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Koo, A.C.; Cheng, K.M.; Jia Yue, T.; Wong, S.Y.; Amir Sharji, E. Malaysia Waste Management Practices. Encyclopedia. Available online: (accessed on 18 January 2025).
Koo AC, Cheng KM, Jia Yue T, Wong SY, Amir Sharji E. Malaysia Waste Management Practices. Encyclopedia. Available at: Accessed January 18, 2025.
Koo, Ah Choo, Kin Meng Cheng, Tan Jia Yue, Shen Yuong Wong, Elyna Amir Sharji. "Malaysia Waste Management Practices" Encyclopedia, (accessed January 18, 2025).
Koo, A.C., Cheng, K.M., Jia Yue, T., Wong, S.Y., & Amir Sharji, E. (2022, June 03). Malaysia Waste Management Practices. In Encyclopedia.
Koo, Ah Choo, et al. "Malaysia Waste Management Practices." Encyclopedia. Web. 03 June, 2022.
Malaysia Waste Management Practices

The three main municipalities of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Penang, and Melaka, were discussed in their actions in household waste management practices and strategies in social, economy, information technology, and governance to achieve success for a better sustainability of the environment.

household waste household waste management sustainable city integrated waste management model Malaysia cities

1. Kuala Lumpur

Kuala Lumpur is Malaysia’s main economy-driven area, adjoining the Selangor state area with the highest population density of 6.56 million compared to Penang and Melaka States in 2021 [1]. The higher density of population potentially leads to higher municipal waste, which is important, especially for the citizen, who needs to be disciplined and understand that the consequences of the waste may affect the environment. The government should promote activities that can create awareness among households, i.e., reuse and recycling activities [2]. One of the ways to reduce plastic packaging is the use of green packaging, which is closely related to Sustainable Development Goal 12—Responsible consumption and production, where the responsibility of managing the waste sustainably falls on the consumer and producer. Findings from Kuala Lumpur’s consumers have shown that environmental awareness, inconvenience of support, cost, and lack of government enforcement are most discouraging for green packaging. In Klang, there is The Ecogen Recycle Bank App which is a pilot effort by the council to engage the people of Bandar Bukit Rajah in a recycling cause. The software will assist in tracking the weight of recyclable goods disposed of by individual houses in accordance with the various categories. In addition to the social and governance aspects, the technology aspects such as the waste-to-energy (WTE) incinerator and material recovery facility are considered circular economy projects that will regenerate income from waste [3].

2. Penang

Penang is located in north-western Peninsular Malaysia with a total estimated population of 1.77 million (island and mainland) and total area of 1049 km2 [1][4]. Penang is one of the States that does not adopt the Solid Waste Management and Public Cleansing Act 2007 (Act 672), instead follows the Local Government Act 1976, which allows the local authority to have the power to manage waste and carry out sanitary services differs from the Federal level by working together with the local councils [5]. The approach in managing solid waste from both island and mainland is still in landfill. Waste is sent to Pulau Burung Sanitary Landfill located at Nibong Tebal, Pulau Pinang [5]. Penang State had already enforced the Waste Segregation at Source (WSAS) Policy (separation of solid waste into recyclable waste and general waste) since June 2017 in order to increase the recycling rate and prolong the lifespan of the landfill [5]. Since then, Penang has achieved the highest recycling rate of 44.04% among all States in Malaysia, and the government is continuing to pursue more sustainable solutions in the future, for instance, the improvement of segregation and management of rubbish, including plastics [6].

3. Melaka

Melaka is located in the west of Peninsular Malaysia, with a total estimated population of 0.93 million and a total area of 1712 km2 [1]. Melaka was declared a Develop State in 2010 by the OECD [7]. Since then, the state has implemented a Green City Action Plan (GCAP) to establish numerous green programs and initiatives, especially related to green technologies. One of Melaka’s primary goals is to become a “Zero Waste” State, particularly to mitigate the emission of waste-related greenhouse gases (GHGs) [7]. Melaka has adopted the practice of “‘2 + 1’ Municipal Waste Collection System” introduced by Solid Waste and Public Cleansing Management Corporation (SWCorp) and SWM Environment since 2013—a solid waste management enforcement agency that is responsible for ensuring that the municipal waste is properly segregated, collected, and transported to the landfill [7]. Based on the ‘2 + 1’ waste collection schedule, organic and non-recyclable wastes will be collected twice a week while recyclable waste (paper, plastic, etc.) are collected once a week [7]. Starting from 1st September 2015, the SAS campaign was implemented whereby all households in Melaka are required to practice waste segregation at source [7]. The Melaka government also initiated three days of ‘No Plastic Bag Day’ (for every Friday, Saturday and Sunday) in 2014 where consumers were encouraged to bring their own bags and it was extended to every day from January 2016 [8].

