Topic Review
Building Information Modelling and Project-Lifecycle
The Architecture, Engineering, Construction and Operations (AECO) industry constitutes a cornerstone of a country’s economy and is predicted to account for circa 15% of the World’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 2030. Construction outputs create critical infrastructure and buildings that cumulatively constitute the built environment which provides the basis for society and other industries to flourish; hence, the economic contribution is perhaps greater than the estimated “direction” contribution to the GDP. Annually, the AECO industry is responsible for nearly 40% of the total energy use, 32% of CO2 emissions and 25% of the generated waste in Europe. Furthermore, in many developing countries, the construction industry has undergone substantial fluctuations to accomplish its local economic objectives. As a result, many developing countries’ financial procedures are in the process of improvement. In these countries, construction projects frequently face several time-schedule delays. Furthermore, the industry is faced with numerous productivity issues stemming from the lack of adoption of emerging technologies or concepts such as Building Information Modelling (BIM), blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry 4.0. As a result, the construction industry in developing countries does not achieve government goals for society and clients, and a need for developing “overall success construction projects” that are resource-efficient has been underlined in the literature.
  • 1.1K
  • 17 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Building Information Modelling for Application in Geotechnical Engineering
Building Information Modeling (BIM) is the modern technology of digital transformation in architecture and engineering. The technology includes software and multi-disciplinary data processing procedures for designing, documentation and modeling.
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  • 16 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Building Information Modelling for Post-Disaster Reconstruction
Disasters can be defined as “an action that causes a threat to life, well-being, material goods, and the environment from the extremes of natural processes or technology” . Natural and human-made disasters affect the built environment. The large-scale damages caused by infrastructures and houses are accompanied by injuries and fatalities, reversal or stagnation of the local economy, and mislaying of livelihood sources. Post-disaster reconstruction (PDR) has been gaining more attention in the world because of frequent natural environment disasters, such as earthquakes tsunamis, and other activities, caused by human-made factors, such as conflicts and wars, which have raised the importance of PDR.
  • 722
  • 15 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Building Information Modelling in the Saudi Construction Industry
The Saudi Vision 2030 is a program of change management on a national level driven mostly by the use of digital technology. The implementation of building information modelling (BIM) is part of this change, and there is general agreement that its use improves the productivity and quality of the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industries. 
  • 253
  • 02 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Building Integrated Photovoltaic
BIPVs offers tremendous potential to building designers or Architects, provided that their introduction is well considered and catered for from the very beginning of the design stages and not left afterwards. They can influence building orientation footprints, layout and form; this is apart from changing the building as well as being an important element of the environmental setting and building systems. It is important here to stress their recognition as an essential part of the energy strategy of the building and it’s functioning, since careful and proper integration of PVs with other building elements is a key factor to their success. Moreover, their high aesthetical values in terms of neat, coloured and high-tech prestigious appearance can be a corner stone for more innovative architectural designs. To ensure proper integration of PVs into the building fabric we need to point certain factors that influences Pv performance as they are integrated in a building design. As well as assessing the nature and type of loads involved. Influence of PVs on building factor is also important, since PVs are considered expensive nowadays it is fairly important to use them as optimal as possible; this remind us with the use of glazing in the middle ages, which was expensive and rare, nowadays we see them almost every where.
  • 678
  • 05 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Building Management Systems and Operation
Artificial neural networks (ANNs) have become a cornerstone in efficiently managing building energy management systems (BEMSs) as they offer advanced capabilities for prediction, control, and optimization. 
  • 167
  • 02 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Building Material Recycling
Construction is amongst the leading sectors contributing to global economic growth whilst having a huge adverse impact on resource consumption, GHG emission, solid waste generation, and global warming. One of the main strategies to deal effectively with demolished building materials or components at the end of a building’s useful service life is recycling. Recycling is defined as the process of converting construction and demolition waste into new material.
  • 1.5K
  • 09 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Building Plumbing and Opportunistic Pathogens
The growth of Legionella pneumophila and other opportunistic pathogens (OPs) in drinking water premise plumbing poses an increasing public health concern. Premise plumbing is constructed of a variety of materials, creating complex environments that vary chemically, microbiologically, spatially, and temporally in a manner likely to influence survival and growth of OPs. Plastic pipes can leach organic carbon, but demonstrate a lower disinfectant demand and fewer water chemistry interactions. Iron pipes may provide OPs with nutrients directly or indirectly, exhibiting a high disinfectant demand and potential to form scales with high surface areas suitable for biofilm colonization. While copper pipes are known for their antimicrobial properties, evidence of their efficacy for OP control is inconsistent. Under some as yet not fully understood circumstances, copper’s interactions with premise plumbing water chemistry and resident microbes can encourage growth of OPs. Plumbing design, configuration, and operation can be manipulated to control such interactions and health outcomes. Influences of pipe materials on OP physiology should also be considered, including the possibility of influencing virulence and antibiotic resistance. In conclusion, all known pipe materials have a potential to either stimulate or inhibit OP growth, depending on the circumstances.
  • 923
  • 22 Dec 2020
Topic Review
Building Restoration
Building Restoration describes a particular treatment approach and philosophy within the field of architectural conservation and historic preservation. It emphasizes the preservation of structures such as historic sites, houses, monuments, and other significant properties through careful maintenance and upkeep. Restoration aims to create accurate depictions of these locations and protect them against deterioration that could make them inaccessible or unrecognizable in the future.
  • 5.1K
  • 17 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Building Retrofitting Measures in Korean
Green buildings and architecture are necessary for sustainable building development. Buildings are responsible for global high-energy consumption and carbon emissions. Retrofitting measures mitigate the effect of climate change on buildings by improving their energy performance at beneficial cost-effectiveness. The most critical aspect of retrofitting is structural refurbishment, which aids in added strength, stability, and safety.
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  • 08 Sep 2023
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