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Gojkovic, Z.; Simansky, S.; Sanabria, A.; Márová, I.; Garbayo, I.; Vílchez, C. Mercury Interactions with Natural Phytoplankton. Encyclopedia. Available online: (accessed on 08 January 2025).
Gojkovic Z, Simansky S, Sanabria A, Márová I, Garbayo I, Vílchez C. Mercury Interactions with Natural Phytoplankton. Encyclopedia. Available at: Accessed January 08, 2025.
Gojkovic, Zivan, Samuel Simansky, Alain Sanabria, Ivana Márová, Inés Garbayo, Carlos Vílchez. "Mercury Interactions with Natural Phytoplankton" Encyclopedia, (accessed January 08, 2025).
Gojkovic, Z., Simansky, S., Sanabria, A., Márová, I., Garbayo, I., & Vílchez, C. (2023, August 24). Mercury Interactions with Natural Phytoplankton. In Encyclopedia.
Gojkovic, Zivan, et al. "Mercury Interactions with Natural Phytoplankton." Encyclopedia. Web. 24 August, 2023.
Mercury Interactions with Natural Phytoplankton

The biogeochemical cycling of mercury in aquatic environments is a complex process driven by various factors, such as ambient temperature, seasonal variations, methylating bacteria activity, dissolved oxygen levels, and Hg interaction with dissolved organic matter (DOM). As a consequence, part of the Hg contamination from anthropogenic activity that was buried in sediments is reinserted into water columns mainly in highly toxic organic Hg forms (methylmercury, dimethylmercury, etc.). This is especially prominent in the coastal shallow waters of industrial regions worldwide. 

mercury cycling phytoplankton Hg toxicity aquatic environments

1. Biogeochemical Cycling of Mercury and Methylmercury

Anthropogenic emissions have increased atmospheric concentrations of mercury (Hg) by at least a factor of three over the last century [1]. Hg naturally occurs in different minerals, in which it remains relatively stable and does not present significant risks [2][3]. The problem comes when these minerals are used for different human activities. The extraction of these minerals results in the emission of large amounts of Hg into the environment. [2]. Based on recent findings, anthropogenic sources for mercury emissions include fossil fuel combustion, production of non-ferrous metals, iron and steel production, waste burning, production of cement, and some other industrial activities [4]. Certain sources state that 24% of anthropogenic mercury emissions are from coal combustion and thermal conversion [5]. Additionally, the evidence suggests that prior to the rapid industrialization in the last century, the utilization of Hg in precious metal mining further contributed to the inputs of Hg into the atmosphere and, thus, enlarged inputs of Hg into the ocean [1]. The total annual emissions of Hg into the atmosphere are estimated to be between 6000 and 9000 tons, mainly as elemental Hg0 and sometimes as divalent HgII [6]. According to recent studies, around 800 tons of atmospheric Hg is generated by natural processes, which makes up approximately 18% of the total atmospheric Hg pool [7].
The main sources of Hg inputs into open ocean regions include flow from rivers and estuaries, groundwater, releases from benthic sediments, hydrothermal vents, and direct atmospheric deposition [1]. Models and measurements suggest that the dominant source of Hg deposits to oceans is direct atmospheric deposition into surface waters, with global inputs ranging from 2800 to 5800 t over the past decade [1]. Another important source of Hg for the marine ecosystem is that of fluvial origin, which originates from industrial discharges that contaminate rivers with a wide variety of pollutants [8]. Furthermore, Hg vapors in the atmosphere may come into contact with suspended particles, creating bonds and adhering to them in such a way that leads to their deposition into sediments of the seabed. This way, Hg can later pass into the aquatic environment by effects of sea currents and the action of microorganisms [9]. These effects have caused current Hg levels to be five times higher in the atmosphere and two times higher in the oceans than natural levels [3].
In the environment, the formation of MeHg is mostly mediated by mercury-methylating bacteria, which mediate the conversion of inorganic divalent mercury (HgII) into MeHg under oxygen-deficient conditions (see Figure 1) [10]. Such mediators include certain sulfate-reducing bacteria, iron-reducing bacteria, methanogens, and fermenters [10][11][12][13][14][15]. However, oxygenated ocean surface waters should not be neglected, as certain studies have demonstrated that approximately 20–40% of the MeHg measured below the surface mixed layer originates from the surface and then enters deeper ocean waters [10]. This methylation takes place mainly in the sediments, water columns, and periphyton [16].
Figure 1. Biogeochemical cycling of Hg in coastal areas. Legend: Hg(0)—elemental mercury; Hg(II)—divalent mercury; Me2Hg—dimethylmercury; MeHg—methylmercury. Index p indicates that any Hg form with index p is bound to the particulate organic matter. Black arrows represent chemical processes while green arrows indicate biologically mediated processes. Green and black dots represent phytoplankton and sulfate-reducing bacteria, respectively. Sulfate-reducing bacteria thrive in environmental conditions where Hg methylation occurs with pH in the 5 to 10 range. Redox potential from slightly negative (−0.4 mV) to zero, and dissolved oxygen of less than 0.2 mg/L. Adapted from [17][18][19][20].
Oxygen-deficient conditions of seafloor sediments (also called “dead zones”) that are rich in dissolved sulfates create ideal conditions for methylating sulfate-reducing bacteria [12]. The formation of such dead zones is accelerating due to anthropogenic eutrophication of multiple water bodies and global warming [10][12]. Various other environmental factors are also determining factors in the divalent Hg methylation process, such as temperature, pH, and the composition of media [21].


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