Topic Review
Shelter in Place
Shelter in place (also known as a Shelter In-Place Warning, SAME code SPW) is to seek safety within the building one already occupies, rather than to evacuate the area or seek a community emergency shelter. The American Red Cross says the warning is issued when "chemical, biological, or radiological contaminants may be released accidentally or intentionally into the environment" and residents should "select a small, interior room, with no or few windows, taking refuge there."
  • 641
  • 10 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Shelf Life
Shelf life is the length of time that a commodity may be stored without becoming unfit for use, consumption, or sale. In other words, it might refer to whether a commodity should no longer be on a pantry shelf (unfit for use), or just no longer on a supermarket shelf (unfit for sale, but not yet unfit for use). It applies to cosmetics, foods and beverages, medical devices, medicines, explosives, pharmaceutical drugs, chemicals, tires, batteries and many other perishable items. In some regions, an advisory best before, mandatory use by or freshness date is required on packaged perishable foods. The concept of expiration date is related but legally distinct in some jurisdictions.
  • 2.5K
  • 09 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Sharing-Economy Ecosystem
Sharing economy (SE) is a new phenomenon that is growing around the world. Participants in the sharing economy (SE) ecosystem and its impact on the participants, creating and capturing value through increasing the understanding of the ecosystem’s novel models. The primary participants are subdivided into groups: customers are subdivided into New Customers (NC) and Current Customers (CC); providers into Product Providers (PP) and Service Providers (SP); and mediators are subdivided into Small and Medium Mediators (SMM) and Large Mediators (LM). The secondary participants are governments sub-grouped into Local Governments (NG) and National Governments (NG); Theories and methodologies within the academic literature on the sharing economy ecosystem are also examined. 
  • 342
  • 10 Feb 2023
Topic Review Peer Reviewed
Sharing Economy
Sharing economy is a new type of economic performance with its main characteristic being the sharing among peers. This can be regarded as a new economical approach with the individuals sharing their remainder resources. In this way, there is less need for the possession of resources leading to a decrease in redundant production. However, many implications arise from this type of economy.
  • 744
  • 08 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Shared-Mobility Services
Shared-mobility services (SMS) remain a part of a wider sharing economy (SE) phenomenon developing in various spheres of the economy, i.e., finance, accommodation or transport. Today transport systems have become multimodal and the evolution of shared mobility has resulted in its many forms. It is about the shared use of a vehicle, motorcycle, scooter, bicycle, or other travel mode that provides users with short-term access to a transportation mode on an as-needed basis.
  • 316
  • 08 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Services in the Internal Market Directive 2006
The Services in the Internal Market Directive 2006/123/EC (also called the "Bolkestein Directive") is an EU law aiming at establishing a single market for services within the European Union (EU). Drafted under the leadership of the former European Commissioner for the Internal Market Frits Bolkestein, it has been popularly referred to by his name. It was seen as an important kick-start to the Lisbon Agenda which, launched in 2000, was an agreed strategy to make the EU "the world's most dynamic and competitive economy" by 2010. The Bolkestein Directive was harshly criticised by left-wing European politicians, who stated that it would lead to competition between workers in different parts of Europe – hence the expression "Polish plumber" – resulting in social dumping. After the 2004 original draft had been substantially amended, the proposal was approved on 12 December 2006 by the European Parliament and Council, and adopted as the Directive 2006/123/EC.
  • 510
  • 27 Oct 2022
Serguei Beloussov
Serg Bell (Russian: Сергей Михайлович Белоусов; born August 2, 1971) is a Singaporean businessman, entrepreneur, investor and speaker, co-founder, CEO and chair of the board of Acronis, a global data protection company, and is the senior founding partner of Runa Capital, a technology investment firm.[1] He is also executive chairman of the board and chief architect of Par
  • 1.2K
  • 18 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Serendipity as a strategic advantage
Serendipity is defined as an ability to notice, evaluate, and take advantage of unexpected information for survival purposes (both natural and social). Based on this definition, Nancy K. Napier and Vuong Quan Hoang propose a framework to develop the notion of serendipity as a strategic advantage (or competitive advantage), both in practice and in research.
  • 3.5K
  • 06 May 2024
Topic Review
Serendipity is defined as an ability to notice, evaluate, and take advantage of unexpected information for survival purposes (both natural and social). The concept has been discussed for centuries. Still, it has only caught the attention of academia quite recently due to its strategic advantage in all aspects of life, such as daily life activities, science and technology, business and entrepreneurship, politics and economics, education administration, career choice and development, etc.
  • 4.6K
  • 01 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Senior housing universal design
The senior housing universal design (SHUD) is relatively new, and uprising approach to primarily construct flats that would meet the needs of the elderly and/or disabled ones. These have been termed “barrier-free flats”. The necessary adaptations are implemented at the architectural design stage and involve modifications of bathroom, kitchen, household equipment, furniture, doors, as well as passageways. The primary SHUD of living spaces suitable for senior citizens (barrier-free flats) is more beneficial from the socio-economic perspective as compared to the adaptation of existing houses. 
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  • 27 Oct 2020
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