The thermodynamic equilibrium of MgCO
3 decomposes itself in MgO and CO
2, at 1 bar and above 300 °C; the CO
2 pressure represents a limitation in what concerns increasing the working temperature
[28]. Only if working at higher pressures would higher operating temperatures be possible to consider, but both kinetic and uptake could still be a concern and a limitation for practical applications
[26][28]. The possibility of working at relatively low temperatures makes MgO compounds attractive to explore, especially for SEWGS reaction, but it is mandatory to overcome uncompetitive capacities and low sorption kinetics rates first. In this sense, researchers started to study different paths to enhance their performance, based on the sorbents’ dependence on intrinsic and extrinsic factors.
Most promising approaches aiming to improve the CO
2 capture performance of Mg-based sorbents by upgrading their internal properties consist of the following: synthesizing mesoporous MgO, producing MgO from effective magnesium precursors, dispersing MgO on inert supports and doping MgO with alkali molten salts (AMS). The doping with alkali metal salts is the most widely recognized promising approach
Most recent experimental works is to improve the CO
2 uptake capacity of these materials up to 0.7–0.8 g CO
2/g sorbent
[29]. The alkali carbonates and the alkali nitrates/nitrites are the most commonly used
[21]. In general, three categories of alkali doping are considered: alkali carbonate doping, alkali nitrate/nitrite doping and binary or ternary alkali doping.
Regarding alkali carbonate doping, the CO
2 mechanism sorption is believed to happen in two steps. The first step consists in the quick generation of basic sites on the MgO surface, due to the established interactions between the sorbent and the alkali metal carbonate molecules. The nature of the AMS highly impacts the kinetics and the sorption capacity of the doped MgO sorbent at this stage because the basicity level of the produced active sites is influenced by the size of the ion salt. The second step is the slow formation of the double carbonate phase between the Mg and the AMS
[21]. Concerning the alkali nitrate/nitrite, it was shown by Zhang et al.
[30] that a MgO sorbent doped with NaNO
3 exhibiting good CO
2 sorption kinetics and a MgO conversion of 75% against of only 2% for an undoped MgO, both at 330 °C and ambient pressure. It was stated that molten NaNO
3 provides an alternative reaction pathway to traditional gas–solid reactions, by acting as a phase transfer catalyst between bulk MgO and CO
2 molecules which, in turn, facilitates the sorption reaction. It was described as the promoting effect of the molten nitrate. In addition, molten alkali metal nitrates are shown to prevent the formation of a rigid, CO
2-impermeable, and monodentate carbonate layer on the surface of MgO as it occurs with bare MgO, but to promote the rapid generation of carbonate ions to allow a high rate of CO
2 uptake. The binary doping with alkali nitrate/nitrite is also an interesting matter of study. Zhao et al.
[31] compared the CO
2 sorption capacities of the single NaNO
3 and of the binary NaNO
2 doped MgO sorbents. The latter showed higher CO
2 sorption capacity than the former. This new evidence found explanation on the reduction in the melting temperature of the eutectic mixture. While single NaNO
3 and NaNO
2 present a theoretical melting point of 308 and 271 °C, respectively, the eutectic mixture of NaNO
2 exhibits a melting temperature of 185 °C. Thus, the eutectic mixture facilitates the sorption process by providing a molten phase that works like a liquid channel. Ternary doping with NaNO
3, lithium nitrate (LiNO
3) and potassium nitrate (KNO
3) registered an even more accentuated reduction in the eutectic mixture’s melting point and an enhanced CO
2 sorption performance. In the case of the ternary doping with LiNO
3, NaNO
3 and Na
3, the former two form the molten phase in which Na
3 dissolves along with the bulk MgO to react with the CO
2 molecules
[21][31]. It is well accepted that the melting temperature of the eutectic mixture impacts greatly on the CO
2 sorption performance.
The enhancement of Mg-based sorbents carrying capacity boosts its use for SEWGS processes, but current focus is on considering the simultaneous WGS reaction and CO2 capture are scarce, but promising.
To the best of our knowledge, the first experimental work conducted with Mg-based sorbent in a SEWGS reaction was performed by Abbasi et al.
[32]. A partially calcined dolomite impregnated with K
3 was tested as sorbent/catalyst, at 20 atm, in a simulated syngas atmosphere. The sorbent was shown to be capable of achieving 95% of CO
2 capture and 40% of conversion in the WGS reaction, but both activities decreased with increasing temperature. The results indicated that the pre-breakthrough WGS conversion diminishes as the sorbent is carbonated and CO
2 concentration approaches the inlet concentration, leading to the conclusion that the catalytic activity of MgO is significantly greater than that of MgCO
3. During the SEWGS at 400 °C, the H
2 (dry basis) change from ~60 to ~45%, and CO
2 from ~9 to ~25%, in the pre- and post-breakthrough phases, respectively.
Hu et al.
[22] synthetized AMS-promoted MgO-CaCO
3 sorbents and obtained a high CO
2 carrying capacity and stability after 30 cycles, i.e., 0.55 g CO
2/g sorbent (carbonation at 350 °C, 30 min, 1 atm, 50% CO
2; and regeneration at 420 °C, 10 min, 1 atm, N
2). The enhancement of sorbent performance resulted in a high H
2 purity during the SEWGS process. For the optimized conditions, i.e., 12 atm, 300 °C, an initial ratio H
2O/CO molar ratio of 1.5 and a three catalyst/sorbent layered configuration, the H
2 purity was 99.4% for the 1st cycle and 98.2% after 10 cycles. Recently, Hu et al.
