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Thulasya Naik, B.; Bokde, N.; Hashmi, M.F. Traditional Computer-Vision Methods Implemented in Sports. Encyclopedia. Available online: (accessed on 06 February 2025).
Thulasya Naik B, Bokde N, Hashmi MF. Traditional Computer-Vision Methods Implemented in Sports. Encyclopedia. Available at: Accessed February 06, 2025.
Thulasya Naik, Banoth, Neeraj Bokde, Mohammad Farukh Hashmi. "Traditional Computer-Vision Methods Implemented in Sports" Encyclopedia, (accessed February 06, 2025).
Thulasya Naik, B., Bokde, N., & Hashmi, M.F. (2022, May 18). Traditional Computer-Vision Methods Implemented in Sports. In Encyclopedia.
Thulasya Naik, Banoth, et al. "Traditional Computer-Vision Methods Implemented in Sports." Encyclopedia. Web. 18 May, 2022.
Traditional Computer-Vision Methods Implemented in Sports

Automatic analysis of video in sports is a possible solution to the demands of fans and professionals for various kinds of information. Analyzing videos in sports has provided a wide range of applications, which include player positions, extraction of the ball’s trajectory, content extraction, and indexing, summarization, detection of highlights, on-demand 3D reconstruction, animations, generation of virtual view, editorial content creation, virtual content insertion, visualization and enhancement of content, gameplay analysis and evaluations, identifying player’s actions, referee decisions and other fundamental elements required for the analysis of a game. Recent developments in video analysis of sports have a focus on the features of computer vision techniques, which are used to perform certain operations for which these are assigned, such as detailed complex analysis such as detection and classification of each player based on their team in every frame or by recognizing the jersey number to classify players based on their team will help to classify various events where the player is involved. In higher-level analysis, such as tracking the player or ball, many more such evaluations are to be considered for the evaluation of a player’s skills, detecting the team’s strategies, events and the formation of tactical positions such as midfield analysis in various sports such as soccer, basketball, and also various sports vision applications such as smart assistants, virtual umpires, assistance coaches. A higher-level semantic interpretation is an effective substitute, especially in situations when reduced human intervention and real-time analysis are desired for the exploitation of the delivered system outputs.

sports ball detection player tracking artificial intelligence in sports computer vision embedded paltforms

1. Basketball

Basketball is a sport played between two teams consisting of five players each. The task of this sport is to score more points than the opponent. This sport has several activities with the ball such as passing, throwing, bouncing, batting, or rolling the ball from one player to another. Physical contact with an opponent player may be a foul if the contact impedes the players’ desired movement. The advancements in computer vision techniques have effectively employed fully automated systems to replace the manual analysis of basketball sports. Recognizing the player’s action and classifying the events [1][2][3] in basketball videos helps to analyze the player’s performance. Player/ball detection and tracking in basketball videos are carried out in [4][5][6][7][8][9] but fail in assigning specific identification to avoid identity switching among the players when they cross. By estimating the pose of the player, the trajectory of the ball [10][11] is estimated from various distances to the basket. By recognizing and classifying the referee’s signals [12], player behavior can be assessed and highlights of the game can be extracted [13]. The behavior of a basketball team [14] can be characterized by the dynamics of space creation presented in [15][16][17][18][19][20] that works to counteract space creation dynamics with a defensive play presented in [21]. By detecting the specific location of the player and ball in the basketball court, the player movement can be predicted [22] and the ball trajectory [23][24][25] can be generated in three dimensions which is a complicated task. It is also necessary to study the extraction of basketball players’ shooting motion trajectory, combined with the image feature analysis method of basketball shooting, to reconstruct and quantitatively track the basketball players’ shooting motion trajectory [26][27][28][29]. However, it is difficult to analyze the game data for each play such as the ball tracking or motion of the players in the game, because the situation of the game changes rapidly, and the structure of the data is complicated. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the real-time gameplay [30]Table 1 summarizes various proposed methodologies used to complete various challenging tasks in basketball sport including their limitations.
Table 1. Studies in basketball.

