Topic Review
Affirmative Action Policies in Higher Education in Brazil
The debate about the implementation of affirmative action policies in Brazil is not disconnected from the development of this discussion, proposals, and policy implementation at a global level. Although there is knowledge in Brazil about affirmative action programs in several different countries since the second half of the 20th century, the most common experience of this type of policy that is quoted and more broadly known is the US experience.
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  • 01 Apr 2024
Topic Review
Affirmative Policy in Nepal’s Community Forestry
Decentralized forest management is criticized for not involving women in decision-making. Researchers explored what the introduction of affirmative policy in community forestry committees means for the participation of women in decision making in four cases in the middle hills of Nepal. The qualitative analysis of interviews and observations draws on feminist political ecology, a women’s participation typology, the critical mass theory and gender justice. Researchers investigated the importance of electoral procedures, the role of authorities, the role of the familial context and whether and how women internalized and contested patriarchal norms. The women’s quota was found to have had as yet little impact on substantive participation, yet the enhanced exposure of female committee members to the discrepancy between the gender equality discourse introduced in community forestry and the persistent male domination seemed to create, in a few women performing as critical actors, an enhanced awareness of male suppression; an awareness that is a prerequisite for contestation of those patriarchal norms denying women access to power over forest and, generally speaking, of gender injustice. 
  • 342
  • 24 May 2022
Topic Review
Afghan Presidential Election, 2009
Presidential elections were held in Afghanistan on 20 August 2009. The election resulted in victory for incumbent Hamid Karzai, who won 49.67% of the vote, while his main rival Abdullah Abdullah finished second with 30.59% of the vote. The election was characterized by lack of security, low voter turnout and low awareness of the people about the election and election process and widespread ballot stuffing, intimidation, and other electoral fraud. A second round run-off vote, announced under heavy U.S. and ally pressure, was originally scheduled for 7 November 2009, but it was cancelled after Abdullah refused to participate, and Hamid Karzai was declared President of Afghanistan for another 5-year term. The election was the second under the present constitution of Afghanistan and was held on the same day as elections for 34 provincial council seats. The Taliban called for a boycott of the election, describing it as a "program of the crusaders" and "this American process".
  • 363
  • 16 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Age-Friendly Ecosystems
The concept of age-friendly ecosystems is grounded in the belief that older adults benefit from integration in their communities with access to a wide range of opportunities to participate in local, national and international healthy and active aging initiatives. Age-friendliness has already had a significant impact on how we think about and address the needs of older adults by recognizing they are not just passive recipients of care and support but active participants in their communities and within ecosystems.
  • 267
  • 17 May 2023
Topic Review
Agency is the capacity of an actor to act in a given environment. It is independent of the moral dimension, which is called moral agency. In sociology, an agent is an individual engaging with the social structure. Notably, though, the primacy of social structure vs. individual capacity with regard to persons' actions is debated within sociology. This debate concerns, at least partly, the level of reflexivity an agent may possess. Agency may either be classified as unconscious, involuntary behavior, or purposeful, goal directed activity (intentional action). An agent typically has some sort of immediate awareness of their physical activity and the goals that the activity is aimed at realizing. In ‘goal directed action’ an agent implements a kind of direct control or guidance over their own behavior.
  • 2.2K
  • 08 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Agency (Sociology)
In sociology, the concept of agency refers to the capacity of individuals to act independently and make choices that shape their lives and the social structures around them. Agency emphasizes the idea that individuals are not merely passive recipients of societal influences or structural forces but are active participants who can exercise their will, make decisions, and initiate actions.
  • 1.8K
  • 25 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Agency and Reward in Typical Development and Autism
The ability to perform voluntary actions and make choices is shaped by the motivation from having control over the resulting effects (agency) and positive outcomes (reward). It is proposed that reduced sensitivity to agency and reward in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may be related to atypical multisensory processes and motor planning, with potential for understanding restricted and repetitive behaviors.
  • 444
  • 08 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Agency and the Limits of Responsibility
Residents responded differentially to technology, based on their levels of capability, motivation, reluctance and resistance. Small technological innovations could have disproportionately positive impacts in improving wellbeing, the research demonstrates the complex nature of agency and limits of responsibility. 
  • 251
  • 17 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Agency in Work Organisations
The entry deals with agency in work organisations. By agency is meant here in what ways and to what extent individuals direct their actions with their own choices and to what extent external factors influence and determine their actions. The entry focuses on constraints set and resources provided by work organisations for agency. Further, the entry gives research examples of methods to support individual agency and at the same time to redistribute agency among the stakeholders.
  • 2.1K
  • 02 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Aggregation News Platform
News aggregation platforms are services that pull together online content such as news and videos in one place for ease of viewing on mobile devices or websites. 
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  • 25 Nov 2021
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Video Production Service