4. Four Key Aspects and Other Factors of Future Waste Management in Malaysia

The 13 articles reviewed, labeled from A1 to A13, showed the future suggestions and success factors as the solutions towards Malaysia’s sustainable cities based on different areas that have been identified. Table 1 shows the authors, title of the article, objectives, future suggestions, success factors, and key findings.
Table 1. Summary of selected articles on Malaysia’s household waste management.
Four factors from Table 2 would hold for smartness criteria for future cities/smart cities as reviewed in Table 1. Many elements rely on intelligent devices and infrastructure that are presumed to successfully unlock circular economy potentials [20]. However, other elements such as value-creating thinking, creativity, and cultural change are equally important. The partnerships of high degree commitment and collaboration among key stakeholders are required. Other factors such as regulation, policy, product design strategies, and technology on waste management are among the future directions to be given some emphasis. Based on the needs and future suggestions and practice, Table 2 shows the four recommended critical factors to improve Malaysia’s city waste management.
Table 2. Adapted success factors of waste management for the future cities and reviewed success factors from articles in Table 1 [21].

4.1. Technology and Data

In Malaysia, Klang Valley’s iCycle is one of the leading companies to provide the Internet of waste things and utilize machine learning to manage waste. They are using a data-centric system to track users’ recycling based on their bin location and create a recycling report for the users. For example, there are applications from AI to detect fraud waste management activity [18].
Meanwhile, according to the 10th and 11th Malaysia plans, the government of Malaysia proposed the development of waste-to-energy incineration plants in every State, particularly focusing on transforming plastic wastes into ‘green energy’ [19]. Ref. [22] also mentioned the proposed plan, which suggested Penang, and [7] of the Melaka State government should explore incineration technologies as a sustainable waste disposal option impacting the environment has to be considered. In addition, the Penang state government had developed a Trash2Treasure (T2T) smartphone app to encourage the local citizens to turn “trash into cold hard cash or trade them in for valuable items.” Moreover, practical waste-to-energy technology can also reproduce energy from anaerobic digestion to treat organic waste without combustion, is a good option and is 30% more efficient than incineration [16].

4.2. Circular Economy

Circular Economy is a systematic approach to green economic development which is transformative and characterized by new business models, innovative approaches to product design, distribution, and refurbishment/remanufacturing products [23]. The main concept (with an example of plastic waste) is visualized in Figure 1. Ref. [24] emphasizes three principles in a sustainable resource, resource conservation, cost efficiency, and human-centered design adaptation. Ref. [19] proposed that Malaysia should take a step forward by implementing a circular economy model with integrated solid waste management as a sustainable solution for complying with the ‘New Plastics Economy.’
Figure 1. Circular Economy concept for recycling plastic as reusable resources [19].
According to [25], Penang was proposed to establish an innovative Waste Industry Plan to encourage better waste management and a circular economy in the State. Similarly, Ref. [10] mentioned that the State government plans to investigate embedding the circular economy principles into their city’s waste management system. The proposed idea was to focus on mitigating the amount of waste generated to the city environment, making wastes as resources to generate economic value through continuous reuse and recycling, promoting a sustainable solution to the local waste management system, and creating new employment and investment opportunities. However, this initiative will require the participation and engagement of local entrepreneurs as well as citizens to achieve a successful circular economy in waste management.

4.3. Social Factor and Education at All Levels/Roles of Media and Public Service

Education and awareness are the key to reducing waste [26]. The amount of waste generated will continue to increase without a consciousness of environmental sustainability [26] Education at a young age is the long-term solution in addressing the waste management issue in the long term and at grassroot level.

4.3.1. Social Service on Penang

In Penang, Penang City Council has made a lot of green efforts in educating the local community and students on reducing single-use plastics, such as: educational talks, campaign, distribution of recycled bags at Bazar Ramadan during the fasting month, and distribution of “Say No to Single-Use Plastics” posters to food and beverage outlets on the island. They are likely to continue their effort in educating the public, especially on Waste Segregation at Source Policy as well as introducing recycling banks in schools [5]. Due to the disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic, all environmental campaigns and workshops organized in Penang were transferred to online using a digital platform, for example, conducting a virtual classroom for the program of ‘Virtual Green Adventure Series’ to educate the students and more younger generations about environmental care and green practices. The program is based on the United Nation Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) and is a game-based learning method that provides the students and children with fun and interactive online sessions.

