Topic Review
Pact for Life Program
In Brazil, one of the most well deemed state-level programs in the prevention of homicides is the so-called Pacto pela Vida (A Pact for Life), executed in many northern regions of the country. The Pact for Life program, one of the most successful state-level projects to reduce the occurrences of homicides and other violent crimes, had its contribution by integrating the public policy of security with the Judicial Power, Legislative Power, municipalities, state and federal government. The value added by this integration has been fundamental for the fact police cycle is not unitary, meaning that the police that arrive at the crime scene are not the same one that investigates.
  • 1.0K
  • 20 May 2021
Topic Review
Sports Policing and Tourism Safety in Summer Olympics
Held every four years, the Summer Olympics are the world’s biggest sporting events, posing a significant challenge for tourism and law enforcement professionals. Ensuring the safety of tourists and athletes on-site is the host country’s responsibility. In many cases, the target of terrorists is the tourism sector, which in some countries, accounts for a significant share of annual revenue. 
  • 856
  • 27 May 2022
Topic Review
Dark Triad Psychopathy
Dark Triad traits and self-control are considered viable causal precursors to antisocial and criminal outcomes in youth. 
  • 641
  • 20 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Criminal Legal Systems in Disability Community
Disabled people come into contact with the criminal legal system as suspects, defendants, incarcerated persons, victims, and witnesses. Compared to people without disabilities, disabled people are more likely to experience victimization, be arrested, be charged with a crime, and serve longer prison sentences once convicted. These trends are even more profound for disabled people with intersecting marginalized identities, such as people of color, women, poor people, and those who identify as LGBTQ. 
  • 628
  • 21 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Mexico Gunshot Reports on Twitter
The quarantine and stay-at-home measures implemented by most governments significantly impacted the volume and distribution of crime, and already, a body of literature exists that focuses on the effects of lockdown on crime. However, the effects of lockdown on firearm violence have yet to be studied. Within this context, this study analyzes reports of gunshots in Mexico City registered on Twitter from October 2018 to 2019 (pre-COVID-19) and from October 2019 to 2020 (during COVID-19), using a combination of spatial (nearest neighbor ratio, Ripley’s K function and kernel estimation) and non-spatial (Fisher’s exact test) methods. The results indicate a spatial concentration of gunshot reports in Mexico City and a reduction in frequency of reports during the pandemic. While they show no change in the overall concentration of gunshots during lockdown, they do indicate an expansion in the patterns of spatial intensity (moving from the west to the center of the city). One possible explanation is the capacity of possible victims of firearm crimes in certain municipalities to comply with lockdown measures and thus avoid exposure to such crimes. 
  • 590
  • 23 Aug 2021
Topic Review
School Culture, Racial Composition, and Preventing Violence
Evaluations of school policies and practices have shown that strict discipline and enforcement may have negative consequences and a disparate impact on students of color. Using a sample of 2092 respondents from the 2015–2016 School Survey on Crime and Safety from the Department of Education, the present research assessed the effectiveness of supportive programs and the impact of punitive responses to school violence within predominantly minority schools.
  • 552
  • 13 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology
Cryptocurrency has exploded in popularity, with Bitcoin adopted as a national currency in two countries. The blockchain technology on which cryptocurrency is built is an important tool used not only to facilitate a medium of exchange but also in many industries, including healthcare and education. As with all technologies, blockchain is a tool and can be abused by malicious actors. However, the decentralised nature of the technology creates an obstacle to establishing jurisdiction in transnational crimes.
  • 478
  • 17 Nov 2023
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