Topic Review
Theories of Transformation of Society
To investigate and create theories of socio-economic dynamics has always been relevant for professionals in theoretical and applied economics. These theories are urgent in periods of global and catastrophic events since, on the one hand, they can explain the emergence of critical structural changes in society, and on the other hand, they can determine the likelihood of surviving of crisis processes. However, there are some drawbacks involved therein, and the poor ability to predict unexpected and shocking events, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, is a key one. 
  • 405
  • 25 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Sustainable Knowledge Contribution
In open innovation platforms, users learn external knowledge through network interaction, and their position in the interactive network has an impact on the user’s sustainable knowledge contribution. Due to the gap in knowledge level, users’ absorption and utilization efficiency of external knowledge is not consistent.
  • 402
  • 13 Jun 2022
Topic Review
High-Quality Tourism Destinations Based on Spatiotemporal Big Data
A tourism destination is a region where tourist activities take place; this can be either a special tourist site or any area in a city where tourist activities occur. It is one of the most important parts of the entire tourism process. Creating high-quality tourism destinations can provide tourists with high-quality experiences and improve the overall living environments in an area, thereby pleasing locals and attracting visitors from far and wide.
  • 402
  • 03 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Digitalization and Energy in Attaining Sustainable Development
Digitalization significantly impacts energy consumption patterns, energy infrastructure, and the overall intensity of energy use. It represents a transformative force that can either increase energy demand through the proliferation of digital devices and data centers or decrease it through efficiency gains and smart energy management. The relentless advancement of digital technologies has the potential to significantly reshape the energy landscape as digital technologies become increasingly integrated into diverse sectors of the economy.
  • 401
  • 14 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Participation in Political Crowdfunding during COVID-19 Pandemic
Participation in the political process is the fundamental right and responsibility of a citizen. Online political participation has gained popularity as it is convenient and effective. Political crowdfunding helps political candidates and parties pledge funds, usually small, from a large population and seek support through marketing campaigns during elections.
  • 400
  • 04 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Co-Created Values in Crowdfunding for Enterprises
Crowdfunding (CF) is considered to be an innovative source of funding, and research into its effects on CF participants is being conducted from many different angles. Crowdfunding not only presents an alternative financing option, but also affects all perspectives relevant to value creation. As compared to the existing literature, this analysis is the most comprehensive take on the importance of crowdfunding for increasing the value of small and medium enterprises to date, thus offering a material contribution to the fuller understanding of crowdfunding from the financial standpoint, as well as pointing to the importance of crowdfunding as a financing method influencing sustainable decision-making by small and medium enterprises (SMEs). 
  • 399
  • 15 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Corporate Social Responsibility in Social SMEs
The relation between social entrepreneurship and CSR is not unequivocal, as from a theoretical perspective these constructs should be distinct, and their boundaries both in theory and in practice are still unclear. The literature suggests that it is their social mission that defines social enterprises whereas, for other types of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), CSR activities would be instrumental and motivated by profit maximization. Until now, it has been unclear what the role of CSR in activities and behavior in social enterprises is, which is a notable research gap since social entrepreneurship is an emerging domain of study in business research and practice. 
  • 399
  • 15 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Link Prediction for Global Plastic Waste Trade
China’s waste plastic ban has sparked a discussion about how the global plastic waste trade (GPWT) will develop in the future. GPWT has certain stability and sustainability; although plastic waste trade has narrowed under the ban, it still has the potential trend of reconnecting the same type of links. Specifically, from a regional perspective, the future trade of new plastic waste trade will be dominated by cross-regional trade. Plastic waste may continue to flow to countries in the Asian–Pacific, Middle East, and African regions, while European countries will strengthen the internal recycling and processing of plastic waste. From the perspective of the national income level, the establishment of the new relationship will show an evolutionary trend in which high-income countries are dominated and the scale of trade between non-high-income countries expands. In addition, the differences in the level of economic development, liner transport connectivity, and the proportion of mismanagement of plastic waste among countries has a positive effect on the establishment of a new relationship in the GPWT, while tariff rates have an inhibitory effect.
  • 397
  • 22 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Environmental Consciousness on Environmental Management
As society’s view of the public good expands to include responsible corporate citizenship, profit performance alone no longer suffices as the sole measure of a company’s performance. Issues of environmental protection and contributions to society are also included in evaluating overall corporate strategy, thus broadening the evaluation beyond the income statement. As companies adopt the mantle of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) theories, their potential liabilities are no longer limited to operational costs. Investments in environmental protection and environmental management systems influence a company’s competitiveness and strategic considerations. When performed right, these investments not only reduce litigation and administrative costs, but also enhance long-term profitability and continuing development 
  • 397
  • 09 Jan 2023
Topic Review
E-Waste Management Strategies and Prediction Methods
Electronic waste generation is increasing dramatically throughout the world. Consequently, this increase in E-waste harms the environment, health, and other aspects of human life. Moreover, hazardous substances and the informal disposal of E-waste severely threaten human health and the environment. Saudi Arabia is the largest Arab country in terms of electronic waste generation and is the Arab country that generates the most E-waste. Over the past few decades, several initiatives and policy implementations have been undertaken in the country. However, the management of E-waste is still a source of distress and an unresolved issue. Sustainable development requires much more effort, primarily efficient E-waste management, which can only be achieved by establishing a formal collection system, early forecasting, and accurate estimations. 
  • 396
  • 12 Apr 2023
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