Topic Review
Aboulia or abulia (from Greek: βουλή, meaning "will"), in neurology, refers to a lack of will or initiative and can be seen as a disorder of diminished motivation (DDM). Aboulia falls in the middle of the spectrum of diminished motivation, with apathy being less extreme and akinetic mutism being more extreme than aboulia. The condition was originally considered to be a disorder of the will, and aboulic individuals are unable to act or make decisions independently; and their condition may range in severity from subtle to overwhelming. It is also known as Blocq's disease (which also refers to abasia and astasia-abasia).
  • 393
  • 31 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Sparśa (Sanskrit; Pali: phassa) is a Sanskrit/Indian term that is translated as "contact", "touching", "sensation", "sense impression", etc. It is defined as the coming together of three factors: the sense organ, the sense object, and sense consciousness (vijnana). For example, contact (sparsha) is said to occur at the coming together of the eye organ, a visual object, and the visual sense consciousness. Sparśa is identified within the Buddhist teachings as:
  • 393
  • 02 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Ethnopoetics is a method of recording text versions of oral poetry or narrative performances (i.e. verbal lore) that uses poetic lines, verses, and stanzas (instead of prose paragraphs) to capture the formal, poetic performance elements which would otherwise be lost in the written texts. The goal of any ethnopoetic text is to show how the techniques of unique oral performers enhance the aesthetic value of their performances within their specific cultural contexts. Major contributors to ethnopoetic theory include Jerome Rothenberg, Dennis Tedlock, and Dell Hymes. Ethnopoetics is considered a subfield of ethnology, anthropology, folkloristics, stylistics, linguistics, and literature and translation studies.
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  • 27 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Rejuvenation (Aging)
Rejuvenation is the procedure of reversing the aging process, thus regaining youth. As people get older, their health worsens, strength and intelligence are thought to diminish, beauty is thought by many to go away. Historically, people in all societies have looked for a way to regain the qualities of youth. In the future however, rejuvenation may become reality through stem cells, biochemical repair or nanotechnology.
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  • 24 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Grammatical Gender Feature in Spanish
Grammatical gender as a lexico-syntactic feature has been well explored, and the gender congruency effect has been observed in many languages (e.g., Dutch, German, Croatian, Czech, etc.). Yet, so far, this effect has not been found in Romance languages such as Italian, French, and Spanish. 
  • 390
  • 16 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Proto-Circassian (or Proto-Adyghe–Kabardian) is the reconstructed common ancestor of the Adyghean and Kabardian languages.
  • 390
  • 04 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Conservation and Restoration OpenLab
Open laboratories (OpenLabs) in Cultural Heritage institutions are an effective way to provide visibility into the behind-the-scenes processes and promote documentation data collected and produced by domain specialists. Cultural Heritage (CH) institutions have been adopting new practices to improve their services and meet the preferences and needs of potential audiences. One such practice is the transformation of conservation and restoration (CnR) laboratories into OpenLabs, which allow visitors to see the various processes that take place “behind the scenes” .
  • 387
  • 19 May 2023
Topic Review
Preservation of Hawaii Indigenous Culture
Vernacular architecture represents the traditional architecture that developed over time within a particular culture or region that embodied indigenous knowledge. These buildings provide an invaluable cultural heritage, and learning from them is an important way to preserve indigenous culture. 
  • 387
  • 17 May 2023
Topic Review
Eye Tracking and Visual Attention to Live Streaming
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the development of a new business model, “Live Streaming + Ecommerce”, which is a new method for commercial sales that shares the goal of sustainable economic growth (SDG 8). As information technology finds its way into the digital lives of internet users, the real-time and interactive nature of live streaming has overturned the traditional entertainment experience of audio and video content, moving towards a more nuanced division of labor with multiple applications. Researchers have used eye tracking technology in order to understand consumers’visual search methods and decision-making processes.
  • 387
  • 06 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Muntanya Assolada
Muntanya Assolada is a Bronze Age settlement located on the right bank of the Xúquer river, in Spain, built on the top of a spur of the Corbera mountain range, dominating the river plain from a height of 227 metres (745 ft) above sea level. It is located in the municipality of Alzira, Valencia, Spain. Excavation campaigns began in 1978, under the direction of Bernat Martí Oliver, and continued until 1996, and work on the site was resumed in 2004. From the 1990s Rosa Enguix Alemany and María Jesús de Pedro joined the direction of the site. At present the excavated area covers 700 square metres (7,500 sq ft) and includes different structures, like a central street and rectangular departments on both sides; a wall of two meters wide that preserves almost three meters of height (6.6 × 9.8 ft); occupancy soils and abandonment episodes; livestock stabling; and terracing of the slopes to expand its surface. At present the site is property of the Alzira City council, and the new beginning of the excavations by the Servei d'Investigació Prehistòrica has as objective the consolidation of the exhumed structures and its signposting for visitor access. A nearby burial cave indicates the continuity in the use of natural caves as necropolis, and an individual burial has been found in a pit in the interior of the area too. On the other hand, the recovered remains show a wide chronological sequence between the Early Bronze and the Late Bronze.
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  • 24 Nov 2022
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