[33] describes the preparation of K
3-promoted Cu/MgO-Al
3 by sol-gel method to be used in a SEWGS reaction. Very much promising results were obtained for a sorbent with a K/(Mg + Al) ratio of 0.2 and a Mg/Al ratio of 9. A H
2 yield of 99.9% was registered after 10 SEWGS/regeneration cycles at 300 and 380 °C for SEWGS and for regeneration, respectively.
In another one by Lee et al.
[23] reported a Na-Mg double salt-based sorbent that was tested under SEWGS conditions using a commercial catalyst. A divided section packing concept of catalyst/sorbent was prepared and a high pure H
2 was obtained (CO < 10 ppm). The carrying capacity of this Na-Mg double salt-based sorbent was ca. 0.15 g CO
2/g sorbent, so the reactor column was divided into more sections (~10) and packed with increasing amounts of sorbent.
2.1. Effect of Temperature on Mg-Based Sorbents
As shown in
Figure 2, the MgO carbonation is strongly dependent on temperature, but the sorbent synthesis and properties, such as the use and type of promotors, also had a relevant role on the CO
2 uptake. Wang et al.
[26] analyzed the effect of temperature on CO
2 sorption by NaNO
2 and NaNO
3-promoted MgO. It was observed that at low temperatures (240–260 °C), the 0.2NaNO
3/MgO sorbent exhibited relatively low CO
2 uptake. On the other hand, the 0.2NaNO
2/MgO demonstrated faster weight increases, which indicates that the formed MgCO
3 product layer of 0.2NaNO
2/MgO is thicker than that of 0.2NaNO
3/MgO, which increases the CO
2 diffusion resistance. Further increasing the temperature to 280–300 °C, the CO
2 sorption of two sorbents was significantly enhanced since the diffusion process was activated, and values were attained near 0.55 g CO
2/g sorbent after 60 and 120 min for 0.2NaNO
2/MgO and 0.2NaNO
3/MgO, respectively. With the temperature increasing to 320–340 °C, the sorption rates decreased during the initial period, whereas the final uptakes were slightly improved. It was justified by the increased CO
2 equilibrium concentration in the molten salts and the enhanced diffusivity of CO
2 in the product layer with increasing temperature. Hiremath et al.
[34] synthetized KNO
2 sorbents and observed that the CO
2 uptake initially increases with increasing temperature from 250 to 300 °C, and started to decrease for higher temperatures (325, 350 and 375 °C), which is in line with previous results. The kinetics of CO
2 uptake showed an interesting behavior at a lower temperature (250 °C): the CO
2 uptake was fast at the beginning (<10 min), but at 300 °C the initial 10 min showed a slight increase in CO
2 uptake followed by a fast transition leading to a higher CO
2 uptake, although the initial sorption kinetics was slower. Wang et al.
[35] found similar behavior with the sorption temperature, i.e., during the initial stage of the CO
2 absorption process, the lower the temperature (275 vs. 375 °C) the higher the rate, which was justified by the higher CO
2 concentration in the molten salt at a lower temperature. With the progress of CO
2 absorption, the disadvantage of slow kinetics at low temperatures is more prominent, and a low CO
2 uptake after 120 min of absorption was observed. Pozzo et al.
[29] analyzed the cyclic performance of MgO promoted by 10% of (Li,Na,K)NO
3 for different carbonation temperatures, 250, 275 and 300 °C, with a partial pressure of CO
2 of 0.2 atm. At 275 °C, the CO
2 uptake was higher, which was explained by the higher thermodynamic driving force at lower carbonation temperatures. It was stated that the eutectic mixtures become particularly important, as the low melting point broadens the operating window of the material.
Then, the temperature affects the kinetics that is a relevant aspect of the in situ CO2 uptake. The Mg-based sorbent carbonation should be quick enough to produce high-purity H2 during the SEWGS process.
2.2. Effect of Steam on Mg-Based Sorbents
The SEWGS process requires the presence of high quantities of steam for the WGS reaction, which justifies the understanding of the steam effect on the Mg-based sorbents performance. Zarghami et al.
[36] investigated the effect of the presence of H
2O on the reactivity of Mg-based sorbents. The experimental results demonstrated that the existence of steam in the sorption step had a positive influence in the rate of the carbonation reaction. Several tests were carried out using reactant gas mixtures containing 50% CO
2 and increasing concentrations of steam (10, 20 and 30%), in a pressurized system (20 bar) at 430 °C. A positive relationship was observed between the steam increase and the CO
2 uptake, attaining values near 100% of CO
2 uptake with 30% of steam, after 15 min.
Water is believed to work as a co-sorbent that boosts CO
2 chemical reactivity, by creating a new carbonation pathway consisting of two mechanisms
[25]. The primary mechanism forms an alternative transient compound, Mg(OH)
2, with a larger molar volume than that of MgO (the following Equation). The secondary mechanism acts at the pore structural level, by expanding the inner pore volume and, thus, diminishing the resistance through diffusion in its inside (the following Equation)
[21][25]. The overall result is the higher reactivity of the Mg-based sorbent toward CO
2, that is, higher CO
2 uptake capacity.