Topic Review
Machine Learning for RC monitoring
The reciprocating compressor (RC) is a key piece of equipment in petroleum and chemical industries. If the RC does not operate in the rated efficiency, it will lead to great economic loss to the company. Sometimes RCs are used to compress inflammable and explosive gases working under high pressures and temperatures, such as hydrogen, ethylene, and natural gas, which would threat human life once the machine malfunctions. Furthermore, due to the intricate structure of the compressor, a large amount of wearing parts, and the complicated interactional relationship between moving parts of the compressor, it is essential to monitor the compressor operating condition and detect failures of RCs accurately and in a timely manner. Operating condition detection and fault diagnosis are very important for reliable operation of reciprocating compressors. Machine learning is one of the most powerful tools in this field.
  • 962
  • 06 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Industry 4.0 and Sustainability
Sustainability and Industry 4.0 (I4.0) are trending concepts used in the literature on industrial processes. Industry 4.0 has been mainly addressed by the current literature from a technological perspective, overlooking sustainability challenges regarding this recent paradigm. The objective of this encyclopedia entry is to evaluate the state of the art of relations between sustainability and I4.0. The goal will be met by (1) mapping and summarizing existing research efforts, (2) identifying research agendas, (3) examining gaps and opportunities for further research. Web of Science, Scopus, and a set of specific keywords were used to select peer-reviewed papers presenting evidence on the relationship between sustainability and I4.0. To achieve this goal, it was decided to use a dynamic methodology called “systematic literature network analysis”. This methodology combines a systematic literature review approach with the analysis of bibliographic networks. Selected papers were used to build a reference framework formed by I4.0 technologies and sustainability issues. The encyclopedia entry contributes to the Sustainable Industry 4.0 reference framework with application procedures. It aims to show how I4.0 can support ideas of sustainability. The results showed that apart from a huge contribution to both concepts, many papers do not provide an insight into realization of initiatives to introduce Sustainable Industry 4.0.
  • 7.2K
  • 06 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Sustainable Supply Chain
Supply chain sustainability (SCS) in the age of Industry 4.0 and Big Data is a growing area of research. However, there are no systematic and extensive studies that classify the different types of research and examine the general trends in this area of research. This paper reviews the literature on sustainability, Big Data, Industry 4.0 and supply chain management published since 2009 and provides a thorough insight into the field by using bibliometric and network analysis techniques. A total of 87 articles published in the past 10 years were evaluated and the top contributing authors, countries, and key research topics were identified. Furthermore, the most influential works based on citations and PageRank were obtained and compared. Finally, six research categories were proposed in which scholars could be encouraged to expand Big Data and Industry 4.0 research on SCS. This paper contributes to the literature on SCS in the age of Industry 4.0 by discussing the challenges facing current research but also, more importantly, by identifying and proposing these six research categories and future research directions.
  • 1.2K
  • 06 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Mechanical Properties of FDM
Fused deposition modeling (FDM) uses thermoplastic materials to print parts layer by layer. Usually, a (or several) continuous filament made of thermoplastic polymer is heated to the point of viscous state and extruded layer by layer on a platform to build the part. The thermo-plasticity properties of the material assist the fusing of layers together as well as the solidification process while the temperature is decreasing. Bonding between the layers will be generated due to the interaction of the molecules when one layer stays in a molten state and bound to the solid layer while solidifying. However, voids might appear between the layers due to the fast freezing of molten fibers or the lack of overlap between the extruded material and the solidified material. Therefore, these bonds exhibit mechanical properties unlike those created by the conventional manufacturing process and therefore it is difficult to predict the mechanical properties of FDM printed parts.
