability to understand and present information in the form of sketches, photographs, diagrams, maps, plans, charts, graphs and other non-textual formats. The word graphicacy was coined by Balchin and Coleman as representation of the visuo-spatial abilities, they gave their reasons as follows "In the choice of a word to denote the educated counterpart of visual-spatial ability one must first ask the question what exactly does this form of communication involve. It is fundamentally the communication of spatial information that cannot be conveyed adequately by verbal or numerical means,e.g. the plan of a town, the pattern of a drainage network or a picture of a distant place - in other words the whole field of the graphic arts and much of geography cartography, computer-graphics, photography, itself. All of these words contain the syllable "graph" which seemed a logical stem for "graphicacy" which was completed by analogy with literacy, numeracy and articulacy. The modern economy is becoming increasingly reliant on graphics to communicate information. Until recently, words and numbers were the main vehicles for communication, as they have long been relatively easy to produce and distribute in comparison with graphics. Advances in information and communications technology and visualization techniques are increasing the accessibility and usage of graphics, increasing the importance of information graphics. Interpretation of graphics is loosely analogous to the process of reading text, while generation of graphics is the counterpart of writing text. However, these analogies are imperfect, as text and graphics are based on very different symbol systems. For example, whereas text is structured according to formal organisational rules that apply irrespective of the content, this is not the case for graphics. With text structure, the units of information (words) are expected to be organised according to broad conventions (such as being sequenced in orderly rows starting from top left and progressing down the page). However graphics are not subject to a similarly stringent set of structural conventions. Instead, it is the content itself that largely determines the nature of the graphic entities and the way they are arranged. For example, the form and spatial arrangement of the items that comprise the actual subject matter being represented in the graphic are used as the basis for the graphic entities and structure that are displayed in the graphic. This is not the case with written text where the words and their arrangement bear no resemblance to the represented subject matter. Because of these and other fundamental differences between text and graphics, it is appropriate that the processes involved in comprehension and production of graphics are clearly distinguished from those involved in comprehension and production of text.
  • 472
  • 29 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Programming/2 BeanShell
You can write your scrips using the BeanShell. Edit a file, save it with the extension ".bsh" The program will be executed by pressing (press [F8]). Text output will go to "BeanShell" (a window below the main editor). See  BeanShell article to read more about this scripting language. This manual is provided here for your convenience. The manual below is based on these external resources. This document is about BeanShell. BeanShell is a small, free, embeddable Java source interpreter with object scripting language features, written in Java. BeanShell executes standard Java statements and expressions but also extends Java into the scripting domain with common scripting language conventions and syntax. BeanShell is a natural scripting language for Java. Traditionally, the primary difference between a scripting language and a compiled language has been in its type system: the way in which you define and use data elements. You might be thinking that there is a more obvious difference here - that of "interpreted" code vs. compiled code. But the compiler in and of itself does not fundamentally change the way you work with a language. Nor does interpreting a language necessarily make it more useful for what we think of as "scripting". It is the type system of a language that makes it possible for a compiler to analyze the structure of an application for correctness. Without types, compilation is reduced to just a grammar check and an optimization for speed. From the developer's perspective, it is also the type system that characterizes the way in which we interact with the code. Types are good. Without strongly type languages it would be very hard to write large scale systems and make any assertions about their correctness before they are run. But working with types imposes a burden on the developer. Types are labels and labeling things can be tedious. It can be especially tedious during certain kinds of development or special applications where it is flexibility and not program structure that is paramount. There are times where simplicity and ease of use is a more important criterion. This is not just rationalization to cover some underlying laziness. Productivity affects what people do and more importantly do *not* do in the real world, much more than you might think. There is a lot of important software that exists in the world today only because the cost/benefit ratio in some developer's mind reached a certain threshold. Unit testing - one of the foundations of writing good code - is a prime example. Unit tests for well written code are, in general, vitally important as a collective but almost insignificant individually. It's a "tragedy of the commons" that leads individual developers to repeatedly weigh the importance of writing another unit test with working on "real code". Give developers have a tool that makes it easy to perform a test with a line or two of code they will probably use it. If, moreover, it is also a tool that they enjoy using during their development process - that saves the time, they will be even more inclined to use it. Customizability through scripting also opens the door to applications that are more powerful than the sum of their parts. When users can extend, enhance, and add to their applications they use them in new and unexpected ways. Scripting is powerful. Traditionally