Topic Review
Life Insurance Consumption
Apart from banking, insurance is another significant sector that offers financial services. Like banks, the insurance industry deals with risks and contributes to economic growth. Life insurance (LI) as a service can be described as abstract, complex, and focused on uncertain benefits that may arise in future.
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  • 29 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Employee Involvement in Sustainability Projects in Emergent Markets
Without a doubt, encouraging the behavior of employees in relation to sustainability is one of the most effective tactics that organizations can use to attain their sustainability goals. It is critical that employees take part in sustainability projects in order for organizations to be successful.
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  • 18 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Industry 4.0 Technology on Workforce Employability and Skills
The Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0 or I4.0) has gained increasing attention both in the academic and non-academic domains. Industry 4.0 was a term coined in 2011 in Germany. Since then, the academic literature describing and analyzing I4.0 technologies has grown considerably. While so-called Industry 3.0 introduced computers, Industry 4.0 is characterized by advancements in computing technology including expanded digitalization in logistics, cognitive and connected machines in various industrial processes, and data analytics.
  • 207
  • 14 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Digital Transformation on Macroeconomic Outcomes
In the context of the development of information technologies, the concerns about assessing the effects of digital transformation have increased. Although it is intuitively accepted that digital transformation has a favourable impact on macroeconomic variables (based on the interdependencies between micro- and macroeconomic performance), there is little scientific research providing evidence of this.
  • 206
  • 18 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Co-Living at Its Best in Hong Kong
Co-living is often viewed as a shared rental housing arrangement, where common amenities are utilised collectively by tenants. This practice has been a long-standing tradition in high-density urban areas, particularly within housing estates where co-owners collaborate to make efficient use of space and resources.
  • 205
  • 10 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Renewable Energy Transition
The renewable energy transition of oil- and gas-producing countries has specific peculiarities due to the ambivalent position of these countries in the global energy market, both as producers and consumers of energy resources. This task becomes even more challenging when the share of oil and gas in the country’s GDP is very high. These circumstances pose serious challenges for long-term energy policy development and require compromising decisions to better align the existing and newly created energy policies of the country. The scale, scope, and pace of changes in the transition process must be well balanced, considering the increasing pressure of economic and environmental factors.
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  • 10 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Artificial Intelligence Predicting Bankruptcy
Predicting bankruptcy within selected industries is crucial because of the potential ripple effects and unique characteristics of those industries. It serves as a risk management tool, guiding various stakeholders in making decisions. While artificial intelligence (AI) has shown high success rates in classification tasks, it remains uncertain whether its use significantly enhances the potential for early warning of impending problems.
  • 203
  • 29 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Firm Size and ESG Risk in Banking Industry
Although environmental, social, and governance (ESG) risk is likely determined by a wide array of economic, social, and environmental factors in the case of banks, one of them—i.e., the company size—seems particularly interesting and worth being investigated. Overall, the specificity of the banking industry creates strong incentives for increasing the size of business activity, resulting not only from substantial economies of scale and scope, but also from additional competitive advantages and economic benefits arising from the “too big to fail” (TBTF) status assigned to the largest, systemically important institutions. On the one hand, larger banks may be expected to outperform smaller ones in the area of ESG challenges, as they are usually able to engage more resources and sophisticated knowledge-based management tools to address related concerns. They are also typically under more pressure from equity investors, regulators, and other major stakeholder groups to comply with ESG principles in order to legitimize their strategies and business decisions. On the other hand, however, as banks grow larger, their overall ESG risk exposure also builds up due to more numerous and more complex interactions with their external and internal stakeholders. 
  • 202
  • 22 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Dynamic Capabilities View
Globally, food supply chains are facing difficult times of volatility and uncertainty. Not even a few months after recovering from the devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, food supply chains have been hit with a new disruption: the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and the loss of Ukrainian exports. These unexpected events have disrupted the food supply chains and increased oil prices, increasing transportation and manufacturing costs.
  • 201
  • 11 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Human Capital Management and Business Performance
Human capital (HC) is a key factor of the performance and competitiveness of enterprises. HC as an element of intellectual capital, efficiency of invested capital and efficiency of human capital positively affect firms' return on equity (ROE) and business performance.
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  • 25 Jan 2024
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