4.3.2. Public Survey on the Impact of MCO on Waste Generation

Conducting a public survey is important to take public opinions into consideration as it allows critical factors to be identified, which serve as a basis for establishing effective strategies to address new emerging issues. According to a recent public survey in Penang Island [12], it was revealed that single-use plastics such as: plastic bags, containers, cutleries, and straws were in high demand due to the shift towards online shopping and food delivery services during the pandemic and lockdown. Moreover, the locals in general were aware that the unmanaged PPE waste (i.e., face masks) could cause harm to the environment and hence looking forward for solutions for these issues such as suggesting for more recycling bins including PPE waste bins to be placed in public areas or incentive programs can be initiated by government and businesses to encourage the public to practice 3R or bring their own reusable bags/food containers. The findings and recommendations from the locals provided valuable insights that can assist the policymakers and other related agencies to better cope with future similar crises.

4.3.3. A Goal to “Zero Waste” Model

Usually, zero waste is an ideal concept, a move to zero waste as a goal. It is a social movement from grassroots green initiative. The model of zero waste/or minimization of waste has been recently getting high attention by the youth.
Penang’s Zero Waste network focuses on preventing waste by strategically redesigning the life cycles of Earth’s precious resources through recycling [11]. Among the objectives are: (1) To build a zero-waste economy via carbon footprint reduction, (2) to shorten the travel time of environmentally-conscious individuals, and (3) to increase the time-cost efficiency of recycling.

4.4. Governance: Enforcement Education/Policy Law Enforcement

Among all States in Malaysia, there are only six States (Perlis, Kedah, Pahang, Negeri Sembilan, Melaka, Johor) and two Federal Territories (Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya) that have accepted and complied with Act 672 (Figure 2). The remaining seven States (Penang, Selangor, Perak, Kelantan, Terengganu, Sabah, and Sarawak) and one Federal Territory (Labuan) are not under the administration and enforcement of Act 672 [27].
Figure 2. Solid Waste Management and Public Cleansing Act 672 [28].
Under the Ministry of Housing and Local Government, the Municipal solid waste has set up the National Solid Waste Management Department as the regulatory body and the Solid Waste and Public Cleansing Management Corporation to conduct the operations. However, local authorities would continue to monitor and enforce in plastic and waste disposal approaches can be made with the enforcement of policy law and sanction imposed to the public [15]. According to [26], enforcement of regulations can control people’s behaviors and address current problems in maintaining the environment.

4.4.1. Governance on Kuala Lumpur

Kuala Lumpur is the largest city in Malaysia, and it also has the highest density of population in the country. Smart Selangor, which is the Selangor state government program, has come out with a Smart Selangor Action Plan to 2025 report, with the smart government plan for smarter communities and economy to make use of technology as a catalyst of change. The vision is to make Selangor a livable Smart State in ASEAN by the year 2025. Nature and environment are part of the plan for cleaner and greener public areas in handling domestic waste efficiently and promoting environmentally conscious communities. Smart Selangor has rated reducing domestic waste in 6th place as the citizen prioritization needs and rated clean and green Selangor and reduce domestic waste in Selangor in 9th and 10th place for citizen needs prioritization by the district [29].

4.4.2. Governance on Melaka

According to the [10], one of the major strategies to approach resilience in the city is the extended Green City Action Plan (2017–2030) aimed to improve areas in “solid waste management, energy, local industry development, energy efficiency and transport.” However, Melaka faced the present challenges in SWM that is not sustainable in the long run, insufficient material-sorting facilities and infrastructure, rapid growth of population, lack of public (residents, businesses, and industry) awareness of waste issues in the city as well as lack of maintenance of the existing dump sites [10]. Therefore, the Melaka government (MBMB) will continue to promote a sustainable waste awareness campaign to enhance the awareness of recycling practices and proper waste disposal among the residents, visitors, and businesses to protect the environment and human health.

4.4.3. Governance on Penang City

While looking specifically at how the State government (City Council) green initiatives reduce plastic waste, Penang was the first State that implemented ‘No Free Plastic Bag Policy’ (imposed charges for plastic bags) since 2009 and ‘No Single-use Plastic Policy’ since 2018 (to reduce plastic wastage) “to be in line with ‘Malaysia’s Roadmap towards Zero Single-use Plastics 2018–2030’ under the Federal government’s efforts to encourage eco-friendly products to substitute single-use plastics” [5][30]. Additionally, Penang took a step further in 2019 to totally ban the usage of styrofoam/polystyrene packaging [4][5].
According to the City Council of Penang, they are “aware of the plastic pollution issues” and therefore will look into the matter seriously, especially hoping to enforce a single-use plastics ban by 2023 for the sake of the future generation [4]. On the other hand, the State government are also working towards Penang 2030 vision, which aim to improve the “livability, economy, civil participation and balanced development to achieve a ‘Family-focused, Green and Smart State’ that inspire the nations” [30].


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