Topic Review
Panic Buying
This entry reviews some of the social psychological factors that influence the spread of panic buying. They include social influence and social trust. For a more comprehensive review of the causes of panic buying, refer to creator's publication below [1].
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  • 02 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Detrimental Effects of School Corporal Punishment on Children
School corporal punishment (SCP) is still a widely used and legal practice in many countries for disciplining children. The infliction of SCP upon children is associated with externalizing behavior problems, internalizing behavior problems, and reduced school performance. Awareness of its detrimental effects is needed to make the school environment a safe place for all children across the world.
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  • 18 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Digital Entrepreneurship and Creative Industries in Tourism
Digital entrepreneurship and creative industries in tourism have been emerging strongly, possibly as a result of the global pandemic of the last two years. Their growth in the last decade has been due to the penetration of technology into the daily life of the tourist and the desire for tours that combine intangible value and a differentiated experience. 
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  • 20 Jul 2022
Topic Review
The Perry High/Scope Preschool Program: A Critique
Early Childhood Education programs aim at preventing educational delays associated with socio-ethnic disadvantage in the home environment of young children. Advocates claim that such programs can be effective, provided they are of high quality. Despite the investment of enormous budgets, the educational gap between socio-economically deprived families and their wealthier counterparts is still widening. The question therefore is justified whether these claims are warranted. This article focuses on the internal and external validity of the most cited preschool program, the High/Scope Perry Preschool Project, which was carried out between 1962 and 1967 in one school in Ypsilant, MI. Are the program's effects as reported by, e.g. Lawrence Schweinhart and James Heckman, reliable and valid? And is it really possible to generalize the findings of this so-called model program to other programs, target groups, settings and conditions, as is being claimed?
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  • 21 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Mindfulness-Based Interventions for Schizophrenia
Mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs) consist of short and structured intervention protocols focused on teaching patients the use of mindfulness for therapeutic purposes. Over the last three decades, there has been a remarkable expansion of this kind of interventions for the treatment of various psychopathological conditions. Despite this, MBIs have only recently begun to be applied in the treatment of people with schizophrenia. Analysis of the available evidence on MBIs for the treatment of people with this disorder suggests that they are effective and safe treatments, although more research is needed to draw more robust conclusions.  
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  • 13 Jul 2020
Topic Review
Institutional Analysis and Development Approach
Institutional Analysis and Development (IAD) is a framework used widely by social scientists to study the effects of institutional arrangements as institutions emerge and change over time. Such a framework would be useful for explaining individuals' operational choices in various collective action settings, including waste recycling.
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  • 15 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Municipal Waste and City Size
By 2050, the world population is expected to reach 9.7 billion, almost 90% of which will live in urban areas. With such a fast growth in population and urbanization, it is anticipated that the annual waste generation will increase by 70% in comparison with current levels, and will reach 3.40 billion tons in 2050. A key question regarding the sustainability of the planet is the effect of city size on waste production.
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  • 06 Jun 2021
Topic Review
A COVID-19 Education Recovery Program
As a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic, many students have developed substantial educational delays, both cognitively and social-emotionally. To counter such negative effects of the school closures, several policies and support strategies on attainment and social-emotional well-being have been proposed and implemented. In the Netherlands, the focus is on using evidence-based interventions to boost educational achievement. The question is, however, how evidence-based the interventions really are. 
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  • 23 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Social Cohesion
Social cohesion refers to the degree of unity, solidarity, and social bonds within a society or community. It encompasses the sense of belonging, trust, and cooperation among individuals and groups, contributing to social stability, resilience, and well-being. Social cohesion is essential for fostering a harmonious and inclusive society where individuals can collaborate, support one another, and collectively address societal challenges.
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  • 26 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Effects of Genocide on Youth
The effects of genocide on youth include psychological and demographic effects that affect the transition into adulthood. These effects are also seen in future generations of youth. Demographic effects involve the transfer of children during genocides. In cases of transfer, children are moved or displaced from their homes into boarding schools, adoptive families, or to new countries with or without their families. There are significant shifts in populations in the countries that experience these genocides. Often, children are then stripped of their cultural identity and assimilated into the culture that they have been placed into. Unresolved trauma of genocide affects future generations of youth. Intergenerational effects help explain the background of these children and analyze how these experiences shape their futures. Effects include the atmosphere of the household they grew up in, pressures to succeed or act in specific ways, and how they view the world in which they live. The passing down of narratives and stories are what form present day perceptions of the past. Narratives are what form future generations' ideas of the people who were either victimized or carried out the genocide. As youth of future generations process the stories they hear they create their own perception of it and begin to identify with a specific group in the story. Youth of future generations begin to form their identity through the narratives they hear as they begin to relate to it and see how the genocide affects them. As stories are passed down, children also begin to understand what their parents or grandparents went through. They use narratives as explanation of why their parents talk about it in the way they do or do not talk about it all. Psychological effects of genocide are also relevant in youth. Youth who experience an extreme trauma at an early age are often incapable of fully understanding the event that took place. As this generation of children transition into adulthood, they sort out the event and recognize the psychological effects of the genocide. It is typical for these young survivors to experience symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as well as other psychological disorders. Transitioning out of youth and into adulthood is an important development marker in the lives of all people. Youth who transition into adulthood during a genocide have a different experience than those who do not transition during a genocide. Some youth transition earlier as means of survival. Others are unable to fully transition, remaining in a youth state longer.
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  • 19 Oct 2022
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