Topic Review
Enterprise Activity Modeling in Walnut Sector in Ukraine
Business modeling of the enterprise activity in the oil and fat sub-complex for deep walnut processing was carried out. The stages of production and marketing activities of the enterprise from the garden planting or the purchase of the processed raw materials to the sale of the processed raw materials and products obtained from walnut processing depending on the chosen business model were considered. A comparative analysis of profitability of the enterprise activity and absolute values of income and profitability indicators under various business models of the enterprise activity were shown. The most cost-effective business-model entailed the combination of walnut production and its processing, which will provide profitability of up to 4640.32% in the 20th year of the project implementation. The results of the given study are intended for the agricultural enterprises of central region of Ukraine.
  • 500
  • 26 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Food Plants in Rural Home Gardens (Bulgaria)
The home garden is a unique human-nature interspace that accommodates a diverse spectrum of plant species and provides multiple services to households. One of the most important roles of home gardens is to shelter the agricultural plant diversity that provides for diverse and healthy nutrition, especially in rural communities. 
  • 952
  • 26 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Prior Work on Sustainable Knowledge Sharing Practices
Creating the appropriate environment to share knowledge freely among members is vital to the long-term success of organizations. We argue that organizational factors can enable the conditions that promote knowledge sharing for sustainable competitive advantage. An analysis of the extant literature reveals several organizational factors that must be in place to enable successful knowledge sharing. The literature provides empirical evidence to suggest that trust, communication, reward systems and leadership may be particularly important and so are discussed in more detail below. While it is acknowledged that these categories are by no means exhaustive or indeed mutually exclusive, they are however clearly important to enable successful knowledge sharing in practice and have implications for sustainable management and so deserve further scrutiny.
  • 718
  • 25 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Green Finance & Green Monetary Policy: Different Approaches
Strictly speaking, green finance is part of the broader concept of sustainable finance, a term that explicitly includes social issues, while climate finance is a narrower element of green finance. However, in practice, the distinction between sustainable and green finance and sustainable and green monetary policy is often not made but the terms are used synonymously. Hence, we follow this tradition and use the term green finance and green monetary policy to refer to both. Green finance and green monetary monetary policy are related to each other and can be classified on a common ground. In general, neoliberal, reformist and progressive forms of green finance and green monetary policy can be distinguished. 
  • 829
  • 25 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Wine Cooperatives in Germany
According to the German cooperative law, cooperatives are defined as “associations of a non-closed number of members whose purpose is to promote their members’ income and business or their social or cultural interests through joint business operations” (GenG §1). In Germany, the following actors can become members of a cooperative: physical persons, commercial partnerships (in German: Personengesellschaften des Handelsrechts), legal entities under private and public law. Cooperatives represent a horizontal cooperation among producers.
  • 845
  • 25 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Ecosystem Service/Biodiversity Analytical Method of Protected Areas
Protected areas are geographical space, recognised, dedicated and managed, through legal or other effective means, to achieve the long-term conservation of nature with associated ecosystem services and cultural values.
  • 468
  • 24 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Sustainable Social and Economic Development of Russian Municipalities
Sustainable social and economic development of municipalities has been assessed in Russia. In Russia, the issue of improving socio-economic sustainability of municipalities in the region through the assessment of its indicators are particularly relevant. Regional policy measures to equalize the level of socio-economic development should be designed, taking into account the identified features of the territorial development of municipal districts.
  • 608
  • 24 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Renewable Energy Sources
Renewable energy sources (RES) have many advantages: (a) increase in RES consumption provides reliability on energy supply and reduces dependence on energy import; (b) larger use of RES is an important measure for the reduction of energy-related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions; and (c) deployment of RES creates additional employment, stimulates regional economic development, and contributes to the implementation of modern technologies. Various aspects of RES deployment have been analysed in the relevant literature. Currently, the most important aspects are: (a) the role of RES consumption on economic growth; (b) the effect of RES deployment on the decline of energy-related GHG emissions.
  • 1.3K
  • 23 Nov 2021
Topic Review
The Formation of Subsequent Entrepreneurial Intention
Subsequent entrepreneurial intention is a good predictor of serial entrepreneurial endeavors which facilitate the sustainability of economic growth. 
  • 953
  • 22 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Payment for Ecosystem Services
Payment for ecosystem services (PES) is a market-based policy approach intended to foster land use practices, such as forest conservation or restoration, that protect and improve the social benefits from healthy, functioning ecosystems. While PES programs are used globally, they are an especially prominent environmental policy tool in Latin America, where the vast majority are payment for hydrological services (PHS) programs. PHS programs incentivize the conservation and restoration of ecosystems associated with water production and clean water for clearly defined water users, such as household water users, industries and farmers. As a market mechanism, PHS approaches involve a transactional relationship between upstream water producers and downstream water users who are connected by a shared watershed.
  • 521
  • 22 Nov 2021
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