Topic Review
B Corps’ Social Media Communications
A growing emphasis on stakeholder values of social and environmental responsibility and the triple bottom line (TBL) thinking led to the emergence of B Corporations (hereafter B Corps). B Corps are social enterprises that are committed to the TBL and certified by B Lab, a non-profit organization that assesses corporations’ overall impact of their decisions on their workers, customers, community, and the environment. Although B Corps serves as a catalyst for sustainable development, little is known about how they communicate on social media during a crisis. In this study, we examined the social media communications of B Corps to (1) identify salient topics and themes, (2) analyze how these themes align with the TBL, and (3) evaluate social media performance against industry benchmarks. We focused on the apparel, footwear, and accessories (AFA) sectors in the U.S. and chose Twitter, a platform known for crisis communication. Using a qualitative method, we found four topics and 21 underlying themes. Topics related to social/environmental issues and COVID-19 were most dominant, followed by product/brand promotions. Further classification of specific themes and cases from a TBL perspective demonstrated that, overall, B Corps in the AFA sectors leveraged various approaches to promote balance between each TBL dimension. Lastly, although collectively B Corps exceeded some of the Twitter industry benchmarks, at an individual level, most brands had room for improvement to build a stronger community and promote synergy among the three pillars of the TBL.
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  • 23 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Digital Transformation(DX): Implications for Business
The origin and development of the term “digital transformation” can be examined based on Germany’s Industry 4.0, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and the development of the digital economy. First, Industry 4.0 was a policy adopted in November 2011 as a strategy for information and communications as a part of Germany’s High-Tech Strategy 2020. Its goal is to achieve innovation in the manufacturing business [6], and according to Deloitte, the goal of this policy encompasses not only the development of specific technology but also a paradigm shift in the manufacturing business.
  • 1.0K
  • 23 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Investment in Tourism Infrastructure Development
Investment in tourism infrastructure includes investment in components such as transport and communications infrastructure, the hotel and restaurant industry, and recreation facilities... Investment in tourism infrastructure development to make destinations and services increasingly attractive is considered a key measure in developing a country’s tourist destinations. It has a strong and positive impact on visitor attraction. 
  • 15.5K
  • 18 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Knowledge Management
Knowledge management (KM), a process of acquiring, converting, applying, and protecting knowledge assets, is crucial for value creation
  • 1.0K
  • 18 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Environmental Performance Index
The Environmental Performance Index (EPI) developed by Yale University is regarded as an all-inclusive proxy to examine the country’s environmental conditions. Ozturk et al. also argued that CO2 emissions only cover a small part of the total environmental pollution. The recently revised EPI of 2020 comprises 32 performance indicators across 11 issue categories. It ranks countries under two domains, environmental health and ecosystem vitality, which demonstrate the environmental pollution impacts on human health and also the effects that ensue on the ecosystem through environmental pollution. The Environmental Health Index (HLT) measures the quality of air, water, and exposure to heavy metals. The Ecosystem Vitality Index (ECO) considers issues such as climate change and biodiversity. 
  • 1.8K
  • 16 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Contact-Free Services
Contact-free services means there is no physical contact between employees and customers, for example kiosks, service robots, and Siren Orders. These services are useful in various fields such as restaurants, cafes, multiplex shopping malls, hospitals, and theaters. In fact, such service methods are made using artificial intelligence (AI) technology and widely used in tourism, hospitality, and various other industries.
  • 454
  • 16 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Leader—Member Exchange (LMX) Theory
The LMX theory was first described as “Vertical Dyad Linkage” (VDL). Graen and Uhl-Bien (1995) argued that the LMX theory consists of four stages, wherein each stage is related to and builds upon the previous stages. Leader–member exchange (LMX) theorists argue that leaders in the organization should give more responsibility to their followers, delegate powers, support the sharing of work-related knowledge, and allow participation in decision-making processes. LMX theory is a psychological process variable and plays an intermediary role between transformational leadership and knowledge management. 
  • 1.1K
  • 16 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Lambari is a group of small native fish from Brazil common in natural freshwater. They have gained visibility and good acceptance in very profitable market niches, such as human food and live bait for sport fishing.
  • 1.1K
  • 15 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Network Relationships
As an important social resource for enterprises, network relationships can provide heterogeneous resources and opportunities for the development of SMEs.
  • 382
  • 15 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Digital Transformation in Higher Education
Digital transformation in higher education does not merely refer to a technological transformation. From an institutional perspective, the digital transformation in a broad sense is understood as a way to determine the stakeholder needs and behaviors in advance, and to provide education, research, and social services in line with the demands of the pupils who take advantage of the services in a changing environment. For this reason, digital transformation in education is being implemented worldwide step-by-step, with attention being paid to helping students with digital tools that can be reachable wherever there is an online computer terminal. Saving time and resources by means of online management and tuition seems to be the consolidated challenge. This means the digitalization of core services, having academics and students with advanced digital capabilities, and decision support systems that can adapt to changing circumstances.
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  • 14 Sep 2021
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