Topic Review
Cristae Dynamics
Recent studies using fluorescence super-resolution (SR) microscopy techniques showed unexpected fast movement of cristae and CJs, collectively termed as cristae dynamics. Cristae undergo continuous cycles of membrane remodelling often assisted by the dynamics of CJs in a MICOS-dependent manner, which led to the proposal of the ‘Cristae Fission and Fusion’ (CriFF) model. The field of cristae dynamics is still in infancy, future experiments could provide better insights about the consequences of the reduced cristae or CJ dynamics in the knockouts (KOs) of the MICOS subunits and their relevance in many pathologies associated with the MICOS complex.
  • 658
  • 27 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Bone Morphogenetic Proteins
Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) were originally identified as the active components in bone extracts that can induce ectopic bone formation. In recent decades, their key role has broadly expanded beyond bone physiology and pathology. Nowadays, the BMP pathway is considered an important player in vascular signaling. Indeed, mutations in genes encoding different components of the BMP pathway cause various severe vascular diseases. Their signaling contributes to the morphological, functional and molecular heterogeneity among endothelial cells in different vessel types such as arteries, veins, lymphatic vessels and capillaries within different organs. The BMP pathway is a remarkably fine-tuned pathway. As a result, its signaling output in the vessel wall critically depends on the cellular context, which includes flow hemodynamics, interplay with other vascular signaling cascades and the interaction of endothelial cells with peri-endothelial cells and the surrounding matrix.
  • 879
  • 27 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Systemic Sclerosis
Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a connective tissue disease of unknown etiology. SSc causes damage to the skin and various organs including the lungs, heart, and digestive tract, but the extent of the damage varies from patient to patient. The pathology of SSc includes ischemia, inflammation, and fibrosis, but the degree of progression varies from case to case. Many cytokines have been reported to be involved in the pathogenesis of SSc. For example, interleukin-6 is associated with inflammation, and transforming growth factor-β and interleukin-13 are associated with fibrosis. Therapeutic methods to control these cytokines have been proposed; however, which cytokines have a dominant role in SSc might differ depending on the stage of disease progression and the extent of visceral lesions. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the disease state of the patient when an anti-cytokine therapy is conducted.
  • 403
  • 26 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Extracellular Vesicles of MSCs
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), the cells distributed in the stromas of the body, are known for various properties including replication, the potential of various differentiations, the immune-related processes including inflammation. These cells were shown to play relevant roles in the therapy of numerous diseases, dependent on their immune regulation and their release of cytokines and growth factors, with ensuing activation of favorable enzymes and processes. Soon thereafter, it became clear that therapeutic actions of MSCs are risky, accompanied by serious drawbacks and defects. MSC therapy has been therefore reduced to a few diseases, replaced for the others by their extracellular vesicles, the MSC-EVs. The latter vesicles recapitulate most therapeutic actions of MSCs, with equal or even better efficacies and without the serious drawbacks of the parent cells. In addition, MSC-EVs are characterized by many advantages, among which are their heterogeneities dependent on the stromas of origin, the alleviation of cell aging, the regulation of immune responses and inflammation.
  • 432
  • 26 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Lipid Metabolism Disorders and COPD
Exacerbations largely determine the character of the progression and prognosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Exacerbations are connected with changes in the microbiological landscape in the bronchi due to a violation of their immune homeostasis. Many metabolic and immune processes involved in COPD progression are associated with bacterial colonization of the bronchi. 
  • 544
  • 26 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Mitochondrial Metal Ion Transport
The homeostasis of mitochondrial metal ions plays an important role in maintaining mitochondria and cell functions and regulating multiple diseases. In particular, channels and transporters for transporting mitochondrial metal ions are very critical, which can be used as potential targets to treat neurodegeneration, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes and other metabolic diseases. This review summarizes the current research on several types of mitochondrial metal ion channels/transporters and their functions in cell metabolism and diseases, providing strong evidence and therapeutic strategies for further insights into related diseases.
  • 753
  • 23 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Salivary Gland Tissue Engineering Approaches
Salivary gland regeneration is important for developing treatments for radiation-induced xerostomia, Sjögren’s syndrome, and other conditions that cause dry mouth. Culture conditions adopted from tissue engineering strategies have been used to recapitulate gland structure and function to study and regenerate the salivary glands. The purpose of this review is to highlight current trends in the field, with an emphasis on soluble factors that have been shown to improve secretory function in vitro.
  • 461
  • 21 Jul 2021
Topic Review
The Guanyl Radical
Guanyl radical or neutral guanine radical G(-H)• results from the loss of a H-atom or an electron/proton (e–/H+) couple from the guanine structures (G). Guanyl radical G(-H)• exists in two tautomeric forms and its role in single- and double-stranded oligonucleotides, in DNA and G-quadruplex, attracted considerable attention since directly connected to the damage of genetic material and its biological consequences. The emerging picture is still incomplete and extrapolation of its chemistry from nucleosides to more complex environment like DNA can be misleading.
  • 717
  • 20 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Oral Pathogenic Bacteria-Inducing Neurodegenerative Microgliosis
Porphyromonas gingivalis is a gram-negative bacterium found in the human oral cavity and is responsible for the development of chronic periodontitis as well as neurological diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Given the significance of the roles of P. gingivalis in AD pathogenesis, it is critical to understand the underlying mechanisms of P. gingivalis-driven neuroinflammation and their contribution to neurodegeneration. Herein, we hypothesize that P. gingivalis produces secondary metabolites that may cause neurodegeneration through direct or indirect pathways mediated by microglia. To test our hypothesis, we treated human neural cells with bacterial conditioned media on our brain platforms and assessed microgliosis, astrogliosis and neurodegeneration. We found that bacteria-mediated microgliosis induced the production of nitric oxide, which causes neurodegeneration assessed with high pTau level. Our study demonstrated the elevation of detrimental protein mediators, CD86 and iNOS and the production of several pro-inflammatory markers from stimulated microglia. Through inhibition of LPS and succinate dehydrogenase in a bacterial conditioned medium, we showed a decrease in neurodegenerative microgliosis. In addition, we demonstrated the bidirectional effect of microgliosis and astrogliosis on each other exacerbating neurodegeneration. Overall, our study suggests that the mouth-brain axis may contribute to the pathogenesis of AD.
  • 342
  • 19 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Urinary EVs in kidney-related diseases
Intercellular communication governs multicellular interactions in complex organisms. A variety of mechanisms exist through which cells can communicate, e.g., cell-cell contact, the release of paracrine/autocrine soluble molecules, or the transfer of extracellular vesicles (EVs). EVs are membrane-surrounded structures released by almost all cell types, acting both nearby and distant from their tissue/organ of origin. In the kidney, EVs are potent intercellular messengers released by all urinary system cells and are involved in cell crosstalk, contributing to physiology and pathogenesis. Moreover, urine is a reservoir of EVs coming from the circulation after crossing the glomerular filtration barrier—or originating in the kidney. Thus, urine represents an alternative source for biomarkers in kidney-related diseases, potentially replacing standard diagnostic techniques, including kidney biopsy. 
  • 465
  • 19 Jul 2021
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