Topic Review
Omni-Man (Nolan Grayson) is a fictional character in the Image Universe, created by writer Robert Kirkman and artist Cory Walker (with Ryan Ottley) as an expansion of a character concept created by Alan Moore and Chris Sprouse. Omni-Man is the father of Invincible and a member of the Viltrumite race, a humanoid species of extraterrestrial origin who possess immense powers, working as a superhero on Earth. As is customary for males of his species, Omni-Man sports a large moustache. Omni-Man appears in Supreme, Invincible, Noble Causes, and Dynamo 5. In the Invincible television series, Omni-Man is voiced by J. K. Simmons.
  • 2.9K
  • 14 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Onarigami (おなり神, also written as をなり神) is the ancient belief of the Ryūkyūan people that spiritual power is the domain of women. The roles of women in Okinawan society and the ritual traditions of the Ryūkyūan religion are related to this belief. Women with exceptionally high spiritual power are called kaminchu (神人, also read as "kamigutsu") and many have specific jobs in society. Though the role of priestesses has changed over time, they are still celebrated in Okinawa today.
  • 477
  • 17 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Önge Language
The Öñge language (also spelled Ongee, Eng, or Ung) is one of two known Ongan languages within the Andaman family. It is spoken by the Onge people in Little Andaman Island in India.
  • 779
  • 15 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Online Diary
An online diary is a personal diary or journal that is published on the World Wide Web on a personal website or a diary-hosting website.
  • 1.8K
  • 02 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Ontological Addiction
Ontological Addiction theory (OAT) presently construed as “the maladaptive condition whereby an individual is addicted to the belief that they inherently exist” risks being caught in a performative contradiction. This is related to an implicit transcendental reductionist assumption operative in its conception. Any assimulation and application of skillful means to mental health within a western context will also seek to integrate the insights of the Western Enlightenment and the value of the individual. Critically this entails a developmental appreciation of the problematic perception of egoic individualism as distinct from the conception of an individuating ‘whole person’, with ontological import. Thus OAT could positively be supplemented, reconstructed and reconceived as Ontological Affirmation Theory. 
  • 1.1K
  • 26 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Ontological Argument
Ontological is derived from ontos, the greek word being. The name is intended to convey the intent of the argument to prove God's existence by virtue of his existence being necessary. It was first proposed by the medieval philosopher Anselm of Canterbury in his Proslogion, and important variations have been developed by philosophers such as René Descartes, Gottfried Leibniz, Norman Malcolm, Charles Hartshorne, and Alvin Plantinga. A modal logic version of the argument was devised by mathematician Kurt Gödel. The ontological argument has been controversial in philosophy and many philosophers have famously criticized or opposed it, including Anselm's contemporary Gaunilo of Marmoutiers, as well as David Hume, Immanuel Kant, and Gottlob Frege. Some of these opponents have preferred to rely on cosmological arguments for the existence of God instead. It continues to garner discus ion to the present.
  • 869
  • 21 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Ontological Turn
The ontological turn broadly relates to a development in a number of philosophical and academic disciplines that led to an increased focus on being. The ontological turn in anthropology is not concerned with anthropological notions of culture, epistemology, nor world views. Instead, the ontological turn generates interest in being in the world and accepts that different world views are not simply different representations of the same world. Rather, people have different perspectives and people see the world in different ways, but the world is still the world. Therefore, the ontological turn refers to a change in perspective that suggests that difference can be understood, not in terms of a difference in world views, but a differences in worlds and all of these worlds are of equal validity.
  • 2.2K
  • 19 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Optical Medieval Music Recognition
Optical Music Recognition (OMR) is one of the key technologies to accelerate and simplify the transcription task in an automatic way. Typically, an OMR system takes an image or manuscript of a musical composition and transforms its content encoded in some digital format such as MEI or MusicXML. 
  • 569
  • 11 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Ordinary (Officer)
An ordinary (from Latin ordinarius) is an officer of a church or civic authority who by reason of office has ordinary power to execute laws. Such officers are found in hierarchically organised churches of Western Christianity which have an ecclesiastical legal system. For example, diocesan bishops are ordinaries in the Roman Catholic church and the Church of England. In Eastern Christianity, a corresponding officer is called a hierarch (from Greek ἱεράρχης hierarkhēs "president of sacred rites, high-priest" which comes in turn from τὰ ἱερά ta hiera, "the sacred rites" and ἄρχω arkhō, "I rule"). Within civic governance, notably in the southern United States, the role of the county ordinary historically involved the discharge of certain, often legal or legally related, tasks falling to city or county authorities, such as licensing marriages and adjudicating claims against an authority.
  • 711
  • 17 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Organic Binders in Archaeological Wall Paintings
Binding media are complex materials, employed to allow pigment grains to adhere to each other and to the surface of the support, through the formation of a coherent and homogeneous film. The function of the binder consists, therefore, in keeping the pigment particles firmly together and at the same time adhering them in the form of a coherent thin film to the surface of the support. The binder must obviously be in the fluid state, in order to form with the pigments a stable, homogeneous, stretchy, and viscous dough.   For the realization of wall paintings and, in later times, for their preservation, different materials with functions of binders, adhesives, paints, protective and consolidating were and are still necessary. There is a very large class of products which can have both constitutive functions but also a function of conservation and restoration. 
  • 1.6K
  • 21 Oct 2021
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