scripting languages have traded in the power of types for simplicity. Most scripting languages distill the type system to just one or a handful of types such as strings, numbers, or simple lists. This is sufficient for many kinds of scripting. Many scripting languages operate in a loose, unstructured land - a place dominated by text and course-grained tools. As such these scripting languages have evolved sophisticated mechanisms for working with these simple types (regular expressions, pipes, etc.). As a result there has developed a casm between the scripting languages and the application languages created by the collapse of the type system in-between. The scripting languages have remained a separate species, isolated and speaking a different dialect from their brothers the application languages. BeanShell is a new kind of scripting language. BeanShell begins with the standard Java language and bridges it into the scripting domain in a natural way, but allowing the developer to relaxing types where appropriate. It is possible to write BeanShell scripts that look exactly like Java method code. But it's also possible to write scripts that look more like a traditional scripting language, while still maintaining the framework of the Java syntax. BeanShell emulates typed variables and parameters when they are used. This allows you to "seed" your code with strong types where appropriate. You can "shore up" repeatedly used methods as you work on them, migrating them closer to Java. Eventually you may find that you want to compile these methods and maintain them in standard Java. With BeanShell this is easy. BeanShell does not impose a syntactic boundary between your scripts and Java. But the bridge to Java extends much deeper than simple code similarity. BeanShell is one of a new breed of scripting languages made possible by Java's advanced reflection capabilities. Since BeanShell can run in the same Java virtual machine as your application, you can freely work with real, live, Java objects - passing them into and out of your scripts. Combined with BeanShell's ability to implement Java interfaces, you can achieve seamless and simple integration of scripting into your Java applications. BeanShell does not impose a type boundary between your scripts and Java.
  • 472
  • 29 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Development of AI in Surgery after SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic
SARS-CoV-2 has significantly transformed the healthcare environment, and it has triggered the development of electronic health and artificial intelligence mechanisms, for instance. 
  • 471
  • 04 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Public Perceptions around mHealth Applications
This study aimed to use Twitter to understand public perceptions around the use of six Saudi mHealth apps used during the COVID-19 pandemic: “Sehha”, “Mawid”, “Sehhaty”, “Tetamman”, “Tawakkalna”, and “Tabaud”. The specific objectives of this study are: (1) to examine the difference in communication network structure across the networks generated among the six mHealth apps included in our study; (2) to analyze the sentiment surrounding the six mHealth apps conversations; and (3) to evaluate the performance of a sentiment classifier using machine learning approaches.
  • 471
  • 10 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Network Medicine
Network medicine is the application of network science towards identifying, preventing, and treating diseases. This field focuses on using network topology and network dynamics towards identifying diseases and developing medical drugs. Biological networks, such as protein-protein interactions and metabolic pathways, are utilized by network medicine. Disease networks, which map relationships between diseases and biological factors, also play an important role in the field. Epidemiology is extensively studied using network science as well; social networks and transportation networks are used to model the spreading of disease across populations. Network medicine is a medically focused area of systems biology.
  • 471
  • 27 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Criticism of Non-Standard Analysis
Non-standard analysis and its offshoot, non-standard calculus, have been criticized by several authors, notably Errett Bishop, Paul Halmos, and Alain Connes. These criticisms are analyzed below.
  • 471
  • 04 Nov 2022
Topic Review
The disaster of the COVID-19 pandemic has claimed numerous lives and wreaked havoc on the entire world due to its transmissible nature. One of the complications of COVID-19 is pneumonia. Different radiography methods, particularly computed tomography (CT), have shown outstanding performance in effectively diagnosing pneumonia.
  • 470
  • 05 Jun 2023
Topic Review
GIS and Reinforcement Learning for Aquaculture Disease Transmission
Aquaculture, a critical domain in sustainable food production, is increasingly relying on Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for disease transmission analysis. GIS, an advanced digital mapping and analytical tool, not only helps visualize the geographical spread of diseases but also discerns patterns and offers predictive insights. By integrating a variety of datasets, from environmental to biological, GIS enables comprehensive analysis of disease risk zones, facilitating preemptive measures and efficient resource allocation.
  • 470
  • 23 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Mobile Applications for Disabilities
A“mobile application” or “mobile app” is an application of software; depending on the technologies engaged, it knows how to be a native application, as well as a web or hybrid application. Mobile applications are designed to be employed on intelligent devices or tablets; they can be transferred from a device company’s distribution platform.
  • 469
  • 22 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Obfuscated Memory Malware Detection
Obfuscated Memory Malware (OMM) presents significant threats to interconnected systems, including smart city applications, for its ability to evade detection through concealment tactics. Existing OMM detection methods primarily focus on binary detection. 
  • 469
  • 24 Jul 2023
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