Topic Review
The Impacts of Psychological Distance on Corporate Sustainability
Most people perceive the risks associated with climate change as psychologically distant. As a concept, psychological distance finds its origins in the construal level theory developed by two American psychologists. According to this theory, psychological distance can be defined as “a subjective experience that something is close or far away from the self, here, and now” (p. 440). Logically, it is improbable that people will directly experience things that are not happening in the present and around them. Since it takes the here and now as reference points, psychological distance is thus egocentric. Psychological distance involves four interrelated dimensions: temporal, spatial, and social distance, and hypotheticality. The theory predicts that, as psychological distance increases, people use more and more abstract “mental representations” (hereafter referred to as construals) to represent an event or object. Trope and Liberman describe high-level construals as “relatively abstract, coherent, and superordinate mental representations, compared with low-level construals” (p. 441). Accordingly, people can move from low-level (more concrete) to high-level (more abstract) construals through the process of abstraction, which involves omitting detailed features of an event or object.
  • 469
  • 20 Sep 2022
Topic Review
The Impact of Sustainability Reporting on Financial Performance
Solving sustainability challenges has become an integral feature of leading companies playing a decisive and pivotal role in reaching the Sustainable Development Goals. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) defined by this Agenda form a conceptually new field of conditions and tasks for enterprises, for the implementation or achievement of which it is necessary to adapt or transform production and management business processes to ensure the implementation of green and socially responsible business models.
  • 515
  • 30 Oct 2023
Topic Review
The Impact of ERP on Business Efficiency
This entry examines the impact of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems on business efficiency and productivity. We will delve into how ERP streamlines workflows, improves data accessibility, and ultimately enhances a company's overall operational effectiveness. By understanding these aspects, businesses can gain valuable insights into the potential of ERP to transform their operations and achieve a competitive edge.
  • 119
  • 11 Jun 2024
Topic Review
The Impact of Environmental Uncertainty on Corporate Innovation
Innovation activity is a long-term investment activity with long cycles and high risk. When the external environment situation is serious, enterprises, in order to deal with emergencies that may result from environmental uncertainty, based on preventive motivation, usually tend to choose conservative investment strategies, reduce the capital of innovative investment, and maintain a high free cash flow to deal with market shocks and fierce market competition and ease the pressure of survival. 
  • 445
  • 22 Mar 2022
Topic Review
The Impact of COCZs on Sustainable Trade
Under the concept of “government-guided, enterprise-led, and market-oriented” operation, the Chinese Overseas Economic and Trade Cooperation Zones (COCZs) have developed a new type of international production pattern, which has become an effective way for developing countries to integrate into the global production network sustainably. 
  • 144
  • 08 Jan 2024
Topic Review
The Impact of Big Data Credit Technology
As the main force in boosting national economic development, micro and small enterprises (MSEs) play an irreplaceable role in stabilizing economic growth, narrowing the income gap, improving labor productivity, and promoting market competition. Compared with large and medium-sized enterprises, MSEs are numerous and widely distributed, which creates a broad job market for the labor force in both developing and developed countries. However, credit rationing hindered the effective use of credit resources and weakened MSEs’ incentive to engage in technological innovation and alleviate employment pressure. 
  • 171
  • 27 Oct 2023
Topic Review
The Free Banking School
The Free Banking School is a term used for economists who study the costs and benefits of the competitive issue of currency by banks. 
  • 512
  • 30 Dec 2022
Topic Review
The Fourth Industrial Revolution
According to Schwab, the word, “revolution”, refers to a radical change, and revolutions occur in the world when new technologies and novel ways of perceiving the world come about, with changes in the economic systems and the social structures of the world. As was noted before, the 4IR is defined as: “Revolution that is blurring the lines between the physical, the digital, and the biological worlds. Massive advances in artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), robotics, 3D printing, quantum computing, genetic engineering, and various other technologies”. One of the easiest ways of understanding the 4IR is to start gathering knowledge about the First Industrial Revolution, the Second Industrial Revolution, and then the Third Industrial Revolution.
  • 1.1K
  • 06 Apr 2022
Topic Review
The Formation of Subsequent Entrepreneurial Intention
Subsequent entrepreneurial intention is a good predictor of serial entrepreneurial endeavors which facilitate the sustainability of economic growth. 
  • 892
  • 22 Nov 2021
Topic Review
The Financial Outcome of Successful Green Innovation
Climate change, pollution of the environment, and the consecutive challenges for the 21st century have been increasingly recognized by governments, policymakers, and industry over the last decade. It is therefore vital to transition from environment- and resource-intensive trajectories to more sustainable growth paths for the global economy. This also requires corporate environmentalism and (green) technological innovation. To realize sustainable growth paths, green innovation and technology diffusion must be financially and commercially attractive to convince corporate decision makers to introduce environmentalism. The current strand of literature on the financial attractiveness of green innovation can be divided into two parts: the traditional view follows Friedman and considers green innovation as firm-value decreasing, while the Porter hypothesis argues that environmental policies, adoption of corporate environmentalism, and green innovation increase profits of firms by reducing costs and increasing revenues. In fact, prior studies provide empirical evidence to support the Porter hypothesis for many cases. Therefore, scholars have suggested intervention by governments to overcome these barriers. Government organizations included environmental issues into their agendas for multiple decades now. As a result, different forms of intervention were introduced, ranging from regulatory (e.g., forced shutdowns or investments) to market-based, economic measures (e.g., supply-push and demand-pull). One of the most important green growth strategies from a governmental perspective is the development of green technologies through appropriate innovation to stimulate corporate environmentalism, particularly green innovation policies.
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  • 11 Apr 2022
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