Topic Review
Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure in EU
Fast charging points are located within the public charging infrastructure, mainly along highways. In many regions the fast charging infrastructure for electric cars is still insufficiently developed. Due to the great economic diversity of EU countries, the development of charging infrastructure proceeds at different paces. For this reason, it is important to ensure that fast charging points are located primarily along the Trans-European Network (TEN-T) network and highways.
  • 693
  • 30 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Fuel Energy
Most fuels are natural compounds, such as petro fuel, diesel, and natural gas, either taken directly from the ground or refined from petroleum. Fuels can be categorized according to various forms. They are classified as solid, liquid, and gaseous fuels based on their physical appearance. Primary and secondary sub-classifications categorize wood, coal, and peat as primary fuels and coke and charcoal as secondary solid fuels. Similarly, petroleum is a primary liquid fuel; diesel, gasoline, kerosene, LPG, ethanol, and biodiesel are secondary biofuels. Finally, there is another category of fuels similar to gaseous fuels, in which natural gas is a perfect sample of primary gaseous fuel. On the other hand, hydrogen, propane, methane, coal gas, and water gas are secondary gaseous fuels. In addition, petrol, gas oil, diesel fuel, fuel oils, aviation fuel, jet fuel, and marine fuel are typical forms of fuel. Another classification is based on the purpose of fuel. For example, materials burnt to generate nuclear energy are called nuclear fuels, and those producing heat are called thermal fuels. The burning of plutonium produces nuclear energy. When burning coal, wood, oil, or gases, they produce heat.
  • 1.2K
  • 30 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Sustainable Manufacturability of Archimedes Screw Turbines
Archimedes screw turbines are considered a new technology in small- or microscale hydropower. The Archimedes screw turbines is a hydroturbine that is geometrically modeled after Archimedean screws, which are machines historically used to pump water to higher elevations. Archimedes screw turbines are easy and practical to operate compared with other turbines. It is considered a fish-friendly turbine due to the geometric structure of the screw-shaped turbine that allows fish to swim in between them.
  • 1.6K
  • 30 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Road Safety in Roadwork Zones
The number of zones where roadworks are carried out is continuously increasing, so the number of risky situations in which drivers can find themselves is also increasing. Roadwork zones represent high-risk conditions in traffic, both for road users and for construction workers. This paper presents and analyses data on road crashes and their consequences in roadwork zones, including the analysis of four typical roadwork situations that could pose a risk for traffic participants.
  • 408
  • 30 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Environmental Concepts in Additive Manufacturing
Additive manufacturing (AM) is a technological advancement that produces three-dimensional objects by layering polymers, ceramics, metals, composite materials, concrete, and human tissue materials in precise geometric shapes. When this new manufacturing technology is employed, it aims to create a healthy environment free of pollutants. Using additive manufacturing over traditional subtractive technologies may result in considerable material and energy resource savings, especially if the component is appropriately designed for manufacture.
  • 800
  • 29 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Molecular Simulation and Application in Adsorption Study
Simulation studies have emerged as valuable tools for understanding processes. In particular, molecular dynamic simulations hold great significance when it comes to the adsorption process. However, comprehensive studies on molecular simulations of adsorption processes using different adsorbents are scarcely available for wastewater treatment covering different contaminants and pollutants. There are five major categories for adsorbents: (1) carbon-based, (2) oxides and hydroxides, (3) zeolites, (4) metal–organic frameworks and (5) clay.
  • 543
  • 29 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Augmented Reality for Vehicle-Driver Communication
Capabilities for automated driving system (ADS)-equipped vehicles have been expanding over the past decade. Research has explored integrating augmented reality (AR) interfaces in ADS-equipped vehicles to improve drivers’ situational awareness, performance, and trust. The researchers reviewed AR visualizations for in-vehicle vehicle-driver communication from 2012 to 2022. The researchers first identified meta-data and methodological trends before aggregating findings from distinct AR interfaces and corresponding subjective and objective measures. Prominent subjective measures included acceptance, trust, and user experience; objective measures comprised various driving behavior or eye-tracking metrics. Research more often evaluated simulated AR interfaces, presented through windshields, and communicated object detection or intended maneuvers, in level 2 ADS. For object detection, key visualizations included bounding shapes, highlighting, or symbols. For intended route, mixed results were found for world-fixed verse screen-fixed arrows. Regardless of the AR design, communicating the ADS’ actions or environmental elements was beneficial to drivers, though presenting clear, relevant information was more favorable. Gaps in the literature that yet to be addressed include longitudinal effects, impaired visibility, contextual user needs, system reliability, and, most notably, inclusive design. 
  • 453
  • 29 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Cost–Benefit Analysis for Road Infrastructure Projects
Cost–benefit analysis (CBA) is considered an effective evaluation method for fostering optimal decision-making and ranking of road infrastructures over decades. Eight distinct modelling categories used for CBA implementation were determined, each encompassing three different modelling approaches for capturing the data risk assessment (deterministic or probabilistic), CBA’s parameters interactive behavior (static or dynamic) and the considered economies (microeconomic or macroeconomic). In-depth content analysis led to the interpretation of the current status of extant models and the identification of three main knowledge gaps: the absence of the CBA’s inputs updating into a probabilistic environment, the deficiency of a dynamic interdependent framework and the necessity of homogenous cost datasets for road projects. Future research directions and a conceptual framework for modelling CBA into a microeconomic, probabilistic and dynamic environment are proposed providing decision-makers with new avenues for more reliable CBA modelling.
  • 3.5K
  • 29 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Factors Influencing Community Health Workers’ Preparedness for ICT
Globally, community health workers (CHWs) are increasingly viewed as an integral part of the health system as opposed to simply being an extension of it. Given this view, most low- or middle-income countries (LMICs) have refocused their efforts on reorganising CHW initiatives to maximise their impact. In 2011, the South African Department of Health formally integrated community health workers (CHWs) into the national health system to strengthen primary healthcare delivery following the Universal Health Coverage (UHC) principles and the South African National Development Plan 2030. Several studies have found that most CHWs are comfortable providing clinical treatment but are unsure how to translate epidemiological and socio-demographic data into relevant information for service delivery. Information and communication technology (ICT) provides a viable mechanism for assisting CHWs with information appropriation.
  • 480
  • 29 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Green Membrane Materials
Biodegradable membranes with innovative antifouling properties are emerging as possible substitutes for conventional membranes. These types of membranes have the potential to be applied in a wide range of applications, from water treatment to food packaging and energy production.
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  • 29 Jan 2023
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