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Pilarska, A.A.; Gadirli, G.; Dach, J.; Pilarski, K. The Development of Biogas Plants. Encyclopedia. Available online: (accessed on 30 June 2024).
Pilarska AA, Gadirli G, Dach J, Pilarski K. The Development of Biogas Plants. Encyclopedia. Available at: Accessed June 30, 2024.
Pilarska, Agnieszka A., Gulnar Gadirli, Jacek Dach, Krzysztof Pilarski. "The Development of Biogas Plants" Encyclopedia, (accessed June 30, 2024).
Pilarska, A.A., Gadirli, G., Dach, J., & Pilarski, K. (2024, February 07). The Development of Biogas Plants. In Encyclopedia.
Pilarska, Agnieszka A., et al. "The Development of Biogas Plants." Encyclopedia. Web. 07 February, 2024.
The Development of Biogas Plants

Agricultural biogas plants have a long history, beginning with early advancements in biogas technology and its application in agricultural contexts. Throughout history, several societies have used organic waste to make biogas, a renewable energy source. However, modern agricultural biogas plants as we know them today have changed greatly as a result of scientific and technological advances.

biogas anaerobic digesion feedstock sustainable energy

1. Overview of Common Biogas Plant Types

Biogas plants are facilities that use organic waste to produce renewable energy in the form of biogas. Although there are many sizes and designs of biogas facilities, they all work on the same fundamental AD concept. The most common biogas plant types include batch systems, continuous stirred tank reactors, plug-flow digesters, and covered lagoons [1][2]. The choice of biogas plant type depends on factors such as the type and quantity of feedstock available, the required energy production, and local regulations [1].
One of the most widely used and practical application of biogas plants are agricultural plants. Facilities that process feedstock obtained from agricultural sources are referred to as agricultural biogas plants. Such factories often make use of organic resources including animal manure and slurries, vegetable leftovers and residues, as well as waste from the food and fishing sectors. The majority of agricultural biogas plants in Europe use animal dung and slurries from the production of cattle and pigs as their primary feedstock.
Agricultural AD plants may be divided into three groups according to their size, purpose, and location. Families or small towns can benefit from family-scale biogas facilities, which are normally extremely tiny. The energy requirements of a farm or a group of farms are met by small, medium, or large-scale farm-scale biogas facilities. The medium to large-scale centralized or cooperative co-digestion facilities are often made to manage a variety of organic waste streams and have several uses [3].
Commercial-scale biogas plants are another option for meeting the energy demands of sizable industrial sites or cities, in addition to the categories mentioned above. To create biogas, these facilities often combine several organic waste sources, such as municipal, industrial, and agricultural waste [4].
In general, a variety of factors, such as the accessibility and cost of energy sources, governmental regulations and energy policies, and regional climatic conditions, affect the design and technology of biogas facilities. A biogas plant’s design and technology are greatly influenced by its size, purpose, and location.

2. Analysis and Implications for Biogas Plant Design

Designing a biogas plant is a complex process that demands careful consideration of several factors. Analyzing the raw materials that are to be utilized to create biogas and the particular demands of the biogas plant itself is often part of the design process.
Biogas plant design involves analyzing and understanding the chemical composition and characteristics of the input substrates, as well as the operating conditions required for efficient biogas production [5]. The analysis of the substrate can determine the potential biogas yield and the appropriate mix of substrates to optimize production [6].
To ensure maximum energy efficiency, a biogas plant must be evaluated and optimized using an energy balance approach. However, reliable data for comparing different technologies are often unavailable, and most studies only consider electricity or heat demand while ignoring fuel demand for transport. It is important to note that there is a correlation between electricity, fuel, and heat demand, which can vary depending on substrate parameters and seasonal fluctuations [7].
The energy demand of a biogas plant depends on several factors such as substrate transport and storage, substrate pre-treatment, and the type of technology used in the plant. These factors can significantly affect the amount of electricity, heat, and fuel required to operate the plant. For instance, different types of biogas plant technologies have varying energy demands. Continuously stirred tank reactors (CSTRs) and dry batch digesters, for example, differ in their electricity and fuel consumption due to their unique designs and operation methods. The energy demands associated with each process step in a biogas plant also vary and depend on the specific characteristics of the substrates and the treatment of biogas and residues [8].
Pre-treating substrates before feeding them into the biogas plant can boost biogas yields by up to 20%. However, the energy consumption of the treatment system can offset the benefits if not properly accounted for. Therefore, it is crucial to calculate the energy demand of the pre-treatment process and assess the expected energy output of the plant. It is also worth noting that the energy demand of pre-treatment varies depending on the type of substrate being treated [8]. According to VDI (2006), the electricity demand for feedstock with higher solid content such as energy crops is slightly higher, ranging from 19 to 27 kWhel per MWhHi of biogas produced [9].
Once the energy demands of a biogas plant are determined, the next step is to evaluate the energy supply needed for the plant’s operation. This involves planning for the supply of electricity, heat, and fuel to meet the plant’s energy demands [7]. The energy supply can come from both external sources, such as the grid or a generator, and internal resources, such as a biogas burner or excess heat from single aggregates.
Proper planning and evaluation of the energy supply can help ensure efficient and cost-effective operation of the biogas plant. Therefore, biogas plant design must be approached with a holistic view, considering all relevant factors to achieve maximum energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

