Cocoyam [Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott]

Cocoyam [Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott] also known as taro is regarded as an important staple crop in the Pacific Islands, Asia and Africa.

Colocasia esculenta cocoyam food security Africa exports imports

1. Introduction

Taro (Cocoyam) [Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott] is an important tropical root crop grown purposely for its starchy corms or underground stem [1]. It is regarded as one of the most important staple crops in the Pacific Islands, Asia and Africa [1][2][3][4]. It is one of the oldest world’s food crops believed to have been first domesticated in Southeast Asia before its eventual spread to other parts of the world [5][6]. The two most commonly cultivated species of Taro (Colocasia esculenta and Xanthosoma sagittifolium) belong to the Araceae family and are extensively cultivated in Africa.

Taro is an herbaceous monocotyledonous plant of 1–2 m height. The plant consists of central corm (below the soil surface) making the leaves grow upwards, roots grown downwards, while cormels, daughter corms and runners (stolons) grow laterally. The root system is fibrous and lies mainly at a depth of up to one meter of soil [3][7].

In most Pacific Island countries (PICs) where taro is widely cultivated and consumed, two species of Colocasia are recognized. They are Cesculenta var. esculenta, commonly called dasheen, and Cesculenta var. antiquorum, often referred to as eddoe [3][8]. The dasheen variety possesses large central corms, with suckers and/or stolons, while eddoes have somewhat small central corm and a large number of smaller cormels [3][9][10].

In Africa, Taro is commonly produced by smallholder, resource-limited and mostly female farmers [3]. Taro ranks third in importance, after cassava and yam, among the class of root and tuber crops cultivated and consumed in most African countries [3]. The crop is underutilized in the areas of export, human consumption, industrial uses, nutritional and other health benefits in Africa. Thus, the objective of this review is to provide a critical assessment of the leading players in the taro sub-sector globally and continentally with the most recent datasets useful for policy intervention and planning. Also, this study explores the nutritional, health and economic benefits of taro highlighting the role it can play in enhancing sustainable livelihoods especially in Africa.

2. Taro [Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott] in Africa

In many parts of the world, (especially, African countries), roots and tubers such as cassava (Manihot esculenta), sweet potato (Ipoemea batatas), yam (Dioscorea sp), and cocoyam (Colocasia esculenta and Xanthosoma sagittifolium), are important staple crops commonly cultivated by smallholder farmers and used as food security and income crops [11][12]. Taro production in Africa (especially SSA) is commonly by smallholder, resource-limited and mostly female farmers [3]. However, the crop is mostly referred to as “poor man’s crop” because its consumption is mainly by the low income households in the society [3]. As mentioned above, Africa contributed to over 70% of global taro production consistently in the past two decades and accounted for about 76 percent of world share in 2000 but, witnessed a slight decline in production levels in two decades attaining 72.27% (7.6 million tonnes) share of world total production in 2019 (Table 10) [11]. Despite the global recognition of taro production in Africa, the crop has suffered serious neglect, receiving little attention from agricultural researchers and government policymakers [3][13][12][14][15].

The world is faced with enormous task of providing sufficient food for over seven billion people, with 690 million people suffering from hunger globally, Africa region accounted for 73 million out of the 135 million people suffering from acute food insecurity in 2019 [16][17][18][19][20][21][22]. Hunger and malnutrition continue to escalate as the world’s food system is being threatened by the emergence of COVID-19 pandemic in December 2019. The attendant total and partial lockdowns in many countries has led to increased level of hunger and food insecurity. The situation in Africa is the one referred to as “a crisis within a crisis” with very high prevalence of hunger and malnutrition in most Africa countries. African governments need to intensify efforts in boosting agricultural production and keeping the food value chain active in order to stem the tide of hunger and food insecurity in the continent [23][24][25][26][27][28][29].