  • 1.1K
  • 01 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Graph Modeling of Shop Schedulings
Graphs are powerful tools to model manufacturing systems and scheduling problems. The complexity of these systems and their scheduling problems has been substantially increased by the ongoing technological development. Thus, it is essential to generate sustainable graph-based modeling approaches to deal with these excessive complexities. Graphs employ nodes and edges to represent the relationships between jobs, machines, operations, etc. Despite the significant volume of publications applying graphs to shop scheduling problems, the literature lacks a comprehensive survey study. We proposed the first comprehensive review paper which 1) systematically studies the overview and the perspective of this field, 2) highlights the gaps and potential hotspots of the literature, and 3) suggests future research directions towards sustainable graphs modeling the new intelligent/complex systems. We carefully examined 143 peer-reviewed journal papers published from 2015 to 2020. About 70% of our dataset were published in top-ranked journals which confirms the validity of our data and can imply the importance of this field. After discussing our generic data collection methodology, we proposed categorizations over the properties of the scheduling problems and their solutions. Then, we discussed our novel categorization over the variety of graphs modeling scheduling problems. Finally, as the most important contribution, we generated a creative graph-based model from scratch to represent the gaps and hotspots of the literature accompanied with statistical analysis on our dataset. Our analysis showed a significant attention towards job shop systems (56%) and Un/Directed Graphs (52%) where edges can be either directed, or undirected, or both. Whereas 14% of our dataset applied only Undirected Graphs, and 11% targeted hybrid systems, e.g., mixed shop, flexible and cellular manufacturing systems which shows potential future research directions.
  • 1.8K
  • 25 May 2021
Topic Review
Structural Batteries
Structural power composites are a new class of materials/structural configurations capable of storing electric energy and, at the same time, carrying mechanical loads. They stand out as a possible solution to the demands of the modern transportation system of more efficient and eco-friendly vehicles.
  • 615
  • 16 May 2021
Topic Review
3D Printing to Produce BioComposite
Current environmental concerns have led to a search of more environmentally friendly manufacturing methods, thus, natural fibers have gained attention in the 3D printing industry to be used as biofilters along with thermoplastics. The utilization of natural fibers is very convenient as they are easily available, cost-effective, eco-friendly, and biodegradable. Using natural fibers rather than synthetic fibers in the production of the 3D printing filaments will reduces gas emissions associated with the production of the synthetic fibers that would add to the current pollution problem. As a matter of fact, natural fibers have a reinforcing effect on plastics. This review analyzes how the properties of the different types of polymers vary when natural fibers processed to produce filaments for 3D Printing are added. The results of using natural fibers for 3D Printing are presented in this study and appeared to be satisfactory, while a limited number of studies have reported some issues.
  • 1.1K
  • 12 May 2021
Topic Review
Structural Health Monitoring Systems
Structural health monitoring (SHM) is a rapidly evolving field, and there is a vast literature covering several topics that are related to this field. This entry is focused on the analysis of the state of the art of sensors for guided ultrasonic waves for the detection and localization of impacts for structural health monitoring (SHM).
  • 1.2K
  • 06 May 2021
Topic Review
High Speed Roll Caster
There were two types of high-speed twin-roll casters and a single-roll caster equipped with a scraper. One of the twin-roll casters is a vertical-type high-speed twin-roll caster, and the other twin-roll caster is an unequal-diameter twin-roll caster. The vertical-type high-speed twin-roll caster can cast strip at speeds of up to 120 m/min. The unequal-diameter twin-roll caster casts strip at speeds up to 60 m/min. The unequal-diameter twin-roll caster is superior to the vertical-type high-speed twin-roll caster at the point of conveyance of the cast strip. A single-roll caster equipped with a scraper can cast strip without center-line segregation at speeds of up to 40 m/min. The use of a copper alloy roll and the non-use of a parting material enable high-speed roll casting. Since the roll loads of these casters are smaller than 0.1 kN/mm, soft copper alloy roll can be used. The strip does not stick to the roll without the parting material because of the use of the copper alloy roll with high thermal conductivity and the small roll load. The cooling rate near the surface is higher than 2000 °C/s.
  • 919
  • 05 May 2021
Topic Review
Fresh Fish Preservation
Fresh fish is a highly perishable food characterized by a short shelf-life, and for this reason, it must be properly handled and stored to slow down its deterioration and to ensure microbial safety and marketable shelf-life. Modern consumers seek fresh-like, minimally processed foods due to the raising concerns regarding the use of preservatives in foods, as is the case of fresh fish. Given this, emergent preservation techniques are being evaluated as a complement or even replacement of conventional preservation methodologies, to assure food safety and extend shelf-life without compromising food safety.
  • 2.4K
  • 05 May 2021
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