3. Administrative Aspects of the Construction of Biogas Plants

There are several administrative considerations that must be made while constructing biogas facilities. Regulations pertaining to zoning, health, safety, and the environment must all be followed when building biogas facilities.

3.1. Legal Assessment and Permit Acquisition

A vital step in building a biogas plant is getting the necessary permissions and approvals from the local government. It entails obtaining the required licenses, permissions, and approvals from local governmental organizations, environmental protection organizations, and other pertinent authorities. These authorizations and permits guarantee that the biogas plant’s development and operation adhere to regional laws and norms [10].
Once the required paperwork is prepared, it is delivered to the relevant municipal agencies in charge of approving and granting permissions. The local government, environmental protection organizations, health organizations, or other pertinent departments maybe some of these. In-depth details regarding the project, such as its site, design, environmental impact, and adherence to relevant legislation, are included in the application.
To promote the establishment and operation of the plants, particular incentives are frequently given to them. Feed-in tariffs (FITs) are a popular type of financial incentive. Feed-in tariffs are set, long-term payment rates are given to owners or operators of biogas plants in exchange for the renewable energy they produce. These prices are usually higher than the market rate for electricity and are locked in for a predetermined time, frequently between 10 and 20 years. Developers are more likely to invest in biogas infrastructure since FITs offer a steady and predictable cash stream [11].

3.2. Environmental Regulations

Environmental regulations and emissions management are crucial factors in the operation of biogas facilities, ensuring their environmentally friendly operation. To reduce any negative effects on the environment, policy frameworks are created to specify the rules and principles. These regulations cover important subjects like air emissions, wastewater management, odor control, and the preservation of soil and groundwater [12].
Regulations within policy frameworks set specific standards for biogas plant emissions, including methane, CO2, nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) [12]. Regulations to reduce odor emissions from biogas facilities are included in policy frameworks to manage potential odor issues. AD might result in the emission of odorous substances. Operators may be compelled to use odor control devices like biofilters or activated carbon filters to reduce odors and safeguard adjacent communities [13].

3.3. Health and Safety Considerations

When building biogas facilities, health and safety concerns are of highest importance in order to prioritize worker safety and reduce potential risks. When building a biogas plant, a number of important issues related to health and safety must be taken into consideration.
A thorough risk analysis ought to be done both before and throughout the building phase. In order to do this, possible risks related to site conditions, equipment use, material handling, and other construction operations must be identified. Risks including exposure to poisonous substances, confined spaces, electrical dangers, and falls should all be assessed, and the necessary precautions should be taken to reduce or eliminate them [10].

4. Operation of Biogas Plants

The efficient production of biogas from organic feedstock requires a number of procedures and phases throughout the operation of a biogas plant.
The gathering and preparation of organic feedstock, such as agricultural waste, food waste, manure from livestock, or special energy crops, is the first step in the operation of a biogas plant. The feedstock is then put inside a sealed digester, where anaerobic bacteria use the lack of oxygen to break down the organic material. Biogas, largely made up of methane and CO2, is a result of this AD process [14].
According to Wu et al. (2021), carefully controlling operational parameters is essential to a biogas plant’s efficient operation [15]. Controlling the temperature is essential for maintaining mesophilic or thermophilic conditions, which maximize microbial activity. The retention period, or the amount of time the feedstock is kept in the digester, gives organic matter enough time to break down and produce biogas. A successful feedstock mixing process guarantees even distribution and boosts microbial activity.
To guarantee effective plant operation, continuous monitoring of operating parameters, gas composition, and system performance is required. To maximize plant performance and lifetime, equipment must receive regular maintenance and servicing. The wellbeing of the workforce is guaranteed, and the negative effects on the environment are reduced, through adherence to environmental rules and health and safety protocols [16]
Moreover, personnel with knowledge of process monitoring, maintenance, and troubleshooting are needed to operate a biogas facility. Biogas plants may make a substantial contribution to the generation of sustainable energy, waste management, and the reduction of GHG emissions with the right operational practices and attentive maintenance.
In conclusion, the running of a biogas plant necessitates the intricate interaction of several processes, variables, and management techniques. AD can be used to produce biogas, which is a renewable energy source that also encourages environmentally responsible waste disposal. A greener and more sustainable future can be greatly aided by the efficient operation of biogas facilities.

