Topic Review Peer Reviewed
Migration Forecasting—Significance and Approaches
Migration is defined as the permanent change in an individual’s usual residence. Forecasting migration is an important requisite for population forecasts or for planning in fields that depend on the future size and structure of the population, such as economics, epidemiology, social insurance, or infrastructure. As migration is the most volatile of all demographic components, its modeling is especially difficult. International migration can be modeled and forecast very differently; users should be familiar with the flaws and strengths of these different approaches. 
  • 735
  • 13 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Internal Migration
Migration and urbanization go hand-in-hand, and a country’s economic development is closely linked to its urbanization. There is a strong correlation between urbanization and income per capita, and developing countries are urbanizing much faster than developed countries, a process now occurring over a few decades instead of a century or more as it did in the past.
  • 251
  • 22 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Housing Choices of Young Adults
As young adults’ living arrangements affect decisions about marriage, education, childbirth, and participation in the workforce, more knowledge for policymakers is crucial to implementing effective policies to support young adults and promote financial independence and well-being.
  • 103
  • 03 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Global COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance
COVID-19 vaccines have met varying levels of acceptance and hesitancy in different parts of the world, which has implications for eliminating the COVID-19 pandemic. 
  • 459
  • 28 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Demographic Factors’ Influence on Regional Productivity Growth
Improving total factor productivity is an important way for China's economy to avoid the middle income trap. Demographic changes are believed to have significant impacts on productivity growth. Analyzing data from China's prefecture administrative units on both 2000 and 2010 provides solid evidence supporting the impact of demographic changes on productivity growth. First, population density plays an important role in both years. There is an inverted U-shaped relationship between population density and productivity growth. Second, human capital stock has a significant positive impact in both years while human capital inequality becomes insignificant in 2010. This is likely a result of China's education equality policies. Third, the impact of the aging of workers and their migration status on productivity growth also changed over the decade. Different cohorts of workers and migrants have had different influences on productivity growth because of their different access to higher education.
  • 512
  • 08 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Baby Bonus
A baby bonus is a government payment to parents of a newborn baby or adopted child to assist with the costs of childrearing.
  • 1.2K
  • 28 Oct 2022
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