Topic Review
AI-Based and Big Data Analytics on Urban Planning
In order to enable a holistic approach to design and planning, there is a need to integrate those data sources and combine them with other more traditional methods of urban assessment. At the same time, there are still various concerns about big data analytics based on AI-related tools connected, for example, with the accessibility to and accuracy of big data, as well as the limitations of different types of AI-based tools which do not permit this kind of analytics to fully replace traditional urban planning analyses. In terms of technological change, the application of big data in design and planning may greatly support traditional planning methods and provide conditions for innovation; however, due to its limitations, it can only enrich but in no way replace traditional urban studies.
  • 3.5K
  • 03 Dec 2021
Topic Review
The word “borderland” has many meanings; however, it is most often considered from the geographical and sociological, or, in other words, spatial and cultural perspective. The borderland is an area or a territory located near the border or far away from the centre. Within the borderland, socio-cultural contact takes place between various nations or ethnic groups. This is where the “new people and their culture” are formed. A borderland is sometimes precisely delimited, e.g., based on natural objects such as rivers or mountain ranges, or on administrative attributes. It is, however, most frequently determined on the basis of settlement geography. Its actual area and range are determined by migrations, colonisation, and cultural diversity of its inhabitants .
  • 2.5K
  • 19 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Participatory Methods for Urban Development
Despite the fact that vulnerable communities are the most affected by unplanned cities, considerably less attention has been given to involving them in urban development in order to ensure equitable outcomes. In this regard, there is an urgent need for governments to introduce and enforce processes that allow citizens, including vulnerable communities, to participate in development planning and policymaking. However, at present, there is a lack of guidance for practitioners regarding the definition of a clear purpose of community engagement and the selection of appropriate participatory methods to fulfil the set purpose. This study provides a thorough account of the participatory methods that can be used to achieve various engagement goals throughout the urban development process. This structured literature review used 71 reports published from 2000 to 2020. The review revealed 34 participatory methods, wherein most of the methods are devoted to informing, consulting and involving communities, whilst only a few methods are available for interactive public participation that supports true collaboration and empowerment. The study identified 12 purposes of community engagement in urban development, and mapped the 34 participatory methods for achieving them. The analysed case studies showed that the current community engagement practices are mainly in the pre-design and briefing stages of the urban development processes, and that most projects are aiming to achieve the ‘inform’ and ‘consult’ levels of engagement, with a few aiming to achieve the ‘involve’ and ‘collaborate’ levels. This study shows that community engagement is often overlooked during the professional design, development and post-development phases. The paper presents an onion model which can be used by practitioners to choose appropriate participatory methods based on the intended urban development phase, the engagement level and the purpose of the community engagement.
  • 2.4K
  • 16 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Walkable Cities
Reductions in walking trips have coincided with unprecedented levels of car trips, that caused several harmful environmental and health impacts. Walking is a simple, healthy and sustainable mode of transport that can be used for short urban trips or in combination with public transport for longer distances. The promotion of walkable cities encourages pedestrian activity, provides access to services and other businesses and satisfies daily needs without requiring to use a car.
  • 1.9K
  • 13 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Monitoring Net Land Take in Europe
Land as an environmental resource has gained increasing importance in European policies. The target of “no net land take” by 2050, set by the 2011 Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe, is also reinforced by the Soil Strategy of the European Union for 2030. Net land take evaluates, for a given period, the difference between land take and developed land re-naturalization. Its reduction is only feasible by increasing the re-naturalization of developed land, an intervention undertaken in specific and rare circumstances. Accordingly, reusing or recycling developed land is the only intervention that substantially prevents land take. The following defines the three processes for which monitoring is necessary to evaluate the achievement of this target. Then, the legal framework of the European goal is presented, as well as the interventions that can contribute to its pursuit and the actions already taken by some countries and regions in Europe towards this end.
  • 1.8K
  • 13 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Smart Energy for a Smart City
Smart Energy is a key element of a Smart City concept and understanding the current state and prospective developments of Smart Energy approaches is essential for the effective and efficient energy supply for the needs of the exponentially growing energy demands of contemporary cities. 
  • 1.5K
  • 05 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Definition and Mechanistic Description of Urban-Rural Integration Development
Urban-rural integration has been found to be an inevitable trend in the development of urban-rural relations and a vital measure to tackle the unbalanced and uncoordinated development between urban and rural areas. The urban–rural relationship is a vital issue in human social development and has aroused wide attention from scholars worldwide. Urban-rural integration is an advanced stage in the development of urban-rural relations and reflects the evolution of urban-rural relations, which can be traced back to the urban-rural development concept of the ideal socialists.
  • 1.3K
  • 27 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Water Scarcity
Water scarcity, defined as long-term water imbalances occurring when the level of water demand exceeds natural water availability and supply capacity, is expected to pose high risks to both societies and economies in the next decade.
  • 1.3K
  • 03 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Place Branding and Territorial Brand
Place branding is linked to economic development, which includes tourism as a product. The territorial brand also has these two approaches, a mercantilist perspective and one linked with tourism. However, the brand of a product and the brand of a territory have differences in the way they are created, communicated, and managed. 
  • 1.2K
  • 23 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Innovative Strategies to Fuel Organic Food Business Growth
Whether consumers seek organic food for a healthy body or more as food for thought continues to be debated. Consumers do not need to be protected from the reality of organic food. The recommendation for marketers is to enhance the education of consumers and to pursue clear communication with them, as honesty may be the best policy here. Customers’ loyalty lies in trust, not in the brand. Availability, variety, and taste are the top three factors affecting consumers’ purchase decisions. Surprisingly, price or health consciousness is not the first concern for consumers.
  • 1.2K
  • 08 Mar 2022
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