Topic Review
New Research Topics of Asian Religions
This entry opens up a discussion on new research ideas of Asian religions for the contemporary world. 
  • 1.8K
  • 12 Apr 2023
Topic Review
Aesthetic Education in Chinese Schools
Since the promulgation of the first school education regulations in the early 20th century, Chinese school aesthetic education has gone through its first century of history. Six stages of development have been formed in this century of vicissitudes, namely, the budding period, the starting period, the salvation movement period, the tortuous development period, the reconstruction period, and the modernization period of the new era. Aesthetic education in Chinese schools places a prominent place on “establishing, cultivating and clarifying morality”, emphasizes the role of “beauty” in “goodness”, and follows the aesthetic guideline of “unity of beauty and goodness”. Art education and its practical activities are the main content of school aesthetic education. The formation mechanism, laws, and characteristics of the sustainable development of school aesthetic education in China are summarized from the perspective of the century-old school aesthetic education policy, which is of theoretical guidance for the study of the future development of school aesthetic education in China.
  • 1.1K
  • 11 Apr 2023
Topic Review
A Dual-Motivation System in L2 and L3 Learning
This encyclopedia article explores the phenomena of second (L2) and third language (L3) learning, along with the motivational dynamics that underlie L2 and L3 acquisition, as intricate dynamic systems within the realm of multilingual education. The entry proposes a conceptual framework for a dual-motivation system, which aims to characterize the nature of L2-L3 motivational forces that can be utilized in the learning of additional languages.
  • 741
  • 06 Apr 2023
Topic Review
Brahmanical System of Education
Brahmanical System of Education was an ancient system of education in ancient India. It was based on Vedic tradition.
  • 904
  • 03 Apr 2023
Topic Review
Musical Contagion
Music can contaminate us. Sometimes, listeners perceive music as expressing some emotion (say, sadness), and this elicits the same emotion in them (they feel sad). What is musical contagion? Resesarchers presents the main theories of musical contagion that crystallize around the challenge to the leading theory of emotions as experiences of values. How and why does music contaminate us? Does musical contagion elicit garden variety emotions, such as sadness, joy, and anxiety? Does music contaminate us by simply moving us? Which role does imagination play in our affective responses to music? Is musical arousal elicited by automatic mimicry? What does musical contagion teach us about emotions? Musical contagion addresses fundamental theoretical and practical issues.
  • 1.1K
  • 10 Mar 2023
Topic Review Peer Reviewed
Tracking Eye Movements as a Window on Language Processing: The Visual World Paradigm
This entry overviews the pioneering experimental studies exploiting eye movement data to investigate language processing in real time. After examining how vision and language were found to be closely related, herein focus the discussion on the evolution of eye-tracking methodologies to investigate children’s language development. To conclude, herein provide some insights about the use of eye-tracking technology for research purposes, focusing on data collection and data analysis
  • 447
  • 03 Mar 2023
Topic Review
The Hook
The Hook, or The Hookman, is an urban legend about a killer with a pirate-like hook for a hand attacking a couple in a parked car. The story is thought to date from at least the mid-1950s, and gained significant attention when it was reprinted in the advice column Dear Abby in 1960. It has since become a morality archetype in popular culture, and has been referenced in various horror films.
  • 6.8K
  • 03 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Ontological Addiction
Ontological Addiction theory (OAT) presently construed as “the maladaptive condition whereby an individual is addicted to the belief that they inherently exist” risks being caught in a performative contradiction. This is related to an implicit transcendental reductionist assumption operative in its conception. Any assimulation and application of skillful means to mental health within a western context will also seek to integrate the insights of the Western Enlightenment and the value of the individual. Critically this entails a developmental appreciation of the problematic perception of egoic individualism as distinct from the conception of an individuating ‘whole person’, with ontological import. Thus OAT could positively be supplemented, reconstructed and reconceived as Ontological Affirmation Theory. 
  • 1.1K
  • 26 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Towards A Comprehensive Model of Placemaking Strategy
The title deals with one of the most important issues of the current era after the fragmentation that occurred in urban design and the emergence of many dead places devoid of human presence. Its importance comes in forming a base, a checklist for the development of one of the most important components of the city, (the street), especially the commercial streets, which provide two functions at the same time. A street for movement, linking the city and meeting people's daily needs. Placemaking is an essential and promising step in creating a livable environment. The title deals with a systematic process for converting the vocabulary of previous studies into standards. The theoretical base is comprehensive for all the details of the commercial street. And by reviewing the literature, an integrated set of placemaking steps was identified as a basis for evaluating the commercial street. Accordingly, a theoretical list of dimensions was formed, and then a practical framework for placemaking strategies to form the basis for measuring livability in the commercial street. The higher the level of applying the steps of placemaking, the more livability the street. This is a summary of what the title says
  • 1.7K
  • 24 Feb 2023
Topic Review
The Soundscape and the Response to Music
The sound environment and music intersect in several ways and the same holds true for the soundscape and our internal response to listening to music. Music may be part of a sound environment or take on some aspects of environmental sound, and therefore some of the soundscape response may be experienced alongside the response to the music. At a deeper level, coping with music, spoken language, and the sound environment may all have influenced our evolution, and the cognitive-emotional structures and responses evoked by all three sources of acoustic information may be, to some extent, the same.
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  • 17 Feb 2023
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