However, one of the means of reducing the level of hunger and protein-energy malnutrition in Africa (especially SSA) is through increased production and consumption of indigenous staples of high energy content such as taro [30][31]. Taro is recognized as a cheaper yam substitute, notably during period of food scarcity (hunger season) among many households in SSA (especially Ghana and Nigeria) and its production remained an integral part of many smallholder farming households in many parts of West and Central African countries [3]. It is worthy of note that, most of the output that placed Nigeria as number one taro producer globally and other high producing African countries like Cameroon, Ghana, Madagascar and Burundi (Figure 3) are carried out by smallholder rural farmers employing primitive technology and traditional farming practices with limited intensive management system [3][11]. Taro leaves and tubers possess excellent nutraceutical and healing properties. Thus, its increased production and consumption should be encouraged because of these properties in addition to its usefulness as a food security staple.

2.1. Recent Taro Productivity and Yield Potential in Africa

Total output of taro has witnessed significant increase in Africa, (mostly in West and Central Africa) where total production level in 2019 reached 7.62 million tonnes (the highest in 2 decades) (Table 1). However, these were largely due to increased harvested area rather than increase in yield per land area [11]. The average yield per land area (tons/ha) in Africa has consistently remained relatively low (Figure 4), from 6.10 tons/ha in 2000 to abysmally low 4.34 tons/ha in 2019 while Nigeria (Figure 5) the leading taro producer was not spared in the declining trend of taro yield per land area in Africa, decreasing from 6.62 tons/ha in 2000 to 2.88 tons/ha in 2019 [11]. Consequently, while other taro producing regions experienced significant increase in their yield per land area from 2000 to 2019, Africa recorded a monumental decrease in taro yield per land area in this period (Table 11 & Figure 4) [11]. African region recorded the lowest taro yield per land area in 2019 (Table 11) when compared with other regions such as Asia (16.50 tons/ha), America (10.41 tons/ha), and Oceania (8.73 tons/ha). This unprecedented yield difference in Africa is indicative of the fact that current yield of taro (cocoyam) in the region (especially West and Central Africa) is far below its potential yield. This could be attributed to the fact that taro production in Africa is largely with limited input and mostly cultivated on marginal lands. The culture of merely increasing production level through increased area of farmland is obviously unsustainable, because it resulted in high demand for available land.

Figure 4. Declining African region Taro (Cocoyam) yield with trend line (2000–2019), Source: Authors’ graph using data from FAOSTAT 2021 [11]. The vertical lines are the average of Taro and the horizontal axis represents the year of production.

Figure 5. Nigeria’s declining Taro yield with trend line (2000–2019); Source: Authors’ graph using data from FAOSTAT 2021 [11]. Note: The dotted line is the trend line; the solid line is the declining Nigeria Taro yield.

Taro Regional Production (2000–2019).
  Africa America Asia Oceania
Year Prod (1000 t) Area Harvested (1000 ha) Yield (t/ha) Prod (tons) Area Harvested (ha) Yield (t/ha) Prod (1000 t) Area Harvested (ha) Yield (t/ha) Prod (tons) Area Harvested (ha) Yield (t/ha)
2000 7435 1219 6.10 78,815 7621 10.34 1931 128,872 14.98 318,753 44,362 7.19
2001 7598 1251 6.07 81,871 8118 10.09 1947 139,676 15.01 321,062 45,321 7.08
2002 8112 1322 6.14 85,195 8571 9.94 1977 129,322 15.29 351,476 48,664 7.22
2003 8330 1322 6.30 82,214 8628 9.53 2026 133,626 15.16 361,416 50,192 7.20
2004 8557 1329 6.44 82,252 8669 9.49 1952 131,050 14.89 390,886 53,390 7.32
2005 9099 1354 6.72 82,994 8915 9.31 1914 127,935 14.96 413,900 55,658 7.44
2006 9510 1413 6.72 81,946 8731 9.39 1912 128,569 14.87 402,449 54,061 7.44
2007 9129 1426 6.40 80,343 7297 11.01 2014 129,513 15.55 395,889 52,735 7.51
2008 9617 1367 7.04 80,878 7227 11.19 2023 130,721 15.47 413,645 57,708 7.17
2009 7035 1125 6.25 81,350 7207 11.29 2082 133,211 15.63 412,859 54,574 7.57
2010 6904 1161 5.94 55,662 4883 11.40 2080 132,285 15.72 402,545 52,463 7.67
2011 6993 1062 6.59 46,999 3937 11.94 2074 131,868 15.72 421,634 54,973 7.67
2012 7196 1238 5.81 92,574 9884 9.37 2180 133,298 16.35 383,583 47,503 8.07
2013 6879 1219 5.64 103,142 10,638 9.70 2213 134,017 16.51 432,174 51,472 8.40
2014 7368 1312 5.61 101,393 8830 11.48 2388 147,551 16.18 417,198 51,031 8.18
2015 7366 1522 4.84 133,046 7785 17.09 2367 147,251 16.07 416,183 48,309 8.62
2016 7472 1574 4.75 74,274 7359 10.09 2440 152,588 15.99 392,197 46,725 8.39
2017 7646 1630 4.69 72,755 6930 10.50 2409 148,133 16.26 396,564 46,566 8.52
2018 7575 1682 4.50 43,865 4408 9.95 2438 148,380 16.43 403,122 46,595 8.65
2019 7619 1756 4.34 54,111 5200 10.41 2463 149,256 16.50 406,386 46,559 8.73

