Topic Review
Cohesive Sediment Transport in River Systems
Mathematical modelling of cohesive sediment transport is a challenge because of the large number of governing parameters controlling the transport processes. These parameters have to be determined using a rotating circular flume for site specific sediments. The parameters that that need to be determined using a rotating circular flume during the application of the RIVFLOC model to different river systems include the critical shear stress for erosion of the cohesive sediment, critical shear stress for deposition according to the definition of Partheniades, critical shear stress for deposition according to the definition of Krone, the cohesion parameter governing the flocculation of cohesive sediment and a set of empirical parameters that define the density of the floc in terms of the size of the flocs. An examination of the variability of these parameters shows the need for testing site-specific sediments using a rotating circular flume to achieve a reliable prediction of the RIVFLOC model. Application of the model to various river systems has highlighted the need for including the entrapment process in a cohesive sediment transport model.
  • 920
  • 28 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Computational Design and Virtual Reality Tools
Virtual reality was investigated with various computational design approaches to improve users’ ability to communicate, share, and grasp the design’s requirements to better conceptualize ideas during various design and review stages.
  • 335
  • 23 May 2023
Topic Review
Concrete Containing Waste Glass as Environmentally Friendly Aggregate
The safe disposal of an enormous amount of waste glass (WG) in several countries has become a severe environmental issue. In contrast, concrete production consumes a large amount of natural resources and contributes to environmental greenhouse gas emissions. It is widely known that many kinds of waste may be utilized rather than raw materials in the field of construction materials. However, for the wide use of waste in building construction, it is necessary to ensure that the characteristics of the resulting building materials are appropriate. Recycled glass waste is one of the most attractive waste materials that can be used to create sustainable concrete compounds.
  • 754
  • 23 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Constructed Wetlands as a Sustainable Sanitation Solution
The application of nature-based solutions (NBSs) in treating wastewater are treatment wetlands or constructed wetlands (CW). CWs are natural treatment technologies that efficiently treat many different types of wastewater (domestic wastewater, agricultural wastewater, coal drainage wastewater, petroleum refinery wastewater, compost and landfill leachates, fish-pond discharges, industrial wastewater from pulp and paper mills, textile mills, seafood processing). CWs can effectively treat raw wastewater to different levels of treatments and can be used as a primary, secondary, or tertiary treatment. CWs are engineered systems designed to optimize and copy processes found in natural environments thus they are considered as sustainable, environmentally friendly options for wastewater treatment. CWs have low operational and maintenance requirements and have a stable performance with less vulnerability to inflow variation. CWs have proved their ability to treat several types of wastewaters. Several benefits and facts, such as the low construction and operational costs of CWs, low-energy, and less operational requirements, have raised the interests in CWs as a treatment technology. The sustainability of CWs as a sanitation solution (technical, financial, environmental sustainability) is described with a focus on integrating climate change resilience and a circular economic approach to the technical and financial sustainability.
  • 930
  • 22 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Core Directions in Miscanthus Research
Мискантус является ценным возобновляемым сырьем и обладает значительным потенциалом для производства разнообразных продуктов на основе таких макромолекул, как целлюлоза, гемицеллюлозы и лигнин. 
  • 321
  • 17 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Critical Risk Factors of Implementing Public–Private Partnership Projects
Due to the fact that risks can cause project delays and increase project implementation costs, successful construction project completion requires effective and holistic risk management. Identification and evaluation of critical risk factors (CRFs) associated with different types of projects are the most significant components of accurate risk management.
  • 198
  • 07 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Cryogenic Carbon Capture Process
The cryogenic carbon capture (CCC) process is a promising post-combustion CO2 removal method. This method is very novel compared with conventional and well-developed methods. However, cryogenic carbon capture is not yet commercially available despite its techno-economic benefits. Thus, a model-based design approach for this process can provide valuable information. 
  • 1.3K
  • 15 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Culture in Maintenance Management of Public Buildings
Culture is one of the significant elements that influence the behavior of doing things the right way, without which there is a hindrance to the attainment of set goals. It has also been stated that culture is essential to maintaining public buildings, which is significant to national development. However, the level of abandonment and deterioration of public buildings is high due to a lack of culture among stakeholders in the maintenance process.
  • 2.2K
  • 08 Jun 2022
Topic Review
CWMFC is a novel technology that has been used for almost a decade for concurrent wastewater treatment and electricity generation in varying scopes of domestic, municipal, and industrial applications since its implementation in 2012. Its advantage of low-cost enhanced wastewater treatment and sustainable bioelectricity generation has gained considerable attention. Nevertheless, the overall efficiency of this novel technology is inclined by several operating factors and configuration strands, such as pH, sewage composition, organic loading, electrode material, filter media, electrogens, hydraulic retention time, and macrophytes. Here, we investigate the effect of the wetland plant component on the overall performance of CWMFCs. The macrophyte’s involvement in the oxygen input, nutrient uptake, and direct degradation of pollutants for the required treatment effect and bioelectricity production are discussed in more detail. The review identifies and compares planted and unplanted CWMFC with their efficiency on COD removal and electricity generation based on previous and recent studies.
  • 1.1K
  • 17 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Dam Siting
Dam siting is the study of site selection, a branch of decision making, which has the characteristics of multidisciplinary integration, involving decision making, and coordination, geographic information science, computer science, etc. Siting decisions are constantly iterated and updated as the discipline evolves, and the dam siting process will inevitably face more challenges.
  • 1.3K
  • 24 Aug 2021
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