2. Soccer

Soccer is played using football, and eleven players in two teams compete to deliver the ball into the other team’s goal, thereby scoring a goal. The players confuse each other by changing their speed or direction unexpectedly. Due to them having the same jersey color, players look almost identical and are frequently possess the ball, which leads to severe occlusions and tracking ambiguities. In such a case, a jersey number must be detected to recognize the player [32]. Accurate tracking [33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44] by detection [45][46][47][48] of multiple soccer players as well as the ball in real-time is a major challenge to evaluate the performance of the players, to find their relative positions at regular intervals, and to link spatiotemporal data to extract trajectories. The systems which evaluate the player [49] or team performance [50] have the potential to understand the game’s aspects, which are not obvious to the human eye. These systems are able to evaluate the activities of players successfully [51] such as the distance covered by players, shot detection [52][53], the number of sprints, player’s position, and their movements [54][55], the player’s relative position concerning other players, possession [56] of the soccer ball and motion/gesture recognition of the referee [57], predicting player trajectories for shot situations [58]. The generated data can be used to evaluate individual player performance, occlusion handling [59] by the detecting position of the player [60], action recognition [61], predicting and classifying the passes [62][63][64], key event extraction [65][66][67][68][69][70][71][72][73][74], tactical performance of the team [75][76][77][78][79], and analyzing the team’s tactics based on the team formation [80][81][82], along with generating highlights [83][84][85][86]Table 2 summarizes various proposed methodologies to resolve various challenging tasks in soccer with their limitations.
Table 2. Studies in Soccer.

3. Cricket

In many aspects of cricket as well, computer vision techniques can effectively replace manual analysis. A cricket match has many observable elements including batting shots [87][88][89][90][91][92][93][94], bowling performance [95][96][97][98][99][100], number of runs or score depending on ball movement, detecting and estimating the trajectory of the ball [101], decision making on placement of players’ feet [102], outcome classification to generate commentary [103][104], detecting umpire decision [105][106]. Predicting an individual cricketer’s performance [107][108] based upon his past record can be critical in team member selection at international competitions. Such process are highly subjective and usually require much expertise and negotiation decision-making. By predicting the results of cricket matches [109][110][111][112][113] such as the toss decision, home ground, player fitness, player performance criteria [114], and other dynamic strategies the winner can be estimated. The video summarization process gives a compact version of the original video for ease in managing the interesting video contents. Moreover, the video summarization methods capture the interest of the viewer by capturing exciting events from the original video [115][116]Table 3 summarizes various proposed methodologies with their limitations to resolve various application issues in cricket.
Table 3. Studies in Cricket.

4. Tennis

Worldwide, Tennis has experienced gain a huge popularity. This game need a meticulous analysis to reducing human errors and extracting several statistics from the game’s visual feed. Automated ball and player tracking belongs to such class of systems that requires sophisticated algorithms for analysis. The primary data for tennis are obtained from ball and player tracking systems, such as HawkEye [117][118] and TennisSense [119][120]. The data from these systems can be used to detect and track the ball/player [121][122][123][124], visualizing the overall tennis match [125][126] and predicting trajectories of ball landing positions [127][128][129], player activity recognition [130][131][132], analyzing the movements of the player and ball [133], analyzing the player behavior [134] and predicting the next shot movement [135] and real-time tennis swing classification [136]Table 4 summarizes various proposed methodologies to resolve various challenging tasks in tennis with their limitations.
Table 4. Studies in Tennis.

5. Volleyball

In volleyball, two teams of six players each are placed on either side of a net. Each team attempts to ground a ball on the opposite team’s court and to score points under the defined rules. So, detecting and analyzing the player activities [137][138][139], detecting play patterns and classifying tactical behaviors [140][141][142][143], predicting league standings [144], detecting and classifying spiking skills [145][146], estimating the pose of the player [147], tracking the player [148], tracking the ball [149], etc., are the major aspects of volleyball analysis. Predicting the ball trajectory [31] in a volleyball game by observing the motion of the setter player has been conducted. Table 5 summarizes various proposed methodologies to resolve various challenging tasks in volleyball sport with their limitations.
Table 5. Studies in volleyball.