Source: Authors’ Compilation using data from FAOSTAT 2021 [11]; Note: t = Tonnes, ha = Hectare, Prod = Production.

Increased taro production is a worthwhile venture. There are industrial, nutraceutical and healing uses for the crop both within and outside any of the producing countries. Exporting taro to other countries will boost the revenue base of the producing countries; livelihoods of the smallholder farmers and other actors along the value chain would also be enhanced.

2.2. Taro Trade Potentials in Africa

The unprecedented increase in total output of taro in Africa (especially, West and Central Africa) in the last two decades indicated that there could be further increase in another decade to come. The estimate from Tridge [32] in 2018 indicated that China (with export value of $417.18 million) remained the number one exporter of taro, followed by Mexico ($264.49 million), USA ($161.01 million) and Canada ($141.96 million) (Figure 1). However, no top taro producing countries from sub-Saharan Africa, which accounted for over 70% of global share of taro production in two decades (2000–2019), was listed among the top 20 cocoyam exporting countries (Figure 1). This may be due to the difficulty in obtaining consistent and reliable data on taro import and export for most African countries. Although 65% of the global taro production is accounted for by Africa in 2019 [11], there is insufficient information on the contribution of taro from these top producing countries to the international taro market. Apart from poor data on trade in taro in Africa, it could also be due to the fact that taro production in SSA is mainly for meeting local needs for food security [3].

In 2018, the three major importers of taro are USA ($768.68 million), Japan ($227.10 million) and United Kingdom ($157.17 million) (Figure 3). Like taro exports, no top producing African countries was listed among the top 20 importers of taro in 2018. There is enormous trade potentials for taro markets in Africa both within (between countries in Africa) and outside the region. There is urgent need to improve taro production and marketing structures in Africa in order to maximize of its gains for economic empowerment [3][32].

2.3. Challenges of Taro in Africa

The non-existent of effective research and policy interventions for the increased production and marketing (international trade) of taro in most African countries (especially SSA) has left the crop as an unpopular and under-utilized root and tuber crop when compared with other root and tuber crops such as cassava, yam and potato. The consistent increase in production levels (although with increasing reduction in yield per land area—Figure 4) of taro in most high producing Africa countries (Nigeria, Cameroon and Ghana) has not attracted the international market for more than three decades [3][6][33][34]. Taro production in most major African growing areas has remained at subsistence level with farmers depending mainly on traditional farming inputs [3][26][27][28].

To further worsen the challenges of taro production, consumption and commercialization in Africa, is the emergence of taro leaf blight (TLB) (Phytophthora colocasiae) in West Africa in 2009 [3][34]. The outbreak of TLB was opined to have accounted for more than US$1.4 billion economic loss annually with enormous impact on the genetic erosion of gene pool in the region [3]. Taro production is facing continuous decline due to rapid prevalence of TLB. This has resulted in continuous low yield, poor quality corms and reduced commercialization in most taro producing countries [3][35].


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