Topic Review
Fund Manager Skill and Mutual Fund Performance
A mutual fund is a common instrument for households and corporations to invest in the financial markets through diversified portfolios of securities. Investing in managed mutual funds involves relying on a fund manager’s knowledge, expertise, and investment strategy to beat the fund’s benchmark. 
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  • 17 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Green Servant Leadership and Pro-Environmental Behaviour of Employees
Pro-environmental behaviour (PEB) refers to the practices that are helpful in promoting the natural environment through different practices of recycling, reusable initiatives, reprocessing, rebuilding, and the applications of different ideas to implement practices that reduce the harmful effect of an organization towards the environment by adopting the practices of green products and processes. Organizations that are involved in PEB practices are in a better position to gain a competitive edge over their competitors, as pro-environmental practices reduce costs, generate revenue, and help create a positive image through certain practices towards sustainability.
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  • 17 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Similarities and Differences between Precision Agriculture and Digitalisation
The fourth industrial revolution affects all sectors of the economy, including agriculture. This has led to increasing agricultural digitalisation (which is also called agriculture 4.0 or A 4.0) in farms. According to Szalavetz, agricultural digitalisation refers to “the infusion of digital technologies in and the consequent transformation of agricultural pre-production, production, production-related support, and post-production activities.” 
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  • 16 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Bitcoin in Conventional Markets
Blockchain technology is being closely studied from a technical point of view and links to the Internet of Things (IoT) as well as its impact on financial investment. A secure blockchain is a distributed network in which information is stored as a chain-connected block. This innovative technology is based on cryptography and decentralization principles, ensuring high data security and integrity. Using cryptographic algorithms, the blockchain can help or face challenges in ensuring privacy and protection against fraud and manipulation. The combination of cryptographic algorithms and consensus mechanisms enables a variety of uses for blockchain technology, such as the development of applications with enhanced security, blockchain distribution networks, intelligent grids or digital financial systems. One of the most evocative immersions of blockchain technology into conventional markets is the innovative use of blockchain to create crypto-assets and the expansive attraction of investors to adopt blockchain currencies for investment portfolio diversification.
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  • 16 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Impact of Digital Capabilities on Digital Transformation
Digital transformation is one of the most significant business changes to prompt societal changes, thus altering old patterns of human activity, behavior, communication, and everyday routines. These changes have often been called dramatic because they entailed a transformation in present business structures and strategies for achieving a competitive advantage under new circumstances. Private companies are typically more agile in terms of digital transformation, but public companies are under pressure to follow digitalization trends in the delivery of their services, resulting in broader changes dispersed throughout society. The impact of digitization is readily apparent in the improvement of business processes or their complete transformation, the acceleration of operations, new requirements for employee training, the creation of a completely new job design with new job descriptions that incorporate digital skills, and the replacement of human labor with machines, which are all outcomes of workforce reduction. Success or failure in the era of digitalization depends largely on how human capital is managed, which is also due to the increasing interest for human–machine interaction. In addition to technical concerns and their solutions, the Industry 4.0 revolution demands employees who are creative, inventive, competent, and prepared to face challenges in the digital world.
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  • 16 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Fuzzy ELECTRE I in Sustainable Manufacturing
The selectin of a demand forecasting method is critical for companies aiming to avoid manufacturing overproduction or shortages in pursuit of sustainable development. Various qualitative and quantitative criteria with different weights must be considered during the evaluation of a forecasting method; therefore, it is a fuzzy multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) problem. An extension of fuzzy ELECTRE I is used to evaluate demand forecasting methods in sustainable manufacturing.
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  • 15 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Influence of Media Information Sources on Vaccine Uptake
Vaccine hesitancy is a significant public health concern, with numerous studies demonstrating its negative impact on immunization rates. One factor that can influence vaccine hesitancy is media coverage of vaccination. The media is a significant source of immunization information and can significantly shape people’s attitudes and behaviors toward vaccine uptake. Media influences vaccination positively or negatively. Accurate coverage of the benefits and effectiveness of vaccination can encourage uptake, while coverage of safety concerns or misinformation may increase hesitancy.
  • 506
  • 15 Nov 2023
Topic Review
COVID-19, Logistics Industry and Challenges
Transportation and logistics are the basic building blocks in the socio-economic development of a country. The pandemic altered the landscape of the transportation and logistics sector where organizations had to look for new technology-based solutions. Block chain and digital trucking are emerging concepts, which were further accelerated by COVID-19, to manage the challenges in the transportation and supply chain industry. 
  • 291
  • 14 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Variables Related to Environmental Sustainability
Scholars have been concerned about the achievement of ecological sustainability due to the rapid degradation of the natural world. This pursuit involves the examination of the current condition of the environment, the identification of factors contributing to this degradation, and the implementation of corrective measures aimed at achieving environmental sustainability goals.
  • 272
  • 14 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Innovation among Undergraduate Students
Entrepreneurs are those who take initiative and work tirelessly to turn their business ideas into viable, successful companies through innovation. Understanding entrepreneurial behaviour is essential to comprehend how entrepreneurs establish, promote, and expand new businesses.
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  • 14 Nov 2023
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