Topic Review
Liquid Hydrogen in the Transportation Sector
The European Green Deal aims to transform the EU into a modern, resource-efficient, and competitive economy. The REPowerEU plan launched in May 2022 as part of the Green Deal reveals the willingness of several countries to become energy independent and tackle the climate crisis. Therefore, the decarbonization of different sectors such as maritime shipping is crucial and may be achieved through sustainable energy. Hydrogen is potentially clean and renewable and might be chosen as fuel to power ships and boats. Hydrogen technologies (e.g., fuel cells for propulsion) have already been implemented on board different types of vehicles mainly during demonstration projects.
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  • 08 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Treatment Methods of SC
Sulfur compounds(SC) are removed from petroleum by the addition of sodium hydroxide at a very high concentration. As a result, a residue called spent soda or spent caustic is generated, being extremely aggressive to the environment. In this work, the chemical properties of this residue are described in detail. The sodium hydroxide remains that have not reacted, sulfur compounds, and organic matter are the primary pollutants reported. Additionally, the main characteristics of the methods of treatment used to reduce them are described.
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  • 14 Jan 2021
Topic Review
Laser Welding Based on Digital Twins
The benefits of laser welding include higher production values, deeper penetration, higher welding speeds, adaptability, and higher power density. These characteristics make laser welding a superior process. Many industries are aware of the benefits of switching to lasers. Laser welding of aluminum alloys presents a daunting challenge, mainly because aluminum is a less reliable material for welding than other commercial metals such as steel, primarily because of its physical properties: high thermal conductivity, high reflectivity, and low viscosity.
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  • 24 May 2022
Topic Review
Sustainability Requirements of Residential Buildings
The COVID-19 pandemic is bringing about changes, and alongside these, we can alter the way we design our living spaces. The need for a healthy and comfortable living space is essential to mental, physical well-being, and personal comfort. This entry shows how is COVID-19 Experience Transforming Sustainability Requirements of Residential Buildings.
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  • 27 Jan 2021
Topic Review
Gaseous and Liquid Fuel Cook-Stove
Clean and efficient cook-stoves and fuels are essential to address energy demand and ensure safe cooking for billions of people across the globe. Currently, nearly 2651 million people in developing countries (Africa—910 million, Asia—1674 million, Central and South America—57 million, and Middle East—10 million) are without clean cooking facilities.
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  • 03 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Ozone Depletion by Rocket Launches
Rocket launches used for space exploration continue to gain popularity as the human population grows and technology advances toward the future. Large increases in rocket launch demand could come about for a variety of reasons, including national decisions regarding security, space exploration, significant reductions in launch costs, or the emergence of new markets such as space tourism, manufacturing, or solar power. Rocket launches can affect the natural environment, most specifically the composition of the atmosphere as they travel through it. A major environmental problem faced today is the depletion of the ozone layer in the atmosphere by rockets and other molecular species such as chlorofluorocarbons. Up to forty percent of the total ozone present in the wake of a rocket is destroyed from rocket plumes. Ozone concentrations are calculated using ultraviolet and visible light radiometers attached to rockets. Calculations analyzed from these radiometers are where scientists first noticed the depletion of ozone caused by rockets.
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  • 01 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Contractual Systems in Oil/Gas Sector
Production activities in the oil and gas industry are capital intensive and associated with high technology, with these assets not always being available to oil-producing countries or national companies. Any form of interaction between the parties involved in natural resource extraction requires clear regulation regarding contractual relationships. This study attempts to analyze Indonesia’s production sharing contract system in order to assess its applicability to other conditions. The article covers the key aspects of contract theory, provides a classification of contractual systems in the oil and gas sector, and discusses the most common types of contractual agreements. It also considers the key principles of production sharing contracts (PSCs), analyzes the development of PSC practices in Indonesia over the past sixty years, and highlights PSC advantages and disadvantages.
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  • 10 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Heavy metals removal from contaminated solution using seaweed
Heavy metal contamination affects lives with concomitant environmental pollution, and seaweed has emerged as a remedy with the ability to save the ecosystem, due to its eco-friendliness, affordability, availability, and effective metal ion removal rate. Heavy metals are intrinsic toxicants that are known to induce damage to multiple organs, especially when subjected to excess exposure. With respect to these growing concerns, this review presents the preferred sorption material among the many natural sorption materials. The use of seaweeds to treat contaminated solutions has demonstrated outstanding results when compared to other materials. The sorption of metal ions using dead seaweed biomass offers a comparative advantage over other natural sorption materials. This article summarizes the impact of heavy metals on the environment, and why dead seaweed biomass is regarded as the leading remediation material among the available materials. 
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  • 24 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Energy Return on Investment
Energy Return on Energy Invested (EROEI) (also Energy Return on Investment (EROI)) is a dimensionless ratio that compares the output over the life of an energy generating system—such as a power plant—to the energy inputs to the system. EROEI thus has the potential to filter out unsuitable projects, and to rank surviving projects according to their energy return. EROEI is therefore an important adjunct to conventional monetary project assessments.
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  • 14 Dec 2020
Topic Review
Indefinite Lifespan
Indefinite lifespan (also known as indefinite life extension or bio-indefinite) is a term used in the life extension movement and transhumanism to refer to the hypothetical longevity of humans (and other life-forms) under conditions in which ageing is effectively and completely prevented and treated. Their lifespans would be "indefinite" (that is, they would not be "immortal"), because protection from the effects of aging on health does not guarantee survival. Such individuals would still be susceptible to death by disease, starvation, accidents, or deliberate killing, but not death from aging. Semantically, "indefinite lifespan" is more accurate than "immortality" which, especially in religious contexts, implies an inability to die.
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  • 26 Oct 2022
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