5. Economic Aspects and Profitability

When determining the viability of a biogas plant as a sustainable energy investment, the financial factors and profitability of the facility must be considered. The initial investment, operational expenses, income generation, and potential profit incentives are all factors in assessing a biogas plant’s economic sustainability.
Cost and benefit analyses are the major tool used for the systematic evaluation of the financial costs and potential benefits associated with the establishment and operation of biogas plants. These analyzes are extremely necessary when determining the economic viability and potential of these plants as sources of renewable energy [17]. These analyses involve contrasting the expenses of developing and managing a biogas plant with the amount of energy that can be produced by the plant and the potential revenue streams that may be generated from it [18].
The main goal of the analyses is to determine whether the advantages of the plant outweigh the expenses. Below are some main elements that are often taken into account in a cost-benefit analysis of a biogas plant.
  • Investment Costs
This comprises the initial financial outlay needed to build the biogas plant, such as equipment, infrastructure, land, and permits. It also takes into account any additional costs connected with upgrading or altering existing facilities to suit the biogas plant [19]. The cost of investing in a biogas installation can reach several million or even more than ten million zloty. The return on investment can be achieved within a few years, provided the activities are well-planned and executed. Financial support and subsidies are therefore an indispensable part of investment. When investing in a biogas plant, it is important to properly organise the system for managing waste from residents in the surrounding areas [20][21]. The possibilities of achieving the required recycling levels should be analysed, recognising both the opportunities and the problems involved.
  • Operating Costs
These include continuous costs for running the biogas plant on a daily basis, such as labor, feedstock acquisition, maintenance, utilities, and waste management. It also takes into account any costs associated with regulatory compliance and quality control [22]. Wear and tear on the engine or loader necessitates their repair or replacement. The costs associated with the need to supply electricity to power the biogas plant must also be taken into account. In general, biogas plants are high-risk investments, requiring professional management throughout the investment life cycle [20][23]. The most significant groups of risk factors involve regulatory instability, the location of the biogas plant and the difficulties of maintaining and restoring the microbial community and managing the digestate.
Despite the rather high costs associated with both the construction and maintenance of a biogas plant, it should be considered a fairly cost-effective investment. First and foremost, this should be considered in terms of long-term investments.
  • Availability and Costs of Feedstock
The availability and cost of feedstock, such as agricultural waste, energy crops, or organic waste, are critical factors in the economic feasibility of a biogas plant. The examination considers the availability, dependability, and cost of obtaining the required feedstock [24]. The most economical of the proposed solutions is the construction of biogas plants at their source, i.e., near production plants, sewage treatment plants or livestock farms, which provide continuous access to substrates in the form of waste. It is a low-cost and continuous source of raw material supply, free of logistical costs [21][25].
  • Production and Utilization of Energy
This includes the biogas plant’s energy output and utilization efficiency. It takes into account elements such as the AD process’s conversion efficiency, the plant’s electricity and heat demand, and the potential for energy self-sufficiency or grid integration [26][27]. An important issue of efficient energy management is certainly the use of heat for a wider range of purposes besides the typical technological ones, including heating or drying—in areas located close to the biogas plant. Implementing measures to increase the efficiency of cogeneration systems is the basis for the optimal use of the primary energy stored in substrates.
  • Environmental and Social Benefits
The analysis considers the environmental and social benefits of the biogas plant. This includes factors such as reduced GHG emissions, improved waste management, and potential job generation, community development and stimulation of local demand (suppliers for biogas plants) [12]. Biogas plants make a significant contribution to environmental safety through the utilisation of methane extracted from landfill sites, assisting in the treatment of municipal wastewater, and increasing the energy management of agricultural by-products while reducing the odours of agricultural production. Of all renewable energy sources, biogas is the one that offers the greatest potential for cooperation with local authorities and society [28][29]. These wide-ranging waste disposal options, or reductions in waste management costs, fall into the category of both social and environmental benefits.


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