Topic Review
Zero-Waste Management and Sustainable Consumption in 2011-2021
The growth of waste generation is a global problem. Developing effective waste management methods is challenging for companies and the government. There is a growing trend in the number of zero-waste management’s publications and citations during 2011-2021. Regarding the h-index, the five most relevant journals are the Journal of Cleaner Production, Resources Conservation and Recycling, Waste Management, Waste Management Research, and Sustainability. 
  • 428
  • 27 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Youth Entrepreneurship
Youth unemployment is one of Africa’s biggest challenges, but compulsory entrepreneurship training can turn the continent’s job-seekers into job creators, writes Abiodun Egbetokun.  First published on
  • 762
  • 01 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Youth Associations and Entrepreneurship
The development of skills for entrepreneurship among young people has attracted interest at various levels, as a way of overcoming many problems that affect this group in the areas of economic development and job creation. It was possible to verify that youth associations assume a dual role, on the one hand contributing to the personal, social and professional development of its leaders, members and participants, and on the other hand, as a promoter of social transformation, particularly at the local level.
  • 822
  • 06 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Young Employees’ Perceptions about Employability Skills for E-Commerce
With the digital transformation of businesses, digital marketing has been a prominent feature of organizations in the 21st century. Changing consumer behavior has also created a need for versatile hard and soft skills for marketing professionals. Given the dynamic growth of the e-commerce market and the trends mentioned above, it is expected that the needs of the labor market will also change. University education aims to develop key competences. Understanding which competences are considered important could improve the motivation of students. 
  • 768
  • 19 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Xplr Tracksuit: Revolutionizing Urban Comfort with Style
The Xplr Tracksuit has emerged as a game-changer in the world of streetwear, merging functionality with a contemporary aesthetic. 
  • 8
  • 18 Sep 2024
Topic Review
X12 Document List
The following is a list of the approved EDI ANSI X12 documents for EDI version 4 Release 1 (004010).
  • 350
  • 02 Nov 2022
Topic Review
WTP for canned crushed tomatoes
The paper investigated whether information about the health benefit produced by lycopene could influence consumers’ willingness to pay (WTP) for canned crushed tomatoes enriched with lycopene. An additional aim was to determine whether the main socio-demographic variable - such as sex, age, income - and selected attitudinal factors affect WTP. A non-hypothetical experimental auction was carried on with five repeated rounds. Results show a relevant impact of information on WTP in the case of lycopene-enriched products, whereas no difference in bids emerges for the conventional product. Previous knowledge seems to have a modest influence on WTP, but it shows a significant interaction with the information shock provided during the experiment: the effect of the latter is more pronounced when previous knowledge is low. In addition, age, sex, food technology neophobia, trust in science, and implicit attitudes towards food technology significantly affect participants’ WTP.
  • 972
  • 30 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Woven Bag Manufacturers in Indonesia: An Industry Overview
Indonesia's woven bag manufacturing industry is a rapidly growing sector, producing durable and versatile bags primarily made from polypropylene and polyethylene.
  • 25
  • 12 Sep 2024
Topic Review
Worldwide Research Trends in Agrivoltaic Systems
An agrovoltaic system combines agricultural crop production and energy production in the same place, emphasizing the dual use of land. Researchers provided a bibliometric analysis of agrivoltaic topics based on publications indexed in SCOPUS, in which either economic assessments of agrivoltaics, agrivoltaic systems for crops and livestock animals, photovoltaic greenhouse and agrivoltaics with open field discussed, or its ideas are used to analyze certain locations. It is shown that scientific publications in recent years mainly focus on short-term predictions, there is no recognized evaluation standard for various prediction analyses, and it is difficult to evaluate various prediction methods so far.
  • 1.1K
  • 01 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Workplace Sexual Harassment and Productivity Loss Prevention
Workplace sexual harassment (WSH) is a severe problem affecting millions of women’s wholeness and well-being worldwide. WSH refers to unwanted sexual advances, unwelcome requests for sexual favors, verbal or physical conduct or gestures of a sexual nature, or any other sexual behavior that may be offensive, humiliating, or intimidating in the work environment.
  • 504
  • 04 Dec 2023
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