Topic Review
Mechanobiology of Chondrocytes
This entry is associated with a review article, published in MDPI Applied Sciences on 23 April 2020, about the current knowledge on the mechanical stimulation of mesenchymal stem cells for cartilage regeneration. Loading stresses, physiologically experienced by chondrocytes, regulate the production of glycosaminoglycan and collagen, as well as promote and preserve cell viability. Therefore, there is a rising interest in the development of devices that impose mechanical stimuli, such as compression and shear stress, on mesenchymal stem cells. The mentioned review will analyze the dynamics within the joint, the physiological stimuli experienced by the chondrocytes, and how the biomechanical stimulation can be applied to a stem cell culture in order to induce chondrogenesis. In addition to that, paper lists some of the current applications in the field.
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  • 29 Oct 2020
Topic Review Peer Reviewed
Mucormycosis—Emerging Fungal Threats
Mucormycosis is an opportunistic fungal infection due to organisms of the Zygomycetes class and the order of Mucorales that can cause various types of infections. In recent years, an increasing phenomenon has been observed—invasive fungal infections especially in the healthcare setting. Among immucompromised patients, an important clinical emergency could be represented by mucormycosis. The epidemiology of mucormycosis has shown an alarming trend and its incidence is rising globally. Four elements are fundamental for a successful treatment: rapid diagnosis, reduction of predisposing factors (if possible), surgical debridement of infected tissues, and appropriate antifungal therapy. 
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  • 13 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Inositol and its phosphate metabolites play a pivotal role in several biochemical pathways and gene expression regulation: inositol pyrophosphates (PP-IPs) have been increasingly appreciated as key signaling modulators. Fluctuations in their intracellular levels hugely impact the transfer of phosphates and the phosphorylation status of several target proteins. Pharmacological modulation of the proteins associated with PP-IP activities has proved to be beneficial in various pathological settings. IP7 has been extensively studied and found to play a key role in pathways associated with PP-IP activities. Three inositol hexakisphosphate kinase (IP6K) isoforms regulate IP7 synthesis in mammals. Genomic deletion or enzymic inhibition of IP6K1 has been shown to reduce cell invasiveness and migration capacity, protecting against chemical-induced carcinogenesis. IP6K1 could therefore be a useful target in anticancer treatment.
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  • 14 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Von Willebrand Factor
The von Willebrand factor (vWF) is a plasma protein that mediates platelet adhesion and leukocyte recruitment to vascular injury sites and carries coagulation factor VIII, a building block of the intrinsic pathway of coagulation. A steep rise in shear rates, which may occur at sites of arterial stenosis and injury, is crucial for unfolding and activation of vWF. The hemostatic activity of vWF is counterbalanced by ADAMTS-13, a vWF-cleaving protease. The presence of ultra-large multimers of vWF in the bloodstream is associated with spontaneous thrombosis, whereas its deficiency leads to bleeding.
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  • 12 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Endoglin is a class I, single-membrane spanning receptor with an apparent molecular weight of 95 kDa containing a short cytoplasmic and a modular extracellular domain. This domain contains attachment sites for N- and O-dependent glycosylation and ligand binding residues.
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  • 16 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Benign Migratory Glossitis
Geographic tongue, also known by several other terms, is a condition of the mucous membrane of the tongue, usually on the dorsal surface. It is a common condition, affecting approximately 2–3% of the general population. It is characterized by areas of smooth, red depapillation (loss of lingual papillae) which migrate over time. The name comes from the map-like appearance of the tongue, with the patches resembling the islands of an archipelago. The cause is unknown, but the condition is entirely benign (importantly, it does not represent oral cancer), and there is no curative treatment. Uncommonly, geographic tongue may cause a burning sensation on the tongue, for which various treatments have been described with little formal evidence of efficacy.
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  • 27 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Light Quality Effects on Plants
Effect of light quality on indoor experiments, aiming to reach near to natural growth.
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  • 26 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Secondary Metabolites of Endophytic Fungi
Plant–microbe interactions range from symbiotic to pathogenic; in the symbiotic relationship, microbes are called ‘endophytes’. Endophytes are conventionally known as microbes existing in all plant endospheric tissues (roots, shoots, fruits, leaves, flowers, seeds, etc.) without causing harmful consequences to the host plant. These microorganisms are usually more abundant in roots and they can be transferred horizontally and vertically. Particularly, endophytic fungi constitute an extremely large community, reaching up to three million species worldwide. These eukaryotic organisms are known to harbor a large variety of secondary metabolites valuable to mankind, plants and the environment. They constitute an excellent substitute for exploring whole plants, thereby gaining time, facilitating the process of isolation and protecting the ecosystem. The scientific community has approved the excellent roles of the fungal bioactive compounds in several vital fields including medicine, pharmacy, agriculture, industry and bioremediation.
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  • 23 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Biochar with Alternate-Wetting and Drying-Irrigation
  To minimize excess water usage, alternate wetting and drying (AWD) irrigation practice is considered as an efficient technique in which soil intermittently dried during the growing period of rice by maintaining yield compared to a flooded system. Continuous AWD may result in poor soil health caused by carbon loss, nutrient depletion, cracking, and affecting soil physical properties. Due to being a potential organic amendment, biochar has a great scope to overcome these problems by improving soil’s physicochemical properties.
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  • 06 May 2021
Topic Review
Taxa of the Genus Iris
Some wild, morphologically diverse taxa of the genus Iris L. in the broad Alpine-Dinaric area have never been explored molecularly, and/or have ambiguous systematic status. The main aims of our research were to perform a molecular study of critical Iris taxa from that area (especially a narrow endemic species I. adriatica, for which we also analysed genome size) and to explore the contribution of eight microsatellites and highly variable chloroplast DNA (ndhJ, rpoC1) markers to the understanding of the Iris taxa taxonomy and phylogeny. 
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  • 21 Oct 2020
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