Topic Review
Investigating Accounting Factors through Audited Financial Statements
Day by day, the importance and impact of the investigation of accounting factors through audited financial statements are increasing based on qualified staff and investments in technology (equipment, machinery, etc.) toward a new approach in businesses. So, while changes in the global business environment have driven business transformation into more innovative businesses, they move toward profit sustainability by focusing on the efficiency of the costs recorded in the accounting financial statements.
  • 211
  • 21 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Integrate Artificial Intelligence into Teaching
Artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer science fiction. It is so close to our daily life that there is even existing legislation and norming like in an ISO standard. But despite these developments, AI has barely entered the consciousness of ordinary users of IT. In an academic context, the importance of AI is well recognized and there are notable efforts to integrate AI into teaching and development of teaching, for example, in curricular development or even to pass an exam. 
  • 211
  • 11 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Consideration of Sustainability in Projects
The instrumental role of projects in the transition of organisations, and thus society, towards sustainability affects how projects are planned, organised, executed, and managed. As a result, ‘green’ or ‘sustainable’ project management is now considered one of the most critical global project management trends.
  • 211
  • 18 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Cooperation of Fruit Farms with the Institutional Environment
The relationship between fruit growers and agricultural organizations is limited. The size of the indicator depends on the level of education of fruit growers and the area of the orchards. Fruit growers most often use advice and seek information about European Union programs. The development of cooperation between fruit farms and institutional environmental organizations reduces the mismatch between the offers of these organizations and the needs of fruit growers.
  • 211
  • 27 Oct 2023
Topic Review
The COVID-19 Pandemic of Film Distribution Business Models
The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated already visible changes in the film distribution model caused by the rapid growth of streaming platforms. Restrictions caused by the pandemic, including movement and occupancy limits, meant that the current distribution model had to change. At the same time, it has caused certain behaviours and changes in audience preferences to emerge that have rendered the value proposition offered to viewers insufficient. The sustainability of film distribution encompasses both business and cultural aspects, seeking to create value that is sustainable from a social, economic, and environmental perspective. 
  • 210
  • 17 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Recognition and Measurement of Crypto-Assets
The Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCa) Regulation of the European Union is the first comprehensive piece of legislation that seeks to protect the interests of investors in the crypto-assets sector. Although the market value of crypto-assets is significant at world level, there is a lack of clear regulatory guidelines regarding the recognition, measurement, and presentation of crypto-assets in the financial statements of investors. Considering that not all digital assets are the same, retail holders need to take into account the characteristics, rights, and obligations associated with the crypto-assets they purchase to determine the appropriate accounting method.
  • 209
  • 22 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Ohio’s 5G and Broadband Workforce
Advancements in fifth generation (5G) technology and broadband communications create novel opportunities in numerous sectors, especially with regard to workforce development. As modern society further shifts to become that of an ‘information society’, 5G and broadband investment, development, and use have been shown to increase income, employment, and business expansion, especially in rural areas.
  • 209
  • 06 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Agricultural Food System Transformation on China’s Food Security
With the development of economy, the definition of food security has undergone a series of changes. The connotation of food security has undergone changes from macro total amount to micro individual, from production to livelihood, and from objective index to subjective perception. Food security is associated with poverty, and food diversity, cultural acceptance, malnutrition and child mortality, environmental and climate impacts, agricultural land use structure, energy and water resource constraints, and other influencing factors have been gradually taken into consideration as influences.
  • 209
  • 15 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Color Saturation of Travel Pictures on Consumer Appeal
In the Internet era, online channels have contributed significantly to tourism marketing and promotion. Consumers will receive tourism information online to reduce information asymmetry. Moreover, with overwhelming levels of information, consumers may only get a limited amount of information. Visual design is essential among the various factors researchers have thoroughly investigated. Studies have recognized the importance of the color characteristics of travel photos on consumer decisions.
  • 207
  • 18 Oct 2023
Topic Review
The Impact of Big Data Credit Technology
As the main force in boosting national economic development, micro and small enterprises (MSEs) play an irreplaceable role in stabilizing economic growth, narrowing the income gap, improving labor productivity, and promoting market competition. Compared with large and medium-sized enterprises, MSEs are numerous and widely distributed, which creates a broad job market for the labor force in both developing and developed countries. However, credit rationing hindered the effective use of credit resources and weakened MSEs’ incentive to engage in technological innovation and alleviate employment pressure. 
  • 207
  • 27 Oct 2023
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