Topic Review
Physical Activity in Cardiometabolic Disease
Cardiometabolic disease begins with insulin resistance and then progresses to the clinically identifiable high-risk states of metabolic syndrome and prediabetes, before it leads to type 2 diabetes (T2DM) and cardiovascular disease (CVD). In low-to-middle-income countries (LMICs), the burden attributable to non-communicable disease (including CVD and T2DM) increased from 37.8% of total disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) in 1990 to 66.0% in 2019, with a similar pattern in upper-middle-income countries as well. Cardiometabolic disease imposes a large financial burden on patients and households, while increasing vulnerability to poverty.
  • 370
  • 06 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Impact of Virtual Nature Therapy on Stress Responses
Previous research has found that virtual reality (VR) experiences affect socio-affective behavior, indicating the potential of using VR for cognitive and psychological stress therapy. However, evidence for the impacts of virtual forest therapy as a stress-reduction technique is lacking, and the usefulness of these techniques has yet to be determined. 
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  • 17 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Addressing Health Disparities through Community Participation
Multilateral health institutions, public health agencies, and the scientific community agree that the involvement of communities in public health policy, practice, and research is a necessary condition for achieving their goals and reducing social inequalities in health. 
  • 369
  • 18 Apr 2023
Topic Review
Holistic Conceptual Framework for Dietary Quality Assessment
Numerous dietary quality indices exist to help quantify overall dietary intake and behaviors associated with positive health outcomes. Most indices focus solely on biomedical factors and nutrient or food intake, and exclude the influence of important social and environmental factors associated with dietary intake. Using the Diet Quality Index- International as one sample index to illustrate the proposed holistic conceptual framework, this entry seeks to elucidate potential adaptations to dietary quality assessment by considering—in parallel—biomedical, environmental, and social factors. Considering these factors would add context to dietary quality assessment, influencing post-assessment recommendations for use across various populations and circumstances. Additionally, individual and population-level evidence-based practices could be informed by contextual social and environmental factors that influence dietary quality to provide more relevant, reasonable, and beneficial nutritional recommendations.
  • 369
  • 22 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Usage of Telerehabilitation
Telerehabilitation is an alternative platform of telecommunication-based practice that could provide alternatives in delivering health education and care for clients or individuals either in clinical, community or home care settings.
  • 369
  • 26 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Artificial Intelligence in Breast Cancer Medical Imaging
The heavy global burden and mortality of breast cancer emphasize the importance of early diagnosis and treatment. Imaging detection is one of the main tools used in clinical practice for screening, diagnosis, and treatment efficacy evaluation, and can visualize changes in tumor size and texture before and after treatment. The overwhelming number of images, which lead to a heavy workload for radiologists and a sluggish reporting period, suggests the need for computer-aid detection techniques and platform. In addition, complex and changeable image features, heterogeneous quality of images, and inconsistent interpretation by different radiologists and medical institutions constitute the primary difficulties in breast cancer screening and imaging diagnosis. The advancement of imaging-based artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted tumor diagnosis is an ideal strategy for improving imaging diagnosis efficient and accuracy. By learning from image data input and constructing algorithm models, AI is able to recognize, segment, and diagnose tumor lesion automatically, showing promising application prospects. Furthermore, the rapid advancement of “omics” promotes a deeper and more comprehensive recognition of the nature of cancer.
  • 369
  • 03 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Microneedles for SARS-CoV-2 Mass Vaccination
Vaccination is an effective measure to prevent infectious diseases. Protective immunity is induced when the immune system is exposed to a vaccine formulation with appropriate immunogenicity. However, traditional injection vaccination is always accompanied by fear and severe pain. As an emerging vaccine delivery tool, microneedles overcome the problems associated with routine needle vaccination, which can effectively deliver vaccines rich in antigen-presenting cells (APCs) to the epidermis and dermis painlessly, inducing a strong immune response. In addition, microneedles have the advantages of avoiding cold chain storage and have the flexibility of self-operation, which can solve the logistics and delivery obstacles of vaccines, covering the vaccination of the special population more easily and conveniently. 
  • 369
  • 10 May 2023
Topic Review
Malignant Mesothelioma
Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is a cancer mainly caused by asbestos fiber inhalation, characterized by an extremely long latency and poor prognosis.
  • 368
  • 03 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Association between Sleep Quality and Perinatal Depression
Pregnancy is characterized by hormonal and physiological changes; some of these changes cause changes in sleep, presenting excessive sleep in early pregnancy due to the action of progesterone, and difficulty sleeping at the end of pregnancy due to weight gain and frequency of urination. 
  • 368
  • 04 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Therapeutic Implications of Splanchnic Vein Thrombosis
Splanchnic vein thrombosis (SVT) includes portal (portal vein thrombosis, PVT), mesenteric (mesenteric vein thrombosis, MVT) and splenic vein thrombosis, and Budd-Chiari syndrome (BCS). SVT is generally classified as secondary to an identified risk factor or primitive, unprovoked, when causative factors cannot be identified. While much rarer than common venous thromboembolism (VTE), SVT is often challenging to clinicians for both the identification of the causal disorder and for its therapeutic management. The therapeutic approach of SVT is a clinical challenge and considers the manifestations and the site of thrombosis, the risk of SVT progression, recurrence and bleeding. The decision regarding when to start, as well as the type and the duration of anticoagulant therapy is often made empirically.
  • 368
  • 09 May 2023
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