6. Hockey/Ice Hockey

Hockey, also known as Field hockey, is an outdoor game played between two teams of 11 players each. These players use sticks that are curved at the striking end to hit a small and hard ball into their opponent’s goal post. So, detecting [150] and tracking the player/hockey ball, recognizing the actions of the player [151][152][153], estimating the pose of the player [154], classifying and tracking the players of the same team or different teams [155], referee gesture analysis [156][157] and hockey ball trajectory estimation are the major aspects of hockey sport.
Ice hockey is another similar game to field hockey, with two teams with six players each, wearing skates and competing on an ice rink. All players aim to propel a vulcanized rubber disk, the puck, past a goal line and into a net guarded by a goaltender. Ice hockey is gaining huge popularity on international platforms due to its speed and frequent physical contact. So, detecting/tracking the player [158][159][160], estimating the pose of the player [161], classifying and tracking with different identification the players of the same team or different teams, tracking the ice hockey puck [162], and classification of puck possession events [163] are the major aspects of the ice hockey sport. Table 6 summarizes various proposed methodologies to resolve various challenging tasks in hockey/ice hockey with their limitations.
Table 6. Studies in hockey.

7. Badminton

Badminton is one of the most popular racket sports, which includes tactics, techniques, and precise execution movements. To improve the performance of the player, technology plays a key role in optimizing the training of players; technology determines the movements of the player [164] during training and game situations such as with action recognition [165][166][167], analyzing the performance of player [168], detecting and tracking the shuttlecock [169][170][171]Table 7 summarizes various proposed methodologies to resolve various challenging tasks in badminton with their limitations.
Table 7. Studies in badminton.

8. Miscellaneous

Player detection and tracking is the major requirement in athletic sports such as running, swimming [172][173], and cycling. In sports such as table tennis [174], squash [175][176], and golf [177], ball detection and tracking and player pose detection [178] are challenging tasks. In ball-centric sports such as rugby, American football, handball, baseball, ball/player detection [179][180][181][182][183][184][185] and tracking [186][187][188][189][190][191][192][193][194][195], analyzing the action of the player [196][197][198][199][200][201][202], event detection and classification [203][204][205][206][207], performance analysis of player [208][209][210], referee identification and gesture recognition are the major challenging tasks. Video highlight generation is a subclass of video summarization [211][212][213][214] which may be viewed as a subclass of sports video analysis. Table 8 summarizes various proposed methodologies to resolve various challenging tasks in various sports with their limitations.
Table 8. Studies in various sports.

9. Overview of Machine Learning/Deep Learning Techniques

There are multiple ways to classify, detect, and track objects to analyze the semantic levels involved in various sports. They pave the way for player localization, jersey number recognition, event classification and trajectory forecasting of the ball in a sports video with a much better interpretation of an image as a whole.
The selected AI algorithm is better if it is tested and benchmarked on different data. To evaluate the robustness of AI algorithms, some metrics are required which measure the performance of particular AI algorithms to enable better selection. Figure 1 depicts the road map of the machine learning algorithms’ general information, methods, and evaluation criteria for a particular task and required libraries/tools for training the model. Figure 2 depicts the roadmap of the deep learning algorithm selection, training, and evaluation criteria for a particular task and required libraries/tools for training the model. Figure 3 shows taxonomy of various deep learning techniques of classification [215][216][217][218][219][220], detection [221] and prediction [222][223][224] algorithms, unsupervised learning [225][226], tracking [227][228][229][230][231][232][233][234][235][236], and trajectory prediction [237][238][239][240][241][242][243][244]. Since various tasks in sports such as classification/detection, tracking, and trajectory prediction show great advantages in various sports. A bi-layered parallel training architecture in distributed computing environments was introduced in [245], which discusses the time-consuming training process of large-scale deep learning algorithms.
Figure 1. Block diagram of the road map to machine learning architecture selection and training.
Figure 2. Block diagram of the road map to deep learning architecture selection and training.
Figure 3. Overview of deep learning algorithms of classification/detection, tracking and trajectory prediction.


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