Topic Review
CEO Power
In management research, CEO power refers to the power that can override objections to influence key decision outcomes within the company. This power can be obtained in formal or informal ways. 
  • 2.6K
  • 27 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Extended Theory of Planned Behavior
First described by Ajzen in 1985, the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) is one of the most widely used theories to predict and explain behavioral intentions and behavior. According to the TPB, attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control towards a certain behavior determine the intention to perform this behavior. In relation to our study, attitude describes the extent to which student teachers evaluate the implementation of ESD in schools as positive or negative. The subjective norm refers to the perceived social pressure that important reference people from professional or private life expect ESD implementation in their work as teachers. Perceived behavioral control describes the perceived control of actually being able to implement ESD in schools.
  • 839
  • 26 Aug 2021
Topic Review
COVID-19 and Digital Transformation
COVID-19 is a driver of digital transformation. Technology, automation, and collaboration (TAC) is the most positive significant factor which enables work from anywhere (WFA) (or work from home) arrangements and also leads to the third positive factor of a work-life balance (WLB). The top three negative factors are no work-life balance (NWL), social employment issues (SEI), and data security and technology issues (DST). While the pandemic situation is leading to a positive situation for economies and organizations at a micro level, the negative impacts, which will affect overall economic growth as well as social, health, and wealth wellbeing, need to be kept in mind. 
  • 1.1K
  • 26 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Tourism in Economic Growth
Tourism is vital to the success of many economies worldwide and has been a widely researched area for many years. Unfortunately, an insufficient number of studies have been conducted on this subject in the context of Saudi Arabia. Therefore, this research investigates the role of tourism in promoting economic growth in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by using annual time series data from 2003 to 2019. 
  • 1.4K
  • 24 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Resources Cycle
Resources cycle means volatility in the resources sector over a period of time based on metrics such as value or production volume. Resource cycles present considerable heterogeneity with differing time lines but generally run from a low point (production, demand or value) through a period of increase, before returning to a comparable low point. Since the turn of the century this concept has driven discourse and research into housing markets, investment opportunities and socioeconomic change in resource towns of a country as the impacts of mining driven change become increasingly pronounced.
  • 1.3K
  • 23 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Smart and Sustainable Cities (SSC)
The concept of SC, which was launched about 20 years ago, significantly influenced the city managers and paved the way for the transformation of cities to achieve their sustainability. More than 40 definitions and 30 conceptual models were proposed to clarify the term “smart city” that differ from each other due to the different perspectives and approaches developed for its modeling and design. Many SC definitions emphasize the use of ICT to effectively combine resources to make the city more interconnected, smart and viable, while some other sustainability oriented definitions focus on combining soft infrastructure (i.e., people, knowledge, communities, business processes, etc.) and the hard infrastructure (i.e., ICTs, buildings, city facilities, etc.) to provide a viable, efficient and sustainable city. In the latter case, the term SSC is often used instead of the term SC. Reference considers a smart (sustainable) city as an innovative city that exploits ICTs and other means, with the purpose of improving the quality of life, the efficiency of urban services and operation and competitiveness, while ensuring the needs of present and future generations regarding economic, social and environmental aspects. The improvement of the quality of life and the economy, the development of efficient urban infrastructure, ensuring social inclusion, sustainable management and conservation of natural resources and ensuring good governance are the main goals of SC. According to the conceptual model of, the SC ecosystem consists of six dimensions, which are: (i) smart economy, (ii) smart governance, (iii) smart environment, (iv) smart people, (v) smart mobility and (vi) smart living.
  • 887
  • 23 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Disaster Microinsurance
Disaster microinsurance can play an important role for low-income households, particularly in enhancing their resilience toward natural hazards. This insurance is a specific type of microinsurance that can be defined as an insurance for low-income people, to help them to manage risks and vulnerability toward local natural shocks. In other words, disaster microinsurance is a type of risk transfer mechanism specifically designed for low-income people who live in disaster-prone areas. The product of this microinsurance may cover financial losses caused by a large natural hazard event in terms of income, house, livestock, or other crops. This microinsurance is also known as a component of integrated disaster risk management frameworks that involve risk reduction, disaster preparedness, and risk transfer.
  • 524
  • 23 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Bioethanol Production Using Seawater
  Bioethanol has many environmental and practical benefits as a transportation fuel. It is one of the best alternatives to replace fossil fuels due to its liquid nature, which is similar to the gasoline and diesel fuels traditionally used in transportation. In addition, bioethanol production technology has the capacity for negative carbon emissions, which is vital for solving the current global warming dilemma. However, conventional bioethanol production takes place based on an inland site and relies on freshwater and edible crops (or land suitable for edible crop production) for production, which has led to the food vs. fuel debate. Establishing a coastal marine biorefinery (CMB) system for bioethanol production that is based on coastal sites and relies on marine resources (seawater, marine biomass and marine yeast) could be the ultimate solution. In this paper, we aim to evaluate the environmental impact of using seawater for bioethanol production at coastal locations as a step toward the evaluation of a CMB system. Hence, a life cycle assessment for bioethanol production was conducted using the proposed scenario, named Coastal Seawater, and compared to the conventional scenario, named Inland Freshwater (IF). The impact of each scenario in relation to climate change, water depletion, land use and fossil depletion was studied for comparison. The Coastal Seawater scenario demonstrated an improvement upon the conventional scenario in all the selected impact categories. In particular, the use of seawater in the process had a significant effect on water depletion, showing an impact reduction of 31.2%. Furthermore, reductions were demonstrated in natural land transformation, climate change and fossil depletion of 5.5%, 3.5% and 4.2%, respectively. This indicates the positive impact of using seawater and coastal locations for bioethanol production and encourages research to investigate the CMB system.
  • 1.6K
  • 21 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Underwater Connectors
Underwater connectors are very essential and complex components of deep-sea engineering equipment and their design and manufacture have apparent multidisciplinary characteristics. Wet-mateable connectors (WMCs) represent the highest level of technology in this field, and only a very few countries in the world can produce WMCs. So, WMCs are likely to be a constraining factor to some maritime powers that might try to achieve breakthroughs in this field, constraining the innovation-driven development of deep-sea equipment.
  • 1.6K
  • 19 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Digital Economy
With the development of digital technologies such as the Internet and digital industries such as e-commerce, the digital economy has become a new form of economic and social development, which has brought forth a new perspective for environmental governance, energy conservation, and emission reduction. 
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  • 18 Aug 2021
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