Topic Review
Elderly Consumers
For elderly consumers, the age-related changes drive their specific choices of products and services, which tend to be different from younger adults, and, therefore, have major significance in consumer behavior and marketing.
  • 1.4K
  • 16 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Bank Risk Determinants
Systemic Banking crises are a recurrent phenomenon that affects society, and there is a need for a better understanding of the risk factors to support prudential regulation and reduce unnecessary risk intake in the financial system. This paper examines the main bank risk determinants in Latin America. The period analysed covers the timespan from 1999 to 2013, including the systemic banking crisis episodes in Argentina (2001–2003) and Uruguay (2002–2005). We apply a new data-driven comparable methodology to classify and select commercial banks from the sample.
  • 731
  • 13 Apr 2021
Topic Review
An Analysis of the Board of Directors Composition
Abstract:   Purpose: The objectives of this study were to analyse certain aspects of the Board composition of Maltese listed companies (MLCs), namely Board size, independence, expertise, gender diversity and the chairperson/CEO links, and  how these may be improved. Design/Approach/Methodology: The study was designed around a qualitative approach of data collection. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with seventeen participants, consisting of fourteen company secretaries of MLCs, a representative of the Maltese regulator, a corporate advisor and a corporate lawyer. Findings: The nomination and appointment process of directors in MLCs relies mainly on networking, with a tendency to continuously appoint the same tried network of directors. This creates a barrier towards new talent being introduced into boardrooms. A general disagreement also persists as to what constitutes a truly independent Board member. Practical Implications: Practical experience often supplants academic qualifications when nominating and appointing directors. Moreover, female representation on the Boards of MLCs is still lacking. Notwithstanding the fact that the importance of having separate chairperson/CEO roles is acknowledged, there is likely to be strong resistance to any law rendering this mandatory.   Originality/Value: Studies relating to the composition of the Board of Directors in smaller states such as the island state of Malta are infrequent. This paper provides information that is of particular value to listed companies in smaller states and their stakeholders, including regulators and sheds more light on the priniciple of proportionailty when dealing with requirements imposed by the authorities.
  • 3.8K
  • 13 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Academic Journals
Many academics are critical of the current publishing system, but it is difficult to create a better alternative. The perspective relates to the sciences and social sciences, and discusses the primary purpose of academic journals as providing a seal of approval for perceived quality, impact, significance, and importance. The key issues considered include the role of anonymous refereeing, continuous rather than discrete frequency of publications, avoidance of time wasting, and seeking adventure. Here we give recommendations about the organization of journal articles, the roles of associate editors and referees, measuring the time frame for refereeing submitted articles in days and weeks rather than months and years, encouraging open access internet publishing, emphasizing the continuity of publishing online, academic publishing as a continuous dynamic process, and how to improve research after publication. Citations and functions thereof, such as the journal impact factor and h-index are the benchmark for evaluating the importance and impact of academic journals and published articles. Even in the very top journals, a high proportion of published articles is never cited, not even by the authors themselves. Top journal publications do not guarantee that published articles will make significant contributions, or that they will ever be highly cited. The COVID-19 world should encourage academics worldwide not only to rethink academic teaching, but also to re-evaluate key issues associated with academic journal publishing in the future.   
  • 1.4K
  • 13 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Building the Circular Supply Chain
The circular supply chain involves return processes and the manufacturer intends to capture additional value in the supply chain. In this paper, value chains have been mapped to visualize the links and interactions between the different stages and actors to understand the complexities of these systems and to make informed decisions. It can be concluded that to develop a new relationship capacity will allow for reaching more frequent, closer relationships with more actors. These relationships will be developed within an adapted organizational and logistical framework that is framed in new business model archetypes. However, dimensions related to the business environment such as sectoral, legislative, and fiscal frameworks must be incorporated.
  • 917
  • 11 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Knowledge Sharing in Business Education
One of the findings is that knowledge sharing in business education is growing in virtual environments, especially in the last year, where the COVID 19 pandemic restricted the option of face-to-face education in classrooms. It is recommended that business schools decrease the percentage of time they spend in lectures and increase the time and strategies in which students share knowledge, discuss problems and make decisions based on collective reflection. 
  • 430
  • 07 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Starting from the multiple challenges currently existing at the European level as well as from the general principles of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), the following policy brief presents, from a Romanian perspective , different scenarios for the following Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF), with particular attention to direct payments, using appropriate empirical and long-term research methods for the reform of the Cohesion Policy, namely the reform of the CAP. Given the timeliness of the topic, the paper has a strong analytical and pragmatic character, aiming at offering national decision-makers different positioning options in European negotiating formats. This paper aims to improve understanding of performance budgeting and the presentation of options for the future financial framework in the context of current challenges.
  • 572
  • 06 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Industry 4.0 and Sustainable development
The text provides a methodologically coherent analysis of technological development in the context of the fourth industrial revolution or Industry 4.0 and its impact on changes in sustainable development policy. The focus is on topics that are directly relevant to current sustainable business development and the promotion of research and development of clean and smart technologies and processes
  • 1.3K
  • 04 Apr 2021
Topic Review
The B Corp Movement
This work develops a systematic literature review on the B Corp movement. Fifty articles were identified in the Web of Science and Scopus databases until 2020. Results show that it is an incip-ient field with great potential. There are two topics repeatedly addressed in the analyzed publi-cations: the motivations of companies to be certified, and the economic and social effects that occur after certification.
  • 430
  • 29 Mar 2021
Topic Review
Patient-Centered Self-Management
The difficulty of Chronic kidney disease (CKD) management lies in how it is a comorbid and progressive disease. A pure biomedical approach is inadequate. It is recommended that an integrated Patient-Centered Self-Management (PCSM) approach with health literacy and information technology intervention, which unifies and integrates patient education, can address the difficulties that are contributing to unsuccessful treatment outcomes. An integrated PCSM model should be implemented systematically and methodologically into future CKD management and health policies.
  • 786
  • 25 Mar 2021
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