Topic Review
Value Innovation
Value innovation, as defined by Kim and Mauborgne, and Kim and Mauborgne, is making “the competition irrelevant by offering fundamentally new and superior buyer value in existing markets and by enabling a quantum leap in buyer value to create new markets”. The concept of value innovation is a summation of analytical outcomes from 150 strategic moves spanning more than 30 companies, worldwide, in approximately 30 industries, as well as a study for the business launched of approximately 100 companies to quantify the influence of value innovation on a company’s growth in revenues and profits. From a company perspective, Mohanty, Mele, Mele, Russo Spenaviewed value innovation as resource integration and superior competency development; meanwhile, Setijonodescribed value innovation as “creating stakeholder value through radical (disruptive)-attractive quality”, where the logic behind it is to provide a total solution, extraordinary experiences, and cost reduction through product, service, and delivery platforms.
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  • 26 Oct 2021
Topic Review
Entrepreneurship in Times of Crisis
Entrepreneurship represents the views, attitudes and actions of an individual that desires to create or extract value from a perceived opportunity. This usually manifests through the individual’s willingness to face risk through the form of starting a business organization. Entrepreneurship plays a key role in transforming the economy and society by stimulating economic development, testing innovative ideas, creating new jobs, and by enriching the quality of life and human existence. 
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  • 15 Oct 2021
Topic Review
Tourism in Economic Growth
Tourism is vital to the success of many economies worldwide and has been a widely researched area for many years. Unfortunately, an insufficient number of studies have been conducted on this subject in the context of Saudi Arabia. Therefore, this research investigates the role of tourism in promoting economic growth in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by using annual time series data from 2003 to 2019. 
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  • 24 Aug 2021
Topic Review
The Moderating Role of e-WOM
Except for perceived fee, which has a negative effect on perceived value, the results demonstrate that all hypotheses of latent correlations in TAM and VAM were strongly significant. Furthermore, attitude and perceived value have a significant role in determining consumer adoption of e-learning. Consumers’ perceived value will be driven by the high and low levels of the moderating influence of e-word of mouth, influencing their intention toward e-learning. Since e-learning is an effective sustainable education system, the result of this study can provide a good solution to facilitate e-learning in current and future conditions.
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  • 13 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Sustainability Performance Reporting
Sustainability is inherently complex, involving many stakeholders with different interests and expectations. Organisations across different sectors, including energy and bioeconomy, demonstrate their sustainability performance (SP) by evaluating the social, economic, and environmental effects of their business activities. Bioeconomy, like many other interventions, is increasingly important and relevant in achieving sustainable goals, necessitating the need for SP. On the one hand, SP shows organisations’ commitment to sustainability, demonstrating how they are meeting the expectations of their business stakeholders and shareholders. On the other hand, companies now realise the potential of sustainability in creating business value by expanding their market share and adding value to their customers, including shareholders and stakeholders.
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  • 05 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Academic Journals
Many academics are critical of the current publishing system, but it is difficult to create a better alternative. The perspective relates to the sciences and social sciences, and discusses the primary purpose of academic journals as providing a seal of approval for perceived quality, impact, significance, and importance. The key issues considered include the role of anonymous refereeing, continuous rather than discrete frequency of publications, avoidance of time wasting, and seeking adventure. Here we give recommendations about the organization of journal articles, the roles of associate editors and referees, measuring the time frame for refereeing submitted articles in days and weeks rather than months and years, encouraging open access internet publishing, emphasizing the continuity of publishing online, academic publishing as a continuous dynamic process, and how to improve research after publication. Citations and functions thereof, such as the journal impact factor and h-index are the benchmark for evaluating the importance and impact of academic journals and published articles. Even in the very top journals, a high proportion of published articles is never cited, not even by the authors themselves. Top journal publications do not guarantee that published articles will make significant contributions, or that they will ever be highly cited. The COVID-19 world should encourage academics worldwide not only to rethink academic teaching, but also to re-evaluate key issues associated with academic journal publishing in the future.   
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  • 13 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Blockchain Technology for Green Innovation
Blockchain technology has been heralded as a game changer for addressing severe environmental and economic sustainability challenges. In response to rising environmental concerns, blockchain technology (BCT) is transforming green innovation, culminating in green economic practices and well-established business models.
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  • 18 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Demand Chain Management
Demand chain management (DCM) is the management of relationships between suppliers and customers to deliver the best value to the customer at the least cost to the demand chain as a whole. Demand chain management is similar to supply chain management but with special regard to the customers. Demand chain management software tools bridge the gap between the customer relationship management and the supply chain management. The organization's supply chain processes are managed to deliver best value according to the demand of the customers. DCM creates strategic assets for the firm in terms of the overall value creation as it enables the firm to implement and integrate marketing and supply chain management (SCM) strategies that improve its overall performance. A study of the university in Wageningen (the Netherlands) sees DCM as an extension of supply chain management, due to its incorporation of the market orientation perspective on its concept.
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  • 10 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Circular Economy
Defining the circular economy (CE) as a material and energy model coincides with the definition given by multiple authors in which Industrial Symbiosis (IS) has been deemed as a foundational strategy to support the implementation of the CE. The consumption of secondary materials is essential to achieve a successful transformation from a linear economy to a CE focused on IS practices. In this scenario, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) play a major role as stakeholders in developing CE systems as it is not possible to create this model with each company working in isolation.
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  • 01 May 2021
Topic Review
Bike Boom
The term "bike boom" or "bicycle craze" refers to any of several specific historic periods marked by increased bicycle enthusiasm, popularity, and sales. Prominent examples include 1819 and 1868, as well as the decades of the 1890s and 1970s — the latter especially in North America — and the 2010s in the United Kingdom.
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  • 14 Oct 2022
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