Topic Review
Integrating Concept of Eco-Innovation
Eco-innovation is an important factor not only for the competitiveness of companies in the face of the greening of markets but also as one of the primary means on the road to sustainable development.
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  • 20 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Independent Contractor
An independent contractor is a person, business, or corporation that provides goods or services under a written contract or a verbal agreement. Unlike employees, independent contractors do not work regularly for an employer but work as required, when they may be subject to law of agency. Independent contractors are usually paid on a freelance basis. Contractors often work through a limited company or franchise, which they themselves own, or may work through an umbrella company. In the United States, any company or organization engaged in a trade or business that pays more than $600 to an independent contractor in one year is required to report this to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as well as to the contractor, using Form 1099-MISC. This form is merely a report of the money paid; independent contractors do not have income taxes withheld like regular employees.
  • 370
  • 17 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Impact of Industrial Agglomeration on China’s Residents’ Consumption
Residents’ consumption is a good indicator of people’s livelihoods and one of the motivations driving economic growth.  Industrial agglomeration in the eastern region is relatively high and has a restraining effect on residents’ consumption, while industrial agglomeration in the central and western regions is at an early stage and promotes residents’ consumption. Therefore, different regions should adopt different industrial agglomeration policies. 
  • 370
  • 28 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Green and Renewable Energy Innovations
Taking into account factors such as unfavorable climate changes, shrinking fossil fuel resources, low energy efficiency, and the pace of population growth, the transformation towards green and renewable energy is one of the most important goals and challenges facing the world. The energy sector is the source of about 75% of global greenhouse gas emissions and energy-related emissions are reaching new record levels. For the energy transition to succeed, innovation at the level of technology, business processes and policies (local, national, and international) are necessary.
  • 370
  • 08 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Transformational Leadership and Innovative Work Behavior
Transformational leadership style is described as leaders who inspire followers’ ambitions for success and self-improvement and support the growth of groups and organizations. Transformational leaders are considered reliable, realistic, and influential leaders, and such merits may enable them to achieve their goals and promote innovative work behavior. Innovative work behavior was defined as activities related to an employee’s development, promotion, and adoption of helpful innovation at any organizational level.
  • 370
  • 15 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Effects from ESG Scores on P&C Insurance Companies
Insurers act as institutional investors and underwriters of risk. Therefore, improving their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance is important for the transmission of ESG values to all economic sectors.
  • 369
  • 01 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Factors Affecting Income of Flexible Workers in China
Numerous workers have adopted the flexible working approach due to its accommodating and job-sharing features, which play a key role in easing the employment pressure and maintaining socio-economic sustainability in China. It was found that, firstly, while the feature of flexible employment may be very different from formal employment, its relationship with work experience and income is as significantly correlated as it is for formal employment with a rise–fall, inverted U-shaped trend, but the return on work experience is lower than the employment level in the labor market. Secondly, there is an income gap between genders, especially in physical labor-intensive forms of flexible work; women can gradually narrow the gender income gap through continuous learning. Thirdly, the return on work experience in the older age group is lower than that in the youth group of flexible workers, and this may be due to the dynamic evolution of the elimination of existing work experience and the accumulation of new work experience. Fourthly, in contrast with the findings of the labor market as a whole, the trend of work experience return in flexible employment is reversed; the low-income group’s return rate of work experience is higher than that of the high-income group, and it can be seen that flexible employment is conducive to the development of new and young workers.
  • 369
  • 07 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Macroeconomic Factors and Economic Growth in Palestine
It is an immense need in the current age to sustain economic growth to ensure a better living standard for residents of a country. For this purpose, policy officials make strategies and focus on other economic indicators including trade, investment, borrowing, and inflation, etc., to escalate their country’s economic growth. In this regard, many studies explore different factors affecting economic growth. The empirical outputs of these studies suggest the dynamic association between different macroeconomic factors and economic growth in different economies of the world. The emerging literature is silent on quantifying the dynamic effect of such factors on the economic growth of Palestine.
  • 368
  • 12 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Environment Information Disclosure in Sub-Saharan Africa
Africa comprises the bulk of struggling economies. However, Sub-Saharan Africa is experiencing rapid industrialization and urbanization. Excessive resource use, pollution, and the absence of relevant environmental disclosure are factors that contribute to these human-made damages. Environmental pollution as a threat to sustainable development results from these damages. Although it has been established that Sub-Saharan Africa would benefit from resource-management development, sustainable environmental strategies, and a reduction in urbanization and persistent poverty, the information on these issues has not been made public.
  • 368
  • 27 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Democracy and the Common Wealth
Democracy and the Common Wealth: Breaking the Stranglehold of the Special Interests is a 2010 book by urban designer, policy analyst and artist Michael E. Arth. Arth attempts to expose what he calls the "dirty secrets" of America's electoral system, and provides a list of solutions that he believes will result in a "truly representative democracy." This democracy would be led by effective, trustworthy leaders, who would be elected by a majority, and who would not have to spend their time raising campaign funds, or catering to paid lobbyists. It also tells the story of the first year of Florida's 2010 gubernatorial race, from his point of view as an outsider, lacking in personal wealth or party backing. In the main text, and in the postscript, Arth writes about how he became an independent candidate for governor after being "frozen out" of the "undemocratic" Florida Democratic Party for not having millions of dollars, and for suggesting that campaigns be about issues instead of money. The first edition of the book has 480 pages including 72 illustrations and charts and was first published in both e-book and print in May 2010. The e-book version also includes a postscript about the BP Oil Spill and energy policy, and a section on Arth’s switch to No Party Affiliation.
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  • 22